D - 34246 Vellmar-Nord: The urban design, with around 550 residential units on a 16-hectare site, envisages a mix of detached single houses and houses in a more compact design using semi-detached and terraced houses and multi-storey housing. In terms of size, it will be one of the largest plus-energy housing estates in Germany. The plus-energy concept takes into account heat, electricity and mobility. Start of construction: from April 2020. Completion: ~2024
Climate/energy concept: KEEA Kassel
In addition, measures for adaptation to climate change (strong greening, open water areas, rainwater use and / or infiltration) are to be implemented.
For interested parties
The city of Vellmar intends to offer building plots for private builders in the planned development area "Vellmar-Nord" in 2020. More information will be provided via the online platform "Baupilot":
Last updated: 21 December 2023
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All project/s of the planning office: ; City region: Kassel and surrounding area; Country: Germany; Characteristics: 03 - 4 floors, Eco-settlement; typology: Settlement; Thematic: 100% EEs, CHP, Building Materials Recycling, CarSharing, Ice storage, Electromobility, Energy storage, Renewable, Photovoltaics, Wood construction, NaWaRohs, PlusEnergyHouse, Plusenergiesiedlung, Solar Settlement, Electricity storage