D – 72172 Sulz am Neckar Vöhringen: Der Green Innovation Park soll ein Innovationscampus für nationale und internationale Unternehmen werden, Start ups und Scale ups mit ganzheitlichem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch in den Bereichen Energie, Bau, Ökologie und Digitalisierung sollen sich hier als kollaborative Plattform für zukunftssichernde Innovationen und Technologien ansiedeln, Ressourcen werden miteinander geteilt und Nachhaltigkeit spiegelt sich am gesamten Campus von der Architektur bis zum Energiekonzept wider.
Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg
70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen: A hydrogen research institute that has been a listed building since 2019 Completion: 1987
D - 78315 Radolfzell on Lake Constance: Constance University of Applied Sciences designed an urban building model with examples of buildings such as offices, production facilities and warehouses. This was used to calculate the life cycle costs and emissions resulting from the energy supply. The energy supply for heating, cooling, air, light and electricity was optimised and energy requirements minimised. Companies can also utilise the knowledge gained from this for their new buildings. A hydrogen storage system was modelled as an optional scenario in the study.
70372 Stuttgart: Europe's largest wastewater heat utilisation plant will in future supply the new residential and commercial area with 850 residential units, commercial areas, parks, squares and streets on a total of 22 hectares and is thus a beacon project for renewable energies. The sewer will provide local heating and cooling via a 300 m long heat exchanger. The system has been installed since 2018 and will be put into operation as soon as the heating centre is also in full operation. The quarter is still under construction. Planned completion of the quarter: 2021
D - 68309 Mannheim: Since 2012, five largely mixed-use neighbourhoods have been developed on an area of 94 hectares on what was once the largest barracks site of the US armed forces in Germany, the so-called "Benjamin Franklin Village". Residential buildings for around 9,300 people (4,100 residential units) and around 2,000 jobs are to be created. A 50-hectare park will also be realised. Existing buildings will be used, energy-efficiently renovated and modernised, but many new buildings will also be constructed. The first residents moved in on 31 December 2017, and in December 2019 the number of residents exceeded 1,000. Completion: 2025
D - 79111 Freiburg-Dietenbach: one of the largest new development areas in Germany is being built on 110 hectares for 6,900 apartments. The intention is to create living space for 15,000 residents. Six new neighborhoods are to be developed in Freiburg's west along the Dietenbach as a climate-neutral and colorful district with short distances, open spaces, schools, sports facilities, daycare centers and shopping opportunities. It should be possible to move into the first apartments around 2025/2026. Completion: ~2035
71364 Winnenden: 129 residential units in multi-family houses, chain houses, terraced houses and single-family houses on a conversion site (approx. 3.4 ha) close to the city centre, a former industrial wasteland, the new ecologically sustainable quarter was created. The focal points of the concept are an economical development, a central lake also for rainwater retention, a detailed surface and green concept, as well as a Mediterranean colour concept. Completion: 2011
74564 Crailsheim: 250 residential units and a school with sports hall (Hirtenwiesenhalle). Solar local heat supply for the base load heat of 2000 apartments with 7,410 m² collector surface, a 39,000 m³ geothermal probe heat storage, two buffer storage tanks (100 m³ + 480 m³) and a compression heat pump (80 kW). Completion: 2008
70806 Ludwigsburg: With a collector area of 14,800 m², Stadtwerke Ludwigsburg-Kornwestheim has built the largest solar thermal plant in Germany. In a 20-meter high heat storage tank with a volume of 2,000 cubic meters, the solar-generated energy is available even when there is little or no solar radiation. The collectors collect around 5200 megawatts of heat per year, enough to supply around 300 average households. Completion: 2020
73728 Esslingen Neue Weststadt: A "showcase neighbourhood" with 600 flats, office and commercial space as well as a new building for Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is being built on 12 hectares. The total investment volume is around 190 million euros. 30 per cent of the district's use is earmarked for commercial use. Construction of individual building blocks began in 2016 and will continue until around 2022. Planned completion: 2022
D - 73262 Reichenbach an der Fils: In the district of Esslingen in Baden-Württemberg, a new neighbourhood is being built with a so-called "cold local heating network", which will not only heat the 41 houses in an environmentally friendly way in future, but will also contribute to the temperature control in summer. Photovoltaic systems, including storage, which will supply the neighbourhood with home-generated solar power around the clock, round off the energy concept. An innovative local heating supply based on geothermal energy takes centre stage.
76149 Karlsruhe: Conversion of the former U.S. housing estate. 526 units of the total of 1,651 units of this existing housing estate were built as storeys in timber frame construction in the low-energy standard. The additional storeys in timber construction alone are the largest coherent timber housing estate in Europe in the last 40 years. Completion: 2000
68259 Mannheim-Wallstadt-North: 26 hectares, 850 residential units. The primary goal was to create a settlement area that fulfils the elementary human desire for a stylish, natural living culture. This goal is achieved through an environmental concept that includes, for example, green spaces, wetland biotopes and ponds.
