D – 72172 Sulz am Neckar Vöhringen: Der Green Innovation Park soll ein Innovationscampus für nationale und internationale Unternehmen werden, Start ups und Scale ups mit ganzheitlichem Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch in den Bereichen Energie, Bau, Ökologie und Digitalisierung sollen sich hier als kollaborative Plattform für zukunftssichernde Innovationen und Technologien ansiedeln, Ressourcen werden miteinander geteilt und Nachhaltigkeit spiegelt sich am gesamten Campus von der Architektur bis zum Energiekonzept wider.
D – 13405 Berlin: In direkter Nachbarschaft zum durch die Fachpresse bekannten „Schumacher Quartier“ ensteht auf einer Fläche von 202 ha ein Innovationspark für urbane Technologien: Berlin TXL – The Urban Tech Republic. Die grünen Zukunftstechnologien, die in der Urban Tech Republic entwickelt und produziert werden, sollen u.a. auch direkt bei der Entwicklung des neuen Schumacher Holzbau-Quartiers zur Anwendung kommen. Neben den geplanten 5000 Wohnungen für mehr als 10.000 Menschen sollen auch alle weiteren Einrichtungen wie Schulen, Kitas, Sportanlagen, Einkaufsmöglichkeiten so weit es geht in Holzbauweise entstehen. Insgesamt umfasst das Gesamtgebiet Berlin TXL (Wohnquartiere, Innovationspark und großzügiger Grünflächen) eine Fläche von 500 ha.
D – 51465 Bergisch Gladbach: Das Energiekonzept des Zanders-Areals basiert auf einer nachhaltigen und effizienten Nutzung von Energie. Es umfasst die Verwendung erneuerbarer Energien wie Solarenergie und Biomasse, um den Energiebedarf des Areals zu decken. Das Ziel ist es, eine umweltfreundliche und ressourcenschonende Energieversorgung zu gewährleisten.
CH – 8400 Winterthur: Auf dem ehemaligen Industrieareal “Werk 1” der Schweizerischen Lokomotiv- und Maschinenfabrik (SLM) entsteht in der Stadtmitte von Winterthur ein neuer Stadtteil. Entwickelt von dem Schweizer Bau- und Baudienstleistungsunternehmen Implenia soll auf dem Gebiet ein stark heterogenes Quartier mit insgesamt 750 Wohnungen, zum Teil aus Holz, mehreren Gemeinschafts- sowie Gewerbeflächen errichtet werden. Das Areal soll nachhaltig gestaltet und den Anforderungen der 2000-Watt-Gesellschaft entsprechen. Vorerst soll bis 2021 das zentral gelegene Gebäude mit dem Namen “Krokodil” mit 251 WE in Holzbauweise gebaut werden.
Fertigstellung: 2021. Fertigstellung Gesamtareal (geplant): 2025
70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen: A hydrogen research institute that has been a listed building since 2019 Completion: 1987
80997 Munich-Untermenzing: A total of 1,300 flats in timber hybrid construction are to be built on the 12-hectare site. There will also be a three-form entry primary school, daycare centres, a neighbourhood square with a café and small local amenities as well as an extensive public green park. With 1,300 residential units in timber construction, it will be the largest timber housing estate in Bavaria and one of the top 5 in Europe. Completion: 2030
D - 53340 Meckenheim: The aim of the Bio-Innovation Park development is to establish a coherent area of expertise of high quality in terms of content and space. To this end, it is essential to differentiate the respective areas according to different location qualities (1a, 1b, 2) in order to formulate and maintain specific quality requirements for potential investors at 1a locations. In this way, it is possible to develop a high-quality "showcase" in the direction of the main axes of the Rhineland Bio-Innovation Park.
D - 78315 Radolfzell on Lake Constance: Constance University of Applied Sciences designed an urban building model with examples of buildings such as offices, production facilities and warehouses. This was used to calculate the life cycle costs and emissions resulting from the energy supply. The energy supply for heating, cooling, air, light and electricity was optimised and energy requirements minimised. Companies can also utilise the knowledge gained from this for their new buildings. A hydrogen storage system was modelled as an optional scenario in the study.
70372 Stuttgart: Europe's largest wastewater heat utilisation plant will in future supply the new residential and commercial area with 850 residential units, commercial areas, parks, squares and streets on a total of 22 hectares and is thus a beacon project for renewable energies. The sewer will provide local heating and cooling via a 300 m long heat exchanger. The system has been installed since 2018 and will be put into operation as soon as the heating centre is also in full operation. The quarter is still under construction. Planned completion of the quarter: 2021
NL - Amsterdam: the first energy-neutral hotel in Amsterdam with 700 m² of PV modules in the south and east façades. The glass roof above the atrium is also fitted with Photovoltaics which also functions as a sunshade. It was possible to dispense with an air conditioning system. Geothermal energy serves as a further energy source. Rainwater is collected to irrigate the garden in the hall. The building received an "Excellent" rating under the BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) sustainability certification system.
