Charakteristik: Cooperative
D - 30539 Hanover Kronsberg: adjacent to the Expo-Settlement Hanover-Kronsberg soll das "ecovillage Kronsberg" entstehen. Träger ist die Genossenschaft ecovillage hannover eG, die 2019 gegründet wurde. Die Genossenschaft hat das 49.300 m² große Grundstück 2021 von der Stadt Hannover gekauft. Ab 5/2024 befindet sich die Genossenschaft in einem Insolvenzverfahren in Eigenverwaltung. Fertigstellung: ?
99425 Weimar: In the cooperative "Wohnprojekt Ro70 eG" committed people have come together to transform a former hospital in Weimar into Thuringia's largest intergenerational housing project to transform. As of 2020, nearly 130 adults and 70 children live here together in a vibrant neighborhood. Completion: 2020
12524 Berlin: Bruno Taut's "Tuschkastensiedlung". 128 flats in 48 storey flats in six apartment blocks and 80 detached houses in rows or as semi-detached houses with 1 to 5 rooms; gross floor area: 14,051 m². Renovation / refurbishment / extension: 1992 to 2002; extension since 2001 and new construction of apartment blocks and terraced houses since 2011. Construction: 1913 to 1916
CH - 8005 Zurich: 100 apartments in 4 buildings with a total floor space of 11866 m². Infrastructure in the neighbourhood: restaurant, hairdresser, flower and fruit shop, a consumer depot with organic vegetables (opening hours in the off-peak hours), the "Pantoffelbar" with drinks around the clock, a guest room and a large common room with kitchen on the roof. The "Hardturm Settlement" as it is called by the "Kraftwerk 1" building and housing cooperative, which according to common definition would be called a quarter due to the building density and the mix of uses, is located in the Zurich West district. Completion: Completion: 2001
01109 Dresden: Hellerau is considered one of the early examples of modernism. With a spirit of experimentation, it brought together the various life-reforming currents of the spirit of optimism of the early 20th century. Hellerau is considered the "nursery" of the Werkbund and is a manifestation of its ideas. Completion: 1955
D - 13405 Berlin-Tegel: A climate-neutral urban quarter in timber construction with more than 5,000 apartments is to be built. This will make it the largest timber construction quarter in the world. In addition to the apartments, several schools, daycare centers, sports facilities, shopping opportunities and lots of greenery are also planned for the development area with 46 ha geplant. Eine starke Durchgrünung sorgt für eine klimaangepasste und wassersensible Stadtentwicklung und wirkt auch über das Quartier hinaus. Start Hochbau: voraussichtlich 2026. Geplante Fertigstellung: Mitte der 2030er Jahre
CH - Winterthur: Das Mehrgenerationenhaus Giesserei liegt in Oberwinterthur, im Stadtzentrum Neuhegi unmittelbar am Eulachpark. Es verfügt über 155 Wohnungen und 14 Gewerbebetriebe. Die Gebäude sind in ökologischer Holzbauweise erstellt und erfüllen den Minergie-P-Eco-Standard. Die Giesserei gilt mit nur 0,2 Parkplätzen pro Wohnung und 480 Veloständern als autofreie Siedlung. Grundstücksfläche: 11 000 m². Fertigstellung: 2013
D - 40625 Düsseldorf: The initiative "Wohnen mit Kindern e.V." (Living with Children) is planning its fourth community housing project in the Düsseldorf city area with 23 residential units. The association has already successfully realized a cooperative-oriented project on Otto-Petersen Straße (1995) as well as two condominium projects in Gerresheim, qbus (2013) and wmk3 (2017). The association aims to create attractive and affordable housing for families with children in particular. All projects realized to date have been planned and occupied by residents in different life situations and are thus genuine multigenerational housing projects. In September 2020, the construction group purchased a plot in the Quellenbusch development area in Gerresheim. Planned completion: approx. 2022
10115 Berlin-Mitte: Gründerinnenzentrum, EnergieSystemTechnik; Construction period: 1994/95, Planning: Architekturbüro Inken Baller, Size: NF existing building - 5,724 sqm, NF new building - 1,329 sqm
10965 Berlin: Cooperative for self-managed, social and ecological living eG. In the Möckernkiez model project, 471 residential units were created in 14 residential buildings. They were built according to the passive house standard and ecological building criteria. 0.21 parking spaces per unit. Property size: 30,000 m². It is barrier-free throughout and designed to be free of car traffic at the neighbourhood level. The Möckernkiez is located directly adjacent to the southeastern entrances of the Park am Gleisdreieck. Completion: 2018
