850 residential units, of which 40% as low-cost social housing
Keywords: CO2-neutral, Climate protection, News Blog Europe (without DE), News Blog Great Britain
850 residential units, of which 40% as low-cost social housing
(42 min.) from November 2015:
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Project Info: http://sdg21.eu/db/iba-wilhelmsburg
DE-News, Renewable, Movies, Movies 11 to 45 Min, Wood construction, IBA, News Blog Hamburg, Quarters, Aesthetics / Architecture / Building Culture
After years of separating living and working, production in the city was lost from view, outsourced from the cities. The productive city is currently the subject of intense debate, triggered by changes in production methods and new possibilities for a mix of uses. There is still a lack of nationwide studies and data analyses, especially with regard to employment effects and spatial differentiation.
On behalf of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) and the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB), the Institute for Work and Technology (IAT) from Gelsenkirchen is conducting the research project "New Spaces for the Productive City" in cooperation with the Laboratory for Urban Places and Processes in Stuttgart, Bochum University of Applied Sciences and the Institute for Employment Research Nuremberg (IAB). The project asks about the significance of urban production in German cities and municipalities. Municipal representatives from the office of the (Lord) Mayor, urban development/planning and economic development are asked to participate in the survey.
Link to the survey: www.iat.eu/limesurvey3/index.php/614737?lang=de
The survey will take about 30 minutes to complete. Participation is requested until 31.03.2022. Multiple responses from one municipality are possible. If you are interested, we will be happy to provide you with the results of the survey afterwards.
Scientific contact persons:
Kerstin Meyer (IAT), (0) 209 - 1707 113, kmeyer@iat.eu
Further information:
www.bbsr.bund.de/BBSR/DE/forschung/programme/exwost/Studien/2020/produkt... (More information on the overall project)
DE-News, Research, Communities, Urban production
Germany can still achieve its climate targets by 2030. This is shown in a new analysis by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). This would require, among other things, more rail transport, a reform of the motor vehicle tax and the restriction of fossil heating. In addition, all emissions would have to be priced and charged to the polluter. In the so-called Climate Protection Instruments Scenario 2030 (KIS-2030), the UBA has examined how additional emissions can be saved in the building, mobility, energy and industry sectors. "The model calculation clearly shows that we have a lot of catching up to do in some sectors," says UBA President Dirk Messner. "We now urgently need a constructive dialogue about where emissions can be reduced, otherwise we will miss the legal savings targets. We also need to talk honestly about how to cushion the financial burden on lower-income groups and distribute it more fairly. Currently, low-income households are often asked to pay disproportionately. Understandably, this does not exactly increase acceptance for more climate protection.
The German Climate Protection Act (KSG) provides for a 65 per cent reduction in climate-damaging emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. By 2040, emissions are to be reduced by 88 percent and net greenhouse gas neutrality is to be achieved in 2045. To this end, the KSG sets annual reduction targets by 2030 for the individual sectors. The latest projection report of theUBAfrom 2021 has shown that with the currently planned climate protection instruments, both the climate targets in 2030 and the annual savings targets will be missed.
UBA's cross-sectoral CIS-2030 now shows which concrete instruments the individual sectors can use to achieve their annual savings targets by 2030 after all. With price instruments, support programmes and new and stricter legal regulations, the course can be set at an early stage to achieve the legally prescribed savings.
In the transport and building sectors, for example, significantly greater efforts will be needed in the future to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years. The climate protection instruments used in the model calculation in these sectors only fulfil the minimum requirements. In the case of transport and buildings, the prescribed targets will probably not be met, even with a mix of very ambitious instruments and measures. In order to achieve the interim targets on the path to 2030, additional instruments that are effective in the short term would therefore be necessary.
At the same time, the HIS-2030 shows concrete options for action with which the sectoral climate targets can still be achieved: The measures described in theScenarioThe predominantly economic instruments modelled in the transport sector should be flanked by a comprehensive expansion of rail transport and a strengthening of the environmental network of primarily buses and trains.
The KIS-2030 is based on instruments similar to those currently under political discussion - such as mandatory municipal heating planning or the minimum efficiency standards for buildings currently under discussion at EU level. The KIS-2030 also assumes a ban on new monovalent oil (from 2023) and gas boilers (from 2025), which goes beyond the current government drafts for the Building Energy Act.
Based on the scenario, it is recommended for the industrial sector to use subsidies for CO2-and -free technologies. Support programmes should be designed in such a way that they do not lead to negative environmental effects due to incorrectly set framework conditions or incentives.
Source: UBA-PM of 3.7.2023
CO2-neutral, DE-News, Renewable, Climate emergency, Climate protection, New books and studies, SDG 2030, Solar thermal, Environmental policy
Since September 2018, balcony PV modules may generally be connected in every apartment. Berlin has now greatly simplified the registration process. Berliners can thus become their own energy supplier with little effort and save cash.
Stromnetz Berlin GmbH has now greatly simplified the registration process. It now only requires an A4 sheet, which can be downloaded from the company's website. Various stakeholders from the ranks of Berlin's solar associations and companies collaborated on this simplification.
Balcony modules are already available for less than 300 euros and can recoup their initial costs through saved electricity costs after about four to six years. Due to manufacturer guarantees of up to 25 years for many of the devices, returns of up to 15 percent per year are possible. Before buying, it is essential to compare offers and prices.
market overviews, the DGS - German Society for Solar Energy offers the platform pvplug.com an. In addition, MachDeinenStrom.de is considered a reputable portal.
Stakeholders, Construction and operating costs, Stock, DE-News, Communities, Tenant electricity, News Blog Berlin, PV, Quarters, Environmental policy