D - 30539 Hanover Kronsberg: adjacent to the Expo-Settlement Hanover-Kronsberg soll das "ecovillage Kronsberg" entstehen. Träger ist die Genossenschaft ecovillage hannover eG, die 2019 gegründet wurde. Die Genossenschaft hat das 49.300 m² große Grundstück 2021 von der Stadt Hannover gekauft. Ab 5/2024 befindet sich die Genossenschaft in einem Insolvenzverfahren in Eigenverwaltung. Fertigstellung: ?
99425 Weimar: In the cooperative "Wohnprojekt Ro70 eG" committed people have come together to transform a former hospital in Weimar into Thuringia's largest intergenerational housing project to transform. As of 2020, nearly 130 adults and 70 children live here together in a vibrant neighborhood. Completion: 2020
AT - 1210 Vienna-Florisdorf: The largest timber housing estate in Europe until 2020 was built along the Mühlweg. Three architectural firms realised a total of 250 residential units in a four-storey timber construction on three plots. The project emerged from a property developers' competition on the topic of timber and mixed timber construction in subsidised housing. The construction costs for "Construction Phase C" were €1,060 gross/m² gross floor area. Completion: 2006
85057 Ingolstadt: 132 WE + 2 community houses as prefabricated 3-storey timber frame construction. 795 €/m2 (<=> 1,590.70 DM/sqm WF; 159,714.29 DM/WE). Developed as part of the "Siedlungsmodelle Bayern" programme. It is the first "real" timber housing estate with over 100 residential units, at least in Europe. Architecture: Sampo Widmann project consortium with Prof Hermann Schröder. Property developer: Gemeinnützige Wohnungsgesellschaft Ingolstadt. Completion: 1994
D - 52459 Schophoven: in Schophoven, on the probable shore edge of the Indesee, a prototypical quarter will be created to serve as a model settlement. Here, work is being done on a structural realisation of the quarter and a transferability of the planning principles to other locations in the Rhenish mining area. Completion: ~2025
D - 68309 Mannheim: Since 2012, five largely mixed-use neighbourhoods have been developed on an area of 94 hectares on what was once the largest barracks site of the US armed forces in Germany, the so-called "Benjamin Franklin Village". Residential buildings for around 9,300 people (4,100 residential units) and around 2,000 jobs are to be created. A 50-hectare park will also be realised. Existing buildings will be used, energy-efficiently renovated and modernised, but many new buildings will also be constructed. The first residents moved in on 31 December 2017, and in December 2019 the number of residents exceeded 1,000. Completion: 2025
85665 Moosach: In the community of Moosach, the cooperative Regenerative Energie Ebersberg eG and the company NATURSTROM AG have implemented a solar local heating network with a collector field of 1067 sqm and a buffer storage of 100 cubic meters. If the sun is not enough, a biomass boiler supports the energy supply. This is fed with wood chips from the region of maximum 40 kilometers. Completion: 2018
D - 20457 Hamburg Baakenhafen: das achtgeschossige Stadthaus in der Hamburger Hafencity wird mit 52 Wohnungen als ökologisch-sozialer Gesamtorganismus für ca. 180 Bewohner realisiert. Die konsequente ökologische Ausrichtung des Gebäudekonzepts sorgt für einen niedrigen ökologischen Fußabdruck über den gesamten Lebenszyklus: Massivholzbauweise (Brettstapel), Solarstromanlagen an Fassade und auf dem Dach, Wasser- und Biomassekreislaufsysteme mit Grauwasserrecycling und Terra-Preta-Produktion, intensive Fassadenbegrünung und das Gewächshaus zum Gemüseanbau auf dem Dach. Der Entwurf wurde im we-house Realisierungswettbewerb Baakenhafen mit dem ersten Preis ausgezeichnet. Fertigstellung: 2025/2026
12524 Berlin: Bruno Taut's "Tuschkastensiedlung". 128 flats in 48 storey flats in six apartment blocks and 80 detached houses in rows or as semi-detached houses with 1 to 5 rooms; gross floor area: 14,051 m². Renovation / refurbishment / extension: 1992 to 2002; extension since 2001 and new construction of apartment blocks and terraced houses since 2011. Construction: 1913 to 1916
D - 79111 Freiburg-Dietenbach: one of the largest new development areas in Germany is being built on 110 hectares for 6,900 apartments. The intention is to create living space for 15,000 residents. Six new neighborhoods are to be developed in Freiburg's west along the Dietenbach as a climate-neutral and colorful district with short distances, open spaces, schools, sports facilities, daycare centers and shopping opportunities. It should be possible to move into the first apartments around 2025/2026. Completion: ~2035
D - 80335 Munich: On the site of the former Luitpold barracks and neighbouring areas, a total of around 900 flats and space for 770 workplaces are to be built in a new mixed-use urban quarter. According to a resolution passed by the city of Munich's planning committee on 20 May 2020, 370 residential units are to be built in timber construction in the "Kreativfeld", part of the creative quarter. The urban neighbourhood between Dachauer-, Loth-, Schwere-Reiter-, Heß- and Infanteriestraße will combine living and working with art, culture and knowledge. Twelve building neighbourhoods and a mixed-use area are to be created. Tenders for building cooperatives and developers are due to start soon on the "Kreativfeld" (as of 4 June 2020). Completion (1st BA Kreativfeld): ~2024
02906 Niesky: In the small Saxon town of Niesky, 20 minutes by train from Görlitz, the then largest European timber construction company "Christoph & Unmack AG" (C&U) built four factory and model housing estates in timber construction with a total of 317 flats in 114 houses. Of these, around 100 model houses with more than 250 flats are still well preserved as housing estates today, most of which are in their original condition and most of which are listed buildings. They were realised between 1918 and 1940.