12351 Berlin-Neukölln: Atrium-Living courts les Palétuviers, 21 WE, Arch. Fritz Matzinger, project address: Ibisweg 19. From originally 600 interested parties, two atrium houses were built for a housing cooperative for 21 people. Construction period: 1990 to 1992
16515 Oranienburg: The Eden Estate was founded in 1893 as "Vegetarische Obstbaukolonie Eden e.G.m.b.H.". The 18 founding members aimed to create "a co-operative settlement on a land reform basis, exclusively for vegetarians". In 1901, the articles of association were amended and since then, anyone who was "committed to a healthy lifestyle" could become a member of the co-operative. The Eden garden city estate developed a multi-layered horticulture. To this day, there is a guideline "Organic horticulture" and specifications for the "Ecological building and settlement". Completion: 1914
22844 Norderstedt: 36 terraced houses in low-energy construction, all roofs are completely greened, combined heat and power plant. Completion: ~2002
33649 Bielefeld-Quelle: 96 units, architect: Hans-Friedrich Bültmann, special features: all buildings are equipped with composting toilets and the highest composting toilet in Europe is located on the 5th floor. Further water measures: rainwater infiltration, own drinking water source; a reed sewage treatment plant was planned but could not be realised. Energy: BHKW, local heating network, internal cable TV, telephone distribution. Social: KiTa, craftsmen's yard, cooperative project. Economy: Development as a large plot, low-cost construction with partly much own work. Construction time: 1997
D - 38489 Beetzendorf-Poppau: Here a new village for 300 inhabitants has been built since 1997. With currently 150 residents (approx. 60 units), a new self-sufficient village has been built since 1997, which enables people to live a sustainable lifestyle. There are 8 residential buildings plus the Regiohaus/Seminarzentrum, built in low-energy to passive house standards, in Sieben Linden (as of 10/2016). A straw-built guest house with 15 guest rooms is to be built in 2017/18.
59192 Bergkamen: 27 units, "Women planning and building for women" Ebertstr. An IBA Emscher Park project
D - 74594 Kreßberg: "Schloss Tempelhof" is a grassroots community that has existed in northern Baden-Württemberg since 2010. Almost 150 residents live on the 30-hectare village site. The ecovillage community is set to grow to 300 residents. The community practises solidarity agriculture based on permaculture principles. There are jobs in a market garden, animal husbandry, cheese dairy, beekeeping, bakery and in the kitchen. Others have been created in the seminar centre, the building sector, the administration and the Free Montessori School.
81829 Munich-Riem: 49 apartments, common rooms as well as a commercial unit, ultra-low energy house with passive house standard, controlled living space ventilation, barrier-free planning
81927 Munich: Germany's largest contiguous timber housing estate with 566 flats in timber or timber hybrid construction has been built in the Oberföhring district. Different building types up to 7-storey houses were built in timber construction. The approximately 30-hectare site of the former Prinz Eugen barracks is located in the Bogenhausen neighbourhood (district 13). The flats were realised by building associations, cooperatives, municipal and independent developers, which means that a wide range of housing can be offered for a wide variety of housing needs: for rent and ownership, in different building types, for all household sizes and income groups and alternative forms of housing. Completion: 2020
81829 Munich, Messestadt Riem: 28 apartments, including 6 maisonettes, in 2 houses, low-energy construction. Completion 2001
84478 Waldkraiburg: A housing estate with 62 apartments, 2 shops, 2 offices and an underground car park with 54 parking spaces, in the concept of a garden city. Completion: 1994/95
Cooperative for social, ecological and self-managed living Wogeno was founded in 1993 and entered in the register as a cooperative in 1994 and has since established itself as an umbrella cooperative. As of 1.1.2016, WOGENO has a total of 19 houses in Munich with 530 apartments occupied by WOGENO members. The newest Wogeno house is the [...]