80797 Munich: to 45% solar supplied housing estate consisting of 4 large blocks of flats as well as eight smaller town houses with a total of 319 flats (30,400 m2 floor area). The residential buildings were constructed and marketed by five property development companies. The solar district was the third of four construction phases of the Munich development "Ackermannbogen" (total size: 2,200 apartments, 500 workplaces and 9.2 ha of new green areas). Completion: 2006
The remaining other half of the demand is covered by district heating from Stadtwerke München, which has excellent emission values anyway, as it is generated in "combined heat and power". The buildings are designed to a high thermal insulation standard (low-energy construction).
On the one hand, the solar collectors are energy collectors for the solar system, on the other hand they are a permanent roof covering and fulfil the function of the roof cladding. Three of the large residential blocks are covered with the collectors, which take up almost the entire roof surface and cover a total area of approx. 3,000 m2 have. The heart of the entire system is the energy centre, which is located next to the storage facility and, for aesthetic reasons, has been integrated into the mound of the storage facility in terms of landscape planning. An innovative "absorption heat pump" is installed in the energy centre, which increases the efficiency of the entire system.
The seasonal heat storage tank has a capacity of 6,000 m3 water and has a diameter of 26 m and a clear height of 16 m. The shell is made of concrete, lined on the inside with stainless steel. On the outside, a thick insulating layer prevents heat from being lost from the reservoir. The reservoir is integrated into the green space in the form of a hill; it thus acts as a noise barrier towards the Ackermannbogen and serves as a toboggan hill in winter.
The project was funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, the City of Munich, Stadtwerke München and the developers.
Quartiersverein Ackermannbogen e.v.
Solar local heating
Final report on the accompanying research "Solar Local Heating at the Ackermannbogen in Munich" - SNAB [Duration: 04/2004 - 09/2009]:
Last Updated: May 22, 2020
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All project/s of the planning office: ; City region: Munich and surrounding area; Country: GermanyCharacteristics: ; Typology: Settlement; Thematic: Solar architecture, Solar local heating with seasonal storage, Solar Settlement, Water reservoir, Heat accumulator