68549 Heidelberg-Bergheim: 200 residential units, 170 as new buildings and just under 30 through the refurbishment of existing buildings. The area is divided into three residential courtyards with green inner block areas, which are directly adjacent to a park with public facilities. Construction period: 1998-2001
69115 Heidelberg: Bahnstadt is the largest passive house development in the world and one of the largest new development areas in Germany with 116 ha. Electricity and heat are supplied entirely from renewable energies. 6,500 to 6,800 people will live in Bahnstadt in the future, and 5,000 to 6,000 people will work there. At the end of 2018, more than 4,000 people will live in Bahnstadt. Around 2,450 apartments have already been built - a total of around 3,700 apartments will be built.
D - 69124 Heidelberg: Under the motto Knowledge creates the city the IBA Heidelberg will take place from 2012 to 2022. One of the key projects of the IBA and its largest urban development project of international significance is the Patrick Henry Village (PHV) where once 8,000 Americans lived. An urban development vision is currently being developed for the conversion project, which covers an area of 92.7 ha, under the leadership of urban planner Kees Christiaanse (KCAP) from Zurich. The preliminary city-wide plans envisage apartments for around 10,000 residents (approx. 4,200 residential units), as well as buildings with space for approx. 5,000 workplaces. Completion: ~2030
70191 Stuttgart: in the Rosensteinviertel, the first larger housing estate (125 WEs) with electric cars in the car-sharing fleet was built as a model project. Completion: 2016
D - 70191 Stuttgart: the city of Stuttgart assumes 7,500 apartments (for 11,000 inhabitants) and 4,000 jobs (as of 2015) on 85 ha. Start: 2026 at the earliest; completion: ~2032
72072 Tübingen: District development in the French Quarter for 2,500 residents. Around 150 businesses with around 700 jobs have been established. Leisure, shopping and service facilities are planned in the quarter itself or are partly available in the immediate vicinity of the quarter. This is a conversion area with former barracks of the French Army; conversion of the massive barracks buildings, which are worth preserving, to multi-storey housing or redensification on vacant, cleared areas. Completion: 2012
72072 Tübingen-French Quarter: Residential and commercial space: 3,186 m². 34 residential units in two to three-storey maisonettes and 6 commercial units. Joachim Eble architecture. Arcade access to the upper apartments. Apartment partition ceilings in board-stack concrete composite construction; toxically harmless building materials. Water play area in the residential courtyard. Total construction costs (gross): 4,650,000 euros, land costs: 550,000 euros. No basement. Completion date: 2000
72074 Tübingen-Lustnau: Timeframe for implementation: Acquisition of Egeria South: February 2008; Acquisition of Egeria North: 2009; Revised urban design: July 2010; Start of construction of buildings: Spring 2012; Completion 2015, Planned area: 9.6 ha, Population: approx. 750. The building plots were sold to 25 building associations and a social developer. According to the plans, 100 jobs were to be created. Speed limit 20 km/h on the central access road.
72074 Tübingen-Lustnau: Naturally ventilated KfW Efficiency House 55 in timber construction in the new Old Weaving Mill" Quarter, Tübingen. 9 apartments and 1 commercial unit on the ground floor. Architecture: Joachim Eble Architektur. Local heat supply from biogas plant. Completion: 2014
72074 Tübingen: with 111 apartments, it is the first large ecological settlement in Germany, GFZ 0.9, open space design according to H. Kügelhaus, building biology, wooden ceilings, natural food shop, naturopathy practice, social housing, planning team: Eble, Sambeth, Oed, Häfele, the first large ecological settlement in Europe. Since 2018, the pioneer settlement is a listed building. Completion: 1985
72121Tübingen: Architecture: LogID (Dieter Schempp). The conservatories are a central element of the four terraced houses and the "green solar architecture". The window panes have a k-value of 1.4 and the heated air from the conservatories can enter the living spaces via folding elements or temperature-controlled fans. The houses are also supplied with district heating. Completion: 1988
72138 Kirchintellinsfurth: Architecture: Tree house - Architectural office for ecological building, living environment planning, research
73760 Ostfildern: Former barracks site. The settlement is designed for 8,000 inhabitants and 2,000 jobs, on 140 hectares. The connecting link and landmark is the "landscape staircase", which is a good kilometre long and 30 metres wide and slopes gently down to the south. The development of energy-efficient buildings and the use of regenerative energies was financially supported with funds from the EU research project POLYCITY (funding period 2005-2010). The complete investment volume of the project with a floor area of 480,700 m² amounts to 1.5 billion euros. German Urban Development Award 2006.
74076 Heilbronn: 22 houses are to be built and occupied in the first construction phase by 2019. The development is intended to form a compact, urban edge to the Federal Horticultural Show Heilbronn 2019. 19 renowned offices have designed the architecture for this. The usage concepts are diverse, and technical innovations are to be showcased. A four- to six-storey development is planned for the approximately 30-hectare site. Around 3,500 residents are expected to live here one day. The site is certified as a "DGNB Platinum" for urban neighbourhoods (2016 version).