Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

Ermekeilkarree Bonn

DSC_0002In-Entstehung_gr100px_200dpiD - 53115 Bonn: in Bonn's Südstadt, surrounded by residential buildingsThe historic buildings of the former Ermekeil barracks are located in the centre of the town, along with shops, cafés and restaurants. Größe: 2 ½ Hektar Grundstücksfläche, 643 Wohneinheiten in unterschiedlichen Wohnformen (Entwurf des Büros Reicher Haase aus Dortmund). Im Entwurf sind Wohnprojekte, Baugemeinschaften und Wohngemeinschaften vorgesehen. Die Gebäudestruktur und Platzfolge im Quartier erinnert an eine Kombination des Quartiers in Freiburg Vauban und der Struktur der Innenstadt von Florenz. Baubeginn: leider unbekannt, evtl. 2026 oder 2028?

The initiative for the civilian use of the Ermekeil barracks "Ermekeilinitiative e. V." has been campaigning for the conversion of the site since 2005. At the end of 2015, the city of Bonn held a citizens' workshop and a 3-day planning workshop with three invited planning offices, which resulted in urban development drafts that serve as the basis for further planning. Since August 2015, the barracks have been used to house refugees and since spring 2016, the BAMF has been using part of the buildings.

Up until the Corona pandemic, various cultural and professional events were regularly held on the grounds. The Ermekeil Initiative is still involved in refugee work in Bonn, runs the Ermekeil garden as an "urban gardening" project, and holds regular RepairCafes on the grounds in House 8.

After the handover to civilian use, there was a great deal of interest with many working groups and housing project initiatives for the newly developed neighbourhood with diverse activities. However, due to the lack of prospects for residential use in the near future, these have declined sharply or initiatives have looked for other sites. It is unclear what will happen next on the site.

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Inspired by successful examples from Sweden, where cohousing projects have been running successfully since the 1980s, a group that met through the Ermekeil project eight years ago is trying to bring the cohousing idea to life in Bonn. The group wants to realise a mixed-age project with a total of about 120 people in 50-60 flats.
Currently, the group, in association with the Vilich-Mühldorf community of interest, and the associated housing projects, is in an advanced stage of dialogue with the city about a building plot in the area of the Residential Park II in Vilich-Müldorf.
More info: https://ermekeil-cohousing.de

Ermekeilkaree Initiative:

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 25. April 2024

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All project/s of the planning office: richer haase; Urban region: Bonn and surrounding area; Country: Germany; Characteristics: 03 - 4 floors, 05 - 6 floors, Block Edge, Condominiums, Multi-storey housing, Residential; typology: Quartier; Thematic: Barracks conversion
