Electric cars are subsidised by the state, but not e-bikes. The bicycle lobby finds this unfair, as does the Federal Council - an opportunity for a change in transport is being missed, they argue. The government disagrees. Read the article from 2.9.2016 on SPIEGEL ONLINE "Purchase premium for e-bikes: Pedal aid from the Bundesrat".
Kategorie für Blog: Funding
The SZ article of 17 May 2016 reports on the effects of the new EU directive on real estate loans, which was transposed into German law on 21 March. It is intended to protect builders and buyers from over-indebtedness. After its introduction, fewer loans will be granted. The German banking industry is sounding the alarm: in many cases, the directive jeopardises [...]
The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) is looking for municipalities that enable new solutions for climate-, environmentally- and socially-compatible mobility in their urban districts, as well as a pleasant stay in public spaces. This includes, above all, the development and optimisation of infrastructure for walking and cycling, the linking of different mobility offers, [...]
Housing is expensive, especially in cities there is a lack of affordable housing. Build, build, build - politicians are relying on private investors here. They are supposed to solve the housing crisis. However, research by the ARD magazine Panorama shows that new private apartments are often unaffordable.
This website of the "Affordable Housing Initiative" provides an overview of funding and programmes in the building sector.
Project outlines, especially for public buildings, municipal properties and urban districts, can be submitted until 29 July as part of the new funding initiative "Solar Building & Energy Efficient City".
Billions seek eco-projects The UN's "Green Climate Fund" in the South Korean city of Songdo has a luxury problem: there is enough money. What is missing are good ideas to spend it www.taz.de/!5315954 Link www.greenclimate.fund
Several federal ministries launched new funding programmes and research initiatives in April. The common goal is to promote affordable and climate-friendly construction in order to advance the energy transition through energy-efficient and climate-friendly buildings. The building sector accounts for around 40 percent of Germany's final energy consumption and about one third of CO2 emissions. At the same time, the potential for energy and CO2 savings [...]
Since April 2016, there have been interesting changes at KfW Bank for sustainable construction: Houses in the "KfW 40" or "KfW 55" efficiency house standard will in future be eligible for an interest subsidy of €100,000 instead of €50,000, and the subsidy will double as a result. In addition, the KfW 70 house will be eligible for subsidies from the L-Bank [...].
In 2015, 939 projects with 548 million euros were newly approved by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. In the previous year, the figure was 695 projects with 373 million euros in funding. Most of the money went to wind energy, photovoltaics, energy efficiency in buildings and cities, energy storage and grid infrastructure. A detailed insight into [...]
According to the DGS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V. - German Solar Energy Society), the general conditions for solar thermal systems are more attractive than ever before, which is related to the market incentive programme (MAP) for solar thermal subsidies that was overhauled last year. After years of dwindling sales, the latest collector sales statistics from the German Solar Industry Association (BSW) and the German Heating Industry Association [...]
The BMWi and the BMBF presented the new interdepartmental funding announcement "Solar Building & Energy Efficient City" at the Berlin Energy Days 2016 (11-13 April). Its aim is to network the players in this field and create synergies. To this end, the Federal Government is providing 150 million euros within the 6th Energy Research Programme [...]
How local initiatives and associations can be supported in the development and implementation of climate protection projects at neighbourhood level was the topic of an expert meeting on 4 February at the Pestel Institute in Hanover. The participants from science and practice discussed a new funding concept of the BMUB, which supports the local implementation of climate protection within the framework of the National Climate Initiative [...].
Apply now! Climate-active municipalities and regions wanted! The "Municipal Climate Protection" competition, which has been running since 2009, is now called the "Climate-Active Municipality" competition and runs from January to the end of March 2016. © Difu /Anna Jolk The new name of the nationwide competition underlines the comprehensive commitment of municipalities to tackling the [...]
Hendricks: We can invest even more in the future. BMUB budget grows to 4.07 billion euros The federal government wants to significantly increase its spending on climate protection and the promotion of affordable housing in the coming year. "This is a very central concern for the Federal Government, but also for me personally," emphasised [...]
The Federal Environment Ministry's funding programme now offers more opportunities for your climate protection projects. With new funding priorities and improved funding for financially weak municipalities, the offer has been significantly expanded. A separate funding priority has been introduced for the renovation of day-care centres, schools, youth leisure facilities, sports facilities and swimming pools. The chances of receiving funding are good, because so far [...]
Today, the state parliament will be presented with a bill on the state's Reception Act. With this, the municipalities will receive more money for the reception, accommodation and care of asylum seekers. "The amendment to the State Reception Act will lead to a significant improvement in the financing of the task of refugee assistance for the municipalities and is an important basis for ensuring that [...]
While the sound barrier of 100,000 installed fuel cells was already broken in Japan last year, numerous heating technology suppliers presented natural gas fuel cell heaters for the first time at the ISH in Frankfurt in March of this year, which are now to conquer German boiler rooms after decades of development and testing.
in Angers, Auxerre, Châlon-sur-Saône, Grenoble, Lyon, Narbonne, Rennes" Link ecoquartiers.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/...