From building to neighbourhood: The current issue of the specialist journal "Information on Spatial Development" (IzR), published by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), shows how entire urban districts can be developed in a climate-friendly and energy-efficient way.
Kategorie für Blog: New books and studies
Particularly strong increase in expensive large cities Between 2011 and 2016, average building land prices for owner-occupied housing rose by 27 percent across Germany, from 129 euros per square metre to 164 euros. In the major cities, the price of a square metre of building land rose by 33 percent - from a good 250 euros in 2011 to [...]
Even if the share of electric vehicles on German roads increases significantly by 2050, the demand for raw materials for electromobility can be met. Global deposits of lithium, cobalt, nickel, graphite and platinum significantly exceed the forecast demand. These are the findings of a recent analysis by the Öko-Institut commissioned by [...].
Since the first edition of the FNR brochure "Straw Insulated Buildings" in 2013, building with this environmentally friendly and cost-effective material has developed positively.
In its statement published on 2 October 2017, the German Advisory Council on the Environment calls on the incoming German government to initiate the coal phase-out without delay. The upcoming legislative period offers the last chance to set the course for an appropriate implementation of the Paris climate targets in Germany.
In its August issue, ÖKO-TEST magazine evaluated 15 different roof insulation materials, including 5 with the natureplus seal of approval. The products are mainly suitable for insulation between rafters. The good performance of conventional products made of glass and rock wool, which all achieved "good", was striking. Of the natureplus-certified products, 2 insulation materials made of wood fibres - "Gutex Thermoflex" [...]
Issue 3 of the journal IzR on sustainable urban development Four days, more than 30,000 participants, 167 states, numerous lectures, workshops and exhibitions: Habitat III, the World Summit on Human Settlements hosted by the United Nations in autumn 2016, was a major event. The result is the New Urban Agenda, a new global action programme for urban development. But how [...]
Two studies on renewable energy this week announced something that concerns everyone. One, in the journal Joule, calculates for 139 countries how the switch to one hundred percent energy from solar, wind and hydro could work by 2050. In the process, 24 million more jobs would be created than lost [...]
With 46 billion euros per year, the Federal Government favours the mining and climate-damaging burning of coal, oil and gas in Germany. This policy makes the energy transition more expensive and passes on a large part of the follow-up costs of fossil energies to society. This is the result of a study by the Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft (FÖS) [...]
Kaiserslautern (energate) - The Energy Agency Rhineland-Palatinate and the consulting firm BET Aachen have published a study on the topic of "Attractive business models with PV systems". Click here to go directly to the pdf download
The ForschungsVerbund Erneuerbare Energien (FVEE) is today publishing its latest conference volume entitled "Research for the energy transition - shaping the energy system". The papers collected here from the last annual conference present current research findings and instruments for a successful energy transition. The spectrum of contributions ranges from scenarios for the transformation of the [...]
The study "Greenhouse Gas Balancing of Timber Buildings -Implementation of New Requirements for Life Cycle Assessments and Determination of Empirical Substitution Factors (GHG Timber Construction)" led by Prof. Dr. Annette Hafner (RuhrUni Bochum) has now been published. Download:
Now available! Old building districts have a reputation for lively urbanity, which is why they are extremely popular with residents. But new buildings can also develop this charm, as the large number of successful projects in this volume of the best of DETAIL series shows. In the end, it is a question of the mixture of residential and [...]
Publisher: Sennestadt GmbH Publisher: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag 2017, 150 pages At the specialist conference week "Gutes Klima im Quartier" (Good Climate in the Neighbourhood), 250 experts from all over Germany discussed issues of sustainable and climate-friendly neighbourhood development. The seven symposia in September 2016 brought important insights, many new ideas and innovative concepts for transformation processes in the neighbourhood. [...]
On the costs of modernisation measures for tenants The Working Group on Tenancy Law in the RAV published the brochure "Modernisation as a price driver" in November 2016. It describes in detail the problematic effects of modernisation measures on tenants. In addition, the authors criticise the legal situation and call for fundamental new regulations under tenancy law.
Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2017 Topic 11: Sustainable cities and communities - make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
Extreme weather events such as heat waves, heavy rain, floods and storms do not stop at property boundaries. That is why adapting to the consequences of climate change is an issue for everyone - both for politicians and administrators, who are responsible for protecting public space, and for every private owner and tenant. Task of [...]
Gartenstadt21 is characterised by communal organisational and financing models that ensure its development and long-term maintenance Gartenstadt21 enables adaptable and sustainable models of general involvement and participation to be developed and made permanent Gartenstadt21 brings about a qualification and networking of existing settlement and open space structures in the metropolitan region Gartenstadt21 has [...]
The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) has published two brochures providing information on the portals ÖKOBAUDAT and WECOBIS. WECOBIS - Web-based ecological building materials information system Download (PDF, 5MB) ÖKOBAUDAT - Basis for life cycle assessment Download (PDF, 7MB)
(2017) Over the last 30 years, numerous tools have been developed to assess the environmental or sustainable aspects of buildings. This book discusses the role these tools can play in the implementation of the UN's 'New Urban Agenda'.
