D - 68309 Mannheim: Since 2012, five largely mixed-use neighbourhoods have been developed on an area of 94 hectares on what was once the largest barracks site of the US armed forces in Germany, the so-called "Benjamin Franklin Village". Residential buildings for around 9,300 people (4,100 residential units) and around 2,000 jobs are to be created. A 50-hectare park will also be realised. Existing buildings will be used, energy-efficiently renovated and modernised, but many new buildings will also be constructed. The first residents moved in on 31 December 2017, and in December 2019 the number of residents exceeded 1,000. Completion: 2025
Charakteristik: 05 - 6 floors
D - 80335 Munich: On the site of the former Luitpold barracks and neighbouring areas, a total of around 900 flats and space for 770 workplaces are to be built in a new mixed-use urban quarter. According to a resolution passed by the city of Munich's planning committee on 20 May 2020, 370 residential units are to be built in timber construction in the "Kreativfeld", part of the creative quarter. The urban neighbourhood between Dachauer-, Loth-, Schwere-Reiter-, Heß- and Infanteriestraße will combine living and working with art, culture and knowledge. Twelve building neighbourhoods and a mixed-use area are to be created. Tenders for building cooperatives and developers are due to start soon on the "Kreativfeld" (as of 4 June 2020). Completion (1st BA Kreativfeld): ~2024
71364 Winnenden: 129 residential units in multi-family houses, chain houses, terraced houses and single-family houses on a conversion site (approx. 3.4 ha) close to the city centre, a former industrial wasteland, the new ecologically sustainable quarter was created. The focal points of the concept are an economical development, a central lake also for rainwater retention, a detailed surface and green concept, as well as a Mediterranean colour concept. Completion: 2011
53113 Bonn: Together with Weststadt, Bonn's Südstadt district is considered the largest contiguous (and preserved) Wilhelminian-style neighbourhood in Germany. Bonn-Bad Godesberg also has a large contiguous Gründerzeit neighbourhood. These neighbourhoods are considered the urban development prototype of the "city of short distances" due to the mix of uses. In addition, the building density helps to create affordable living space and the reutilisation-friendly floor plans mean that the buildings can often be used for well over 100 years. Completion: 1914
D - 13405 Berlin-Tegel: A climate-neutral urban quarter in timber construction with more than 5,000 apartments is to be built. This will make it the largest timber construction quarter in the world. In addition to the apartments, several schools, daycare centers, sports facilities, shopping opportunities and lots of greenery are also planned for the development area with 46 ha geplant. Eine starke Durchgrünung sorgt für eine klimaangepasste und wassersensible Stadtentwicklung und wirkt auch über das Quartier hinaus. Start Hochbau: voraussichtlich 2026. Geplante Fertigstellung: Mitte der 2030er Jahre
D - Frankfurt a.M. Ginnheim: The 342 existing apartments in the 19 three-storey row buildings will be renovated to improve energy efficiency (insulation and new windows) and two storeys will be added. A total of around 680 new, mainly smaller apartments are being created. 300 apartments are being built in 15 new buildings in so-called gate and bridge houses. Architecture: Stefan Forster (Frankfurt). Construction began in 2017. Completion of the storeys: End of 2019. Completion of the new buildings (post-densification): 2023.
73728 Esslingen Neue Weststadt: A "showcase neighbourhood" with 600 flats, office and commercial space as well as a new building for Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is being built on 12 hectares. The total investment volume is around 190 million euros. 30 per cent of the district's use is earmarked for commercial use. Construction of individual building blocks began in 2016 and will continue until around 2022. Planned completion: 2022
12627 Berlin: (not realized). 33 architectural firms from Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, among others, presented the design of WerkBundStadt Berlin. The plan was to build 1,100 new apartments in 38 buildings on 2.8 hectares of land. A critique of it in the deutsche bauzeitung (db) recalls the historical heritage in which the project stands: "It is laudable that the Deutscher Werkbund is speaking out with a contribution. After all, it is precisely the Werkbund housing estates from Stuttgart to Breslau, Prague, Vienna and Zurich that stand for the experimental living worlds of modernism.
51063 Cologne-Mülheim: The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has named the Stegerwaldsiedlung in the Cologne district of Mülheim as the 87th climate protection estate. With 968 kWp, it has the largest roof-integrated PV system on a housing estate in NRW and the third largest in Germany. 689 residential units of the Cologne housing estate from the 1950s were refurbished for energy efficiency and the energy generation systems were renewed. Completion: 2019
D - 28329 Bremen-Osterholz: At least 500 apartments are planned, which will offer a new home to around 1,000 Bremen residents of all ages and from different social classes and cultures. In close cooperation with the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, the Bremer Heimstiftung, as the owner of the site, is therefore not only working on new living space. Social institutions, clubs and cultural institutions will also enrich the "Ellener Hof Foundation Village" in the future. In addition, the partners are focusing on attractive green spaces. The respectful treatment of the valuable stock of trees, bushes and vegetation on the property is the basis and an integral part of all planning. Construction began on 7.9.2018. Planned completion: 2025(?)
09111 Oederan Chemnitz: 622 RESIDENTIAL UNITS. Model project for the Chemnitz technology and business park solaris, as well as the Stadtbau- und Wohnungsverwaltungsgesellschaft. 17 blocks of flats were renovated, 7 of them were equipped with 100 sqm collector surface each. Year of construction: 2000
10115 Berlin-Mitte: Gründerinnenzentrum, EnergieSystemTechnik; Construction period: 1994/95, Planning: Architekturbüro Inken Baller, Size: NF existing building - 5,724 sqm, NF new building - 1,329 sqm
10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg: "International Building Exhibition", 106 units, completed in 1987 / optimisation and redesign in 2006, grey water recycling plant for 250 tenants, saving 3 million litres of fresh water per year.
