52459 Inden: The aim of the settlement development was to use valuable resources more efficiently by a factor of 2 when building and living. Raw materials and building constructions were selected according to their environmental consumption and long-term costs. Regional building materials, timeless architecture, durable and maintenance-friendly constructions were given priority. Completion: 2018
Bundesland: NRW
D - 53115 Bonn: in Bonn's Südstadt, surrounded by residential buildings
53117 Bonn-Auerberg: 40 Miet-Einfamilienhäuser organisiert in zwei Hofanlagen. Massivbau mit Fassaden in Holzkonstruktion, Decke über Erdgeschoss in Holzkonstruktion. Aus ökologischen Gründen sowie zur längeren Haltbarkeit des Dachaufbaus wurde das 'Warmdach' (das sogenannte 'unbelüftete Dach') extensiv begrünt. Fertigstellung: 2003
53343 Wachtberg-Niederbachem: 11 houses with a living area between 130 and 170 sqm in timber and passive house construction. Architecture: Kay Künzel. Completion: 2004/2005
58638 Iserlohn: Street: Oestricher Str. 39 to 57, organisation and structuring of the project: Verein Wohnhof Iserlohn e.V., architecture: Energie- und umweltgerechtes Bauen, Leo Schwering. Approx. 55 people in 17 flats and 2 offices as terraced, semi-detached and detached houses, grass roof, timber frame construction, development without parking spaces (central parking spaces in front), innovative financing concept, legal form "association". 3rd prize in the 2000 Märkischer Kreis timber construction prize.
59075 Hamm: The realisation competition for "Das Gesunde Haus" in the city of Hamm was won by a North Rhine-Westphalian-Danish architectural consortium. The city of Hamm provided an approx. 9,500 m2 plot of land on Hohenhöveler Straße in Bockum-Hövel for the realisation of the winning design.
59077 Hamm: In the immediate vicinity of a central service area in the Pelkum district of Hammer, around 130 residential units have been built in ecological and at the same time cost-effective timber construction. To date (as of 12/2017), it is the largest timber housing estate in Germany. Completion: 1998
59075 Hamm: In the 1990s, 120 residential units were built on an area of approx. 3 hectares in the "Hoher Weg" ecological construction area in Hamm-Heessen. To date (as of 12/2017), it is the second-largest timber housing estate in Germany and NRW. Together with the "Heinrichstraße" timber housing estate in Hamm, it was the first major housing estate project in Hamm to be planned from the outset with primarily ecological aspects in mind and thus served as a role model for the ecological orientation of future construction areas in the Hamm urban area.
59192 Bergkamen: 27 units, "Women planning and building for women" Ebertstr. An IBA Emscher Park project
D - 40549 Düsseldorf-Heerdt: 156 WE, 60 Permakultur-Mietergärten, Ökologisches Zentrum für Angebote der ökopädagogischen Bildungsarbeit für Grundschulklassen und Kindergärten.
Weitere 20 - 30 Einfamilienhäuser (verbunden mit einem Erdwärme-Heizungsprojekt), ein Geschosswohnungsbau und ein Kindergarten sind geplant.