69123 Heidelberg-Pfaffengrund: Water from the district heating network is stored in the storage tank and fed back in when required.
- Height: 55 meters
- Gross volume: 20,000 cubic metres
- Usable volume: 12,800 cubic metres
- Two-zone storage tank with maximum storage temperature of 115°C
- Cost: 15 million euros
- Groundbreaking ceremony was on 17 July 2017
- Commissioning of the storage facility: on 20.11.2019
- the gastronomy will be built later. The opening of the tower is planned for spring 2022
Location: Eppelheimer Straße 64, premises of the Stadtwerke Heidelberg in the Pfaffengrund district of Heidelberg
In addition to an accessible terrace on the roof of the building, there will also be a restaurant including a lounge in an enclosed area and an event room for 200 people.
Together with an energy and exercise park, which is being built in conjunction with an orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology company, the energy and future storage facility will enrich the district with new leisure facilities.
The Stadtwerke Heidelberg's energy and future storage facility has been named a lighthouse project of the International Building Exhibition (IBA).

Photos and short film of the construction process:
Architectural Design:
LAVA - Laboratory for visionary architecture Berlin
IBA Heidelberg
Last Updated: December 8, 2020
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All project/s of the planning office: ; City region: Heidelberg, Mannheim and surrounding area; Country: GermanyCharacteristics: ; Typology: Other; Thematic: Water reservoir, Heat accumulator