10965 Berlin: Cooperative for self-managed, social and ecological living eG. In the Möckernkiez model project, 471 residential units were created in 14 residential buildings. They were built according to the passive house standard and ecological building criteria. 0.21 parking spaces per unit. Property size: 30,000 m². It is barrier-free throughout and designed to be free of car traffic at the neighbourhood level. The Möckernkiez is located directly adjacent to the southeastern entrances of the Park am Gleisdreieck. Completion: 2018
21109 Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg: The International Building Exhibition IBA Hamburg is one of the largest urban development projects in Europe. To date, 70 projects have been realised as part of IBA Hamburg. In 2013, IBA Hamburg had a total of 1,733 apartments under construction or completed, 516 of which were modernizations. Added to this are over 100,000 square metres of commercial space, eight educational facilities, two senior citizens' residential homes, three daycare centres, four sports facilities, a commercial courtyard, a centre for artists and creative people, the extension of the Aßmann Canal and over 70 hectares of green space.
22045 Hamburg-JenfeldHAMBURG WATER Cycle®, an urban quarter with 835 residential units, 630 of them in new buildings, and commercial space for around 2000 residents is being built on 35 ha of the former Lettow-Vorbeck barracks. Project costs: approx. 250 million euros. The most far-reaching project of a decentralised water supply and disposal system currently in Europe: vacuum toilets, biogas production and waste water separation (HAMBURG WATER Cycle®). The biogas produced will be used to generate heat and electricity for the new district in a climate-neutral manner in the district's own combined heat and power plant. The project will thus enable climate-neutral living and sustainable drainage.
33649 Bielefeld-Quelle: 96 units, architect: Hans-Friedrich Bültmann, special features: all buildings are equipped with composting toilets and the highest composting toilet in Europe is located on the 5th floor. Further water measures: rainwater infiltration, own drinking water source; a reed sewage treatment plant was planned but could not be realised. Energy: BHKW, local heating network, internal cable TV, telephone distribution. Social: KiTa, craftsmen's yard, cooperative project. Economy: Development as a large plot, low-cost construction with partly much own work. Construction time: 1997
50733 Cologne-Nippes: "Autofreie Siedlung". 460 Wohnungen für ca. 1.500 Bewohner. Der Stellplatzschlüssel liegt bei 0,2 Pkw je Wohneinheit. Für die Haushalte der Siedlung und für ca. 40 Besucher wurde am Siedlungsrand ein Parkhaus mit 120 Stellplätzen gebaut. Normalerweise wären an dem Standort ca. 400 bis 500 Stellplätze erforderlich gewesen. Fertigstellung: 2013
D - 53115 Bonn: in Bonn's Südstadt, surrounded by residential buildings
54296 Trier: Total area approx. 70 ha, residential area: approx. 25 ha, Science Park and University of Trier mainly in the area of the former barracks: approx. 23 ha, green and open spaces: approx. 20 ha. Private investment in residential construction approx. 200 million euros and approx. 150 million euros in commercial construction. Approx. 850 residential units*, completion: 2015
61440 Oberursel3 new office buildings, 18 new residential buildings, GFZ: 1.06; The largest PlusEnergy quarter could have been built in Oberursel near Frankfurt with around 150 apartments and commercial use in 3 office buildings and 18 residential buildings as new buildings.
68549 Heidelberg-Bergheim: 200 residential units, 170 as new buildings and just under 30 through the refurbishment of existing buildings. The area is divided into three residential courtyards with green inner block areas, which are directly adjacent to a park with public facilities. Construction period: 1998-2001
69115 Heidelberg: Bahnstadt is the largest passive house development in the world and one of the largest new development areas in Germany with 116 ha. Electricity and heat are supplied entirely from renewable energies. 6,500 to 6,800 people will live in Bahnstadt in the future, and 5,000 to 6,000 people will work there. At the end of 2018, more than 4,000 people will live in Bahnstadt. Around 2,450 apartments have already been built - a total of around 3,700 apartments will be built.
D - 69124 Heidelberg: Under the motto Knowledge creates the city the IBA Heidelberg will take place from 2012 to 2022. One of the key projects of the IBA and its largest urban development project of international significance is the Patrick Henry Village (PHV) where once 8,000 Americans lived. An urban development vision is currently being developed for the conversion project, which covers an area of 92.7 ha, under the leadership of urban planner Kees Christiaanse (KCAP) from Zurich. The preliminary city-wide plans envisage apartments for around 10,000 residents (approx. 4,200 residential units), as well as buildings with space for approx. 5,000 workplaces. Completion: ~2030
70191 Stuttgart: in the Rosensteinviertel, the first larger housing estate (125 WEs) with electric cars in the car-sharing fleet was built as a model project. Completion: 2016
72072 Tübingen: District development in the French Quarter for 2,500 residents. Around 150 businesses with around 700 jobs have been established. Leisure, shopping and service facilities are planned in the quarter itself or are partly available in the immediate vicinity of the quarter. This is a conversion area with former barracks of the French Army; conversion of the massive barracks buildings, which are worth preserving, to multi-storey housing or redensification on vacant, cleared areas. Completion: 2012
72072 Tübingen-French Quarter: Residential and commercial space: 3,186 m². 34 residential units in two to three-storey maisonettes and 6 commercial units. Joachim Eble architecture. Arcade access to the upper apartments. Apartment partition ceilings in board-stack concrete composite construction; toxically harmless building materials. Water play area in the residential courtyard. Total construction costs (gross): 4,650,000 euros, land costs: 550,000 euros. No basement. Completion date: 2000