23500 Lübeck-Moisling: New construction of 75 apartments as DHH (30x) and RHH (5x) in timber construction. A special feature was a high share of own work, which was credited instead of equity. Some of the houses were built as so-called "butterfly houses". The construction costs were less than 1000 Euro per sqm living space. Completion: 1999
Situated on the outskirts of the suburb of Moisling in the immediate vicinity of the Trave Valley
The overall project includes 75 homes that were built in group self-help. The builders worked 30 to 40 hours a week on the construction site in addition to their normal jobs, a total of 900 to 1,000 or more hours.
Living space upper limit of 85 sqm for a family of 4 persons
building costs not higher than 1950 DM (975 Euro) per sqm living space
The builders had a low income, in accordance with the subsidy guidelines for social housing, the housing subsidy was 60,000 to 100,000 DM per builder family.
Due to the lack of equity capital in most cases, the builders had to make personal contributions of 35,000.
Architect's office Herion http://herion-architekten-luebeck.de
Architect's office Menzel www.architekt-menzel.de/...Pennmoor
Architect's office Oldenburg
Architect Insa Schröder-Ropeter www.insa-schroeder.de
Construction area:
The project was initiated by the German Settlers' Association, which worked to ensure that the land was made available by the city and that a development plan was drawn up.
Other parties involved:
Working group for contemporary building, Kiel
Data for a semi-detached house
Property size approx. 374,00 m²
Gross floor area approx. 6.10 m x 10.50 m = 64.00 m²
average building height above ground approx. 5.50 m
enclosed space (without shed and carport) approx. 352.00 m³
Living space plus 4 sqm storage room approx. 91.00 sqm
Thermal insulation 30 % via thermal insulation regulation

Building materials
timber frame construction, timber beam ceilings, cellulose insulation
Interior walls partly as pressed straw walls
Green roofs, also the carports
Costs for a semi-detached house of the "Butterfly Houses
(including 16 % VAT)
Land and development (including proportionate common area) approx. 65,000 DM
Construction and installation costs (max. 1950,- DM/ sqm living space) approx. 170.000,- DM
house connections / outdoor facilities approx. 30.000,- DM
Architect and structural engineer fee approx. 20.000,- DM
Financing costs and miscellaneous approx. 20.000,- DM
Savings through self-help up to approx. 45,000 DM
Total costs 260.000,- DM
subsidised with low-interest loans by the state of Schleswig-Holstein
If one adds to the 35,000 wage costs the material cost portion of the own work of approx. 40,000 DM, one determines that with building costs of 165,000 DM approx. 45 % of the work in own work was furnished and only 55 % as firm achievement was assigned. The building owners therefore had to provide work in various trades.
In Kiel, the Settlers' Association obtained funds from the funding contingent for property developer measures. Financing and the application and selection process were carried out by the Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein.
Last Updated: June 19, 2020
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All project/s of the planning office: ; City region: Lübeck and surrounding area; Country: Germany; Characteristics: 01 - 02 Floors, Semi-detached house, Condominiums, Terraced house, Eco-settlement; typology: Settlement; Thematic: Building Biology, Assembly, Green roofs, Own contribution, Wood construction, Straw Bale Construction