Größe: L (200 to 499)
CH – 8400 Winterthur: Auf dem ehemaligen Industrieareal “Werk 1” der Schweizerischen Lokomotiv- und Maschinenfabrik (SLM) entsteht in der Stadtmitte von Winterthur ein neuer Stadtteil. Entwickelt von dem Schweizer Bau- und Baudienstleistungsunternehmen Implenia soll auf dem Gebiet ein stark heterogenes Quartier mit insgesamt 750 Wohnungen, zum Teil aus Holz, mehreren Gemeinschafts- sowie Gewerbeflächen errichtet werden. Das Areal soll nachhaltig gestaltet und den Anforderungen der 2000-Watt-Gesellschaft entsprechen. Vorerst soll bis 2021 das zentral gelegene Gebäude mit dem Namen “Krokodil” mit 251 WE in Holzbauweise gebaut werden.
Fertigstellung: 2021. Fertigstellung Gesamtareal (geplant): 2025
NL - Amsterdam: the first energy-neutral hotel in Amsterdam with 700 m² of PV modules in the south and east façades. The glass roof above the atrium is also fitted with Photovoltaics which also functions as a sunshade. It was possible to dispense with an air conditioning system. Geothermal energy serves as a further energy source. Rainwater is collected to irrigate the garden in the hall. The building received an "Excellent" rating under the BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) sustainability certification system.
AT - 1210 Vienna-Florisdorf: The largest timber housing estate in Europe until 2020 was built along the Mühlweg. Three architectural firms realised a total of 250 residential units in a four-storey timber construction on three plots. The project emerged from a property developers' competition on the topic of timber and mixed timber construction in subsidised housing. The construction costs for "Construction Phase C" were €1,060 gross/m² gross floor area. Completion: 2006
02906 Niesky: In the small Saxon town of Niesky, 20 minutes by train from Görlitz, the then largest European timber construction company "Christoph & Unmack AG" (C&U) built four factory and model housing estates in timber construction with a total of 317 flats in 114 houses. Of these, around 100 model houses with more than 250 flats are still well preserved as housing estates today, most of which are in their original condition and most of which are listed buildings. They were realised between 1918 and 1940.
01109 Dresden: Hellerau is considered one of the early examples of modernism. With a spirit of experimentation, it brought together the various life-reforming currents of the spirit of optimism of the early 20th century. Hellerau is considered the "nursery" of the Werkbund and is a manifestation of its ideas. Completion: 1955
Bochum: 258 new residential spaces in passive house standard in timber hybrid construction. The buildings were constructed to the passive house standard and certified according to the criteria of the DGNB German Sustainable Building Council. The CO2-neutral building material wood also ensures a significantly improved ecological balance. Planning: ACMS Architektur GmbH, Wuppertal. Completion: 2019
NL - Culemborg: With 240 houses, it is the largest permaculture settlement in Europe and worldwide. It was built with the aim of living there in the most environmentally friendly and self-managed way possible. The founder Marleen Kaptein was convinced from the beginning that people should have the opportunity to shape their environment and take responsibility. Completion: 2009
The architects have created new, liveable living space from a building that was ready for demolition. Through the extension, the 629 individual residential units were adapted to a contemporary standard, in which the rooms were enlarged from 12 m² to 20 m² and equipped with their own bathroom and kitchen. In the course of the modernization, the old facade was removed. The new highly thermally insulated façade in timber construction was moved two metres outwards on its own foundations. Completion: 2003
45897 Gelsenkirchen-Schaffrath: by 2018, it was the largest German solar housing estate with a peak output of 825 kWp. The 71 existing buildings with a total of 422 apartments and 27,420 m² of living space were renovated for energy efficiency. Operator: THS Wohnen GmbH (today: VIVAWEST Wohnen GmbH). Completion: 2008
21109 Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg: 2017 the largest wooden house in Hamburg. The six storeys consist of 371 wooden modules measuring just under 20 square metres, which are stacked on top of each other in pre-assembled form. The individual modules weigh more than nine tons and are virtually ready-made student apartments, including bathroom, kitchenette and bed. Only the foundation and the staircases are made of concrete. A furnished apartment costs around 500 euros warm rent per month. Completion: 2017
10965 Berlin: Cooperative for self-managed, social and ecological living eG. In the Möckernkiez model project, 471 residential units were created in 14 residential buildings. They were built according to the passive house standard and ecological building criteria. 0.21 parking spaces per unit. Property size: 30,000 m². It is barrier-free throughout and designed to be free of car traffic at the neighbourhood level. The Möckernkiez is located directly adjacent to the southeastern entrances of the Park am Gleisdreieck. Completion: 2018
12249 Berlin-Lankwitz: Apartment buildings. Elevation and redensification. Baufrösche Kassel/Berlin. 148 flats existing, 84 flats with additional storeys and 61 flats with extensions. Reconstruction: 1995 to 1998. socially acceptable redevelopment, approx. 1,420 €/m² floor space; Berlin Environmental Prize 2001.