With the targets for the Climate Protection Plan 2050, the German government is pursuing ambitious plans. For the building sector, this means that a nearly climate-neutral building stock is to be achieved by 2050. The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs has launched model projects, such as Efficiency Houses Plus in Old Buildings, with which ways of achieving this [...]
Classic building material in a flexible system Wood is considered a visually and haptically appealing material, it is sustainable, renewable and usually readily available. However, the fact that wood is also suitable almost without restriction for use in multi-storey building construction is new and requires a creative approach to the previously practised method of building construction. Modern timber construction [...]
Publication of the final report The project "Energy Sufficiency - Strategies and Instruments for a Technical, Systemic and Cultural Transformation to Sustainably Limit Energy Demand in the Consumer Field of Building/Housing", funded by the BMBF, was successfully completed at the end of 2016. The project investigated how energy-sufficiency-related everyday routines, social practices and lifestyle aspects can be reconciled with the requirements of a [...]
How people live and what mobility services they find in their surroundings determine the costs and the environmental balance of their daily journeys. Municipalities and companies can reduce housing costs with measures for sustainable mobility.
How can people be helped to leave their cars behind more often for short journeys? Answers to this question are to be provided by a new project funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment. The project "Living Leads Mobility" aims to create new opportunities and offers for climate-friendly mobility in the residential environment.
The study "Method development for the description of target values for primary energy consumption and CO2 equivalent of building constructions for linking with property allocation and quality assurance up to design planning" of the RuhrUni Bochum under the direction of Prof. Dr. Annette Hafner has now been published and is available for download. Download:
Electricity from the sun and wind is too expensive? Wrong: according to new studies, green electricity is cheaper than fossil energy worldwide and in Germany.
Further decreasing investment costs for PV, wind and electric storage expected: In this regard, the Agency for Renewable Energies (AEE) publishes a new meta-analysis today. It compares the investment costs reported in 15 studies for a total of 11 energy technologies, including offshore and onshore wind energy, photovoltaics and solar thermal energy.
A socially acceptable coal phase-out is feasible and financially viable, according to the findings of an expert report commissioned by ver.di. "We calculate that in none of the scenarios will annual costs of more than 250 million euros have to be raised, even at the peak times around 2030, for early pensions, but also for retraining and [...]
More than insulation: The life cycle assessment of a house is decided by the choice of building materials. Another comparison with clear results. Click here for the life cycle assessment study by ÖkoPlus AG
More and more people are answering the question "How do we want to live?" with "Together instead of lonely." Living in community has become very popular in recent years, among young and older people alike. The forms of the new housing, house and settlement communities are diverse: from self-sufficient eco-villages to multi-generational housing projects [...]
To date, over 500 neighbourhoods have applied for funding for energy-related neighbourhood concepts. A new brochure and a travelling exhibition present practical examples and recommendations for implementation.
In 2013, ABG FRANKFURT HOLDING built an apartment building with 17 residential units at Cordierstraße 4 in Frankfurt am Main as a passive house with energy gain in an existing neighbourhood. The specified orientation of the new replacement building, which is unfavourable for solar optimisation, posed particular challenges in achieving an energy surplus in the [...]
The City Makes Future as a System. A book by Klaus Burmeister and Ben Rodenhäuser about the city as a real laboratory for living and doing business. Based on four main topics (environment/sustainability, technology/networking, urban culture/participation and social affairs/inequality), Burmeister/Rodenhäuser name ten fields of action whose potentials, but also risks for the development of urban spaces are explored. Contribution by [...]
The new report of the International Energy Agency has it all: the power supply with renewable energies is growing faster than expected - and for the first time even faster than coal-fired power. An incredible turning point. Read the whole article:
of the City of Freiburg im Breisgau Contractors: Joachim Eble Architektur, Rolf Messerschmidt, Tübingen EGS-Plan Ingenieurgesellschaft für Energie-, Gebäude- und Solartechnik mbH IER Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung, Universität Stuttgart Results: In the analysis of the total annual costs, the running costs and revenues in the utilisation phase are taken into account in addition to the capital-linked investment costs. [...]
The Federal Cabinet has adopted the Climate Protection Plan 2050 presented by Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks (SPD) by circular resolution. It is based on the guiding principle of largely neutral greenhouse gas emissions by the middle of the century. For the year 2030, it confirms the overall target of a greenhouse gas reduction of at least 55 percent compared to 1990. At the same time, this overall target is for the first time [...]
With efficiency, greater electrification and renewable energies it is possible to organise transport that is completely neutral in terms of greenhouse gases without having to accept any restrictions on growth and quality of life. This is the result of scenarios developed by the Öko-Institut and presented today in Berlin by Parliamentary State Secretary Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter. The scenarios for greenhouse gas-neutral transport were developed jointly [...]
With a press conference on 13 September, the new report to the CLUB OF ROME was presented to the public in Berlin. In addition to the authors, the Federal Minister Dr. Gerd Müller also spoke. Read the whole article:
Vision 2020 The municipality of Wüstenrot wants to be energy self-sufficient by 2020. The project "EnVisaGe - Development of a municipal plus-energy concept using the example of the municipality of Wüstenrot" is part of the EnEff:Stadt initiative and describes how, in addition to reducing primary energy use and CO₂ emissions (keyword "decarbonisation"), independence from energy imports can be achieved and local value creation strengthened [...].