12524 Berlin: Bruno Taut's "Tuschkastensiedlung". 128 flats in 48 storey flats in six apartment blocks and 80 detached houses in rows or as semi-detached houses with 1 to 5 rooms; gross floor area: 14,051 m². Renovation / refurbishment / extension: 1992 to 2002; extension since 2001 and new construction of apartment blocks and terraced houses since 2011. Construction: 1913 to 1916
Charakteristik: Semi-detached house
D - 13127 Berlin-Pankow: On a 23,000 sqm plot in Pankow-Französisch Buchholz, a housing estate with 84 residential units with a total living space of approx. 12,000 sqm plus a community house will be built. Predominantly renewable and healthy building materials such as wood and cellulose with positive CO2-balance sheet. In the centre of the settlement there is an orchard with a community house. The heat and electricity generation in the settlement is fossil-free. Start of construction/completion (planned): 2022/2024
D - 50181 Bedburg Kaster: Around 150 residential units on 5.6 hectares are planned in the first resource conservation housing estate of the town of Bedburg and RWE Power. The conservation of natural resources is at the forefront of this project, which is being developed under the name "Factor X", already established in specialist circles. Further key data: 55,500 square metres of living space, around 110 building plots and an extension of the forest kindergarten are planned.
D - 52249 Eschweiler: the municipality of Eschweiler has designated a second Factor X housing estate with 34 plots on 3.1 hectares in the development plan. Construction of the first houses can begin as early as April. Resource- and energy-efficient single-family houses will be built on around 30 plots and four multi-family houses will be built according to the Factor X concept. Further elements of sustainable urban development, such as extensively greened roofs and a central heat supply using wood pellets, are planned. RWE Power is the landowner and developer. The development was completed in spring 2019.
D - 52459 Inden-Altdorf: The municipality of Inden has designated a further Factor X housing estate with 50 plots in the development plan. Construction of the first houses can begin as early as April. Resource-efficient single-family homes, semi-detached houses or terraced houses based on the Factor X concept will be built. RWE Power is the land owner and developer. The development was completed in spring 2019.
D - 73262 Reichenbach an der Fils: In the district of Esslingen in Baden-Württemberg, a new neighbourhood is being built with a so-called "cold local heating network", which will not only heat the 41 houses in an environmentally friendly way in future, but will also contribute to the temperature control in summer. Photovoltaic systems, including storage, which will supply the neighbourhood with home-generated solar power around the clock, round off the energy concept. An innovative local heating supply based on geothermal energy takes centre stage.
12487 Berlin-Johannisthal: 20 houses with 22 residential units (KfW 40-60) for 70 small and large people, ecological housing project. Number of parking spaces: 0.3 PkWs/WE, 100 m² solar collectors (50 kW), 23 kW photovoltaic system, 99 kW wood pellet system (with exhaust gas heat exchanger, downstream flue gas scrubber and condensate heat exchanger), 600 m³ grey water system, completion: 2007
18507 Grimmen-Hohenwieden: Living, working and organising leisure time together - this is the concept of the SOS Village Community Grimmen-Hohenwieden. People with learning and mental disabilities are welcome, supported and encouraged in four house communities with a total of 32 places, in external training living with 25 places in eight flats, in outpatient assisted living and in the nine work areas of the workshop for disabled people (WfbM).
21035 Hamburg-Allermöhe: 36 completed units in semi-detached and terraced houses, one of the older ecological housing estates in Germany; largely built from 1985-96, the last house was built in 2003. Compost toilets, reed sewage treatment plant, biological building materials. "Interessengemeinschaft Ökologisches Bauen Allermöhe", planning/construction management: J. Lupp architect; Vollbracht und Bäumer architects; T. Keidel, M. Uhlenhaut, Hamburg; Cordes, Rotenburg/ Wümme. Awards Timber Construction Prize Northern Germany 1988.