CH - 8005 Zurich: 100 apartments in 4 buildings with a total floor space of 11866 m². Infrastructure in the neighbourhood: restaurant, hairdresser, flower and fruit shop, a consumer depot with organic vegetables (opening hours in the off-peak hours), the "Pantoffelbar" with drinks around the clock, a guest room and a large common room with kitchen on the roof. The "Hardturm Settlement" as it is called by the "Kraftwerk 1" building and housing cooperative, which according to common definition would be called a quarter due to the building density and the mix of uses, is located in the Zurich West district. Completion: Completion: 2001
NL - 1087 Amsterdam: Haveneiland is the eastern and western part of the newest neighbourhood "IJburg" in the east of Amsterdam. It was created as part of the Dutch housing development programme "VINEX "*. Like "Steigereiland" and "Rieteilanden", "Haveneiland" was built on an artificially raised island. Completion: ~2018
71364 Winnenden: 129 residential units in multi-family houses, chain houses, terraced houses and single-family houses on a conversion site (approx. 3.4 ha) close to the city centre, a former industrial wasteland, the new ecologically sustainable quarter was created. The focal points of the concept are an economical development, a central lake also for rainwater retention, a detailed surface and green concept, as well as a Mediterranean colour concept. Completion: 2011
23552 Lübeck: At the time, the Aegidienhof was the largest social housing project in Schleswig-Holstein. Here, young and old, people without and with disabilities, single people and families, live and work together in a new urban mix. The architectural firm Meyer Steffens Architekten+Stadtplaner BDA carefully renovated and converted twelve different old town houses around a large common courtyard in the complex around the Aegidienhof, which is significant in terms of architectural and cultural history. The result is 65 apartments as well as 9 studios, practices, offices, workshops and a café. Completion (modernization): 2003
AT - 1030 Vienna: it is the first house built according to the ideas and designs of the painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The house contains 50 apartments, four business premises and a doctor's practice. About 250 trees and bushes were planted on the 16 private and three communal roof terraces and on the roofs. Completion: 1986
D - 13127 Berlin-Pankow: On a 23,000 sqm plot in Pankow-Französisch Buchholz, a housing estate with 84 residential units with a total living space of approx. 12,000 sqm plus a community house will be built. Predominantly renewable and healthy building materials such as wood and cellulose with positive CO2-balance sheet. In the centre of the settlement there is an orchard with a community house. The heat and electricity generation in the settlement is fossil-free. Start of construction/completion (planned): 2022/2024
53113 Bonn: Together with Weststadt, Bonn's Südstadt district is considered the largest contiguous (and preserved) Wilhelminian-style neighbourhood in Germany. Bonn-Bad Godesberg also has a large contiguous Gründerzeit neighbourhood. These neighbourhoods are considered the urban development prototype of the "city of short distances" due to the mix of uses. In addition, the building density helps to create affordable living space and the reutilisation-friendly floor plans mean that the buildings can often be used for well over 100 years. Completion: 1914
01109 Dresden: Hellerau is considered one of the early examples of modernism. With a spirit of experimentation, it brought together the various life-reforming currents of the spirit of optimism of the early 20th century. Hellerau is considered the "nursery" of the Werkbund and is a manifestation of its ideas. Completion: 1955
12359 Berlin-Britz: The Hufeisensiedlung is part of the large housing estate Britz with a total of 1963 apartments for about 5000 residents was built as one of the first social housing estates in Berlin. The architecture of the strongly green settlement proved to be trend-setting. The architects involved in the planning were Bruno Taut, the city building councilor Martin Wagner and the garden architect Leberecht Migge. As a complete ensemble, the estate has been a listed building since 1986. Since 2008 it has been a Unesco World Heritage Site and since 2010 it has also been registered as a garden monument. Completion: 1933