13156 Berlin-Pankow: Consortium Winfried Brenne Architekten / Joachim Eble Architektur, 226 units, largest roof-integrated solar power system on residential buildings in Europe; research study on the costs of ecological building materials (comparison with Berlin reference house). Reference: 1999
28357 Bremen-Hollerland: 200 units (not realised); model photos, well-analysed study on the failure of the project. The most important reasons: "too sterile architecture; too expensive although low-cost construction was promised; too far outside the city; the fact that the city railway was not routed to the new district after all; generally poor construction activity; major employer in Bremen went bankrupt." However, the Hollerland project caused a lot of media hype and is regarded as a model for many other projects that have since been realised, such as "Bremen-Grünenstrasse", although not on the outskirts of the city but in the city centre.
50733 Cologne-Nippes: "Autofreie Siedlung". 460 Wohnungen für ca. 1.500 Bewohner. Der Stellplatzschlüssel liegt bei 0,2 Pkw je Wohneinheit. Für die Haushalte der Siedlung und für ca. 40 Besucher wurde am Siedlungsrand ein Parkhaus mit 120 Stellplätzen gebaut. Normalerweise wären an dem Standort ca. 400 bis 500 Stellplätze erforderlich gewesen. Fertigstellung: 2013
Cologne-Niehl: Redevelopment and addition of 11 apartment blocks with rental apartments. 300 flats before refurbishment, 345 flats after refurbishment. Average 47 m² before refurbishment, approx. 55 m² after refurbishment. Architecture: ARCHPLAN Münster. Client: State development company (LEG Wohnen NRW). Completion: 2010
61381 Friedrichsdorf: 70,000 m² of gross building land not far from Frankfurt were developed into a residential quarter. The winner of a multi-stage selection process by the city of Friedrichsdorf, which was accompanied by NH ProjektStadt, was the FRANK Group, which developed the eco-settlement together with the Baufrösche architecture firm. Completion: 2021
68549 Heidelberg-Bergheim: 200 residential units, 170 as new buildings and just under 30 through the refurbishment of existing buildings. The area is divided into three residential courtyards with green inner block areas, which are directly adjacent to a park with public facilities. Construction period: 1998-2001
72074 Tübingen-Lustnau: Timeframe for implementation: Acquisition of Egeria South: February 2008; Acquisition of Egeria North: 2009; Revised urban design: July 2010; Start of construction of buildings: Spring 2012; Completion 2015, Planned area: 9.6 ha, Population: approx. 750. The building plots were sold to 25 building associations and a social developer. According to the plans, 100 jobs were to be created. Speed limit 20 km/h on the central access road.
80797 Munich: to 45% solar supplied housing estate consisting of 4 large blocks of flats as well as eight smaller town houses with a total of 319 flats (30,400 m2 floor space). The residential buildings were constructed and marketed by five property development companies. The solar district heating neighbourhood was the third of four construction phases of the "Ackermannbogen" development area in Munich (total size: 2,200 flats, 500 workplaces and 9.2 hectares of new green space). Completion: 2006