22926 AhrensburgSite area: 6.4 ha; 15 houses with 1 - 14 flats with high ecological standards (110 units); 40% of the built-up area for commercial use. Largest residential project with living and working in Schleswig-Holstein. Completion: 2012
22926 Ahrensburg: 24 flats on 7,000 sqm plot, owners' association, KfW 40 standard, wood pellet heating and solar thermal system, ecologically safe building materials (free of asbestos, CFC, PCB and as far as possible PVC). Completion: 2007
23500 Lübeck-Moisling: New construction of 75 flats as semi-detached houses (30x) and detached houses (5x) in timber construction. A special feature was a high proportion of own labour, which was credited instead of equity. Some of the houses were built as so-called "butterfly houses". The construction costs were less than 1000 euros per square metre of living space. Completion: 1999
23617 Stockelsdorf: 24 flats in 13 terraced houses, two semi-detached houses, 1 detached house (and ... ?). Timber frame construction with solid infill (bricks) in the south façade and highly insulated infill (cellulose) in the north façades. Conservatories, combined heat and power unit, rainwater utilisation, PVC-free construction, healthy living materials and paintwork. Architectural partnership Rolf Zeschke (Bad Schwartau) & Uwe Witaszek. Completion: ~1997
23881 MöllnThe project: 26 low-energy houses in timber frame construction with plots of approx. 230 - 410 square metres have been built on a construction area of approx. 8,000 square metres in the Doktorhof area of Mölln. The aim was to save costs and space with the help of the "Quadro-Haus" concept. The estate was built with the support of the state subsidy programme "Resource-saving construction". Completion: ~1999
25524 Itzehoe: The "car-free" estate consists of 18 flats (12 semi-detached houses, 2 semi-detached houses with 3 flats each), which are organised as a homeowners' association. Approx. 1/3 of the total area is used as common property: Paths, Thingplatz, biotope and meadow etc.; planning office: Christine Appel, Itzehoe. Completion: 1998
25704 Meldorf, district of Dithmarschen: Ecological settlement "Roter Sand". In 3 years an ecological settlement with 21 WEs in single-family houses, semi-detached houses and a 4-family house was built, which is characterized by its diverse exterior design and its multi-layered social structure. Completion: 1995(?)
33649 Bielefeld-Quelle: 96 units, architect: Hans-Friedrich Bültmann, special features: all buildings are equipped with composting toilets and the highest composting toilet in Europe is located on the 5th floor. Further water measures: rainwater infiltration, own drinking water source; a reed sewage treatment plant was planned but could not be realised. Energy: BHKW, local heating network, internal cable TV, telephone distribution. Social: KiTa, craftsmen's yard, cooperative project. Economy: Development as a large plot, low-cost construction with partly much own work. Construction time: 1997
52072 Aachen-Laurensberg: "Solarsiedlung Teichstraße", 43 residential buildings in 27 terraced houses and 16 semi-detached houses, as well as two office buildings in passive house standard, on 2.5 hectares of land; partly wood pellet heating, 60 % coverage via solar thermal collectors, PV system or geothermal system. Completion: 2003
52249 Eschweiler-Dürwiß: Model settlement for resource-efficient construction. 60 plots on 3.7 ha of open space. The city of Eschweiler is developing a resource-efficient residential area together with RWE Power AG and the Aachen-based Kathy Beys Foundation. Single-family and multi-family houses, multi-generation houses, residential courtyards, etc. are to be built with a wide range of living space for families, residential communities, individualists, senior citizens, etc.
61381 Friedrichsdorf: 70,000 m² of gross building land not far from Frankfurt were developed into a residential quarter. The winner of a multi-stage selection process by the city of Friedrichsdorf, which was accompanied by NH ProjektStadt, was the FRANK Group, which developed the eco-settlement together with the Baufrösche architecture firm. Completion: 2021
78234 Engen: Passive house development in the "Hugenberg 2" building area. Wooden houses made from healthy building materials, photovoltaic modules, central wood pellet system. Architecture: Büro Mahler (Engen) and 'architektur-werkstatt' (Singen). So far, 8 flats have been built in 6 residential buildings. A plot for a double or EFH is still available. (as of 8.2016)
85276 Pfaffenhofen: On over 91,000 m2 approx. 250 residential units and commercial areas are being built. Condominiums, semi-detached and terraced houses, as well as single-family houses were built. Slightly more than 50 residential units and the daycare center were built in timber construction. There was also the possibility of acquiring plots of land and building on them yourself. Completion: 2017
24113 Kiel-Hassee: Werkgemeinschaft für Architektur und Städtebau (Heidrun Buhse, H.Schulze, a.o.), 21 dwelling units, reed sewage treatment plant, compost toilets, BHKW with local heating network, planning by architects, cooperative, participation, community house, kindergarten, architectural office, organic building form. Completion: 1992