"nWert", GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG's sustainability rating tool for real estate, has been recognised by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) as a sustainability rating. At the same time, GLS Bank recognises the DGNB certificate as proof when granting financing. This was announced by Dr. Christine Lemaitre of the DGNB and Dr. Matthias Morgenstern, GLS ImmoWert, on the occasion of Expo Real 2021 in Munich.
Kategorie für Blog: DGNB
A new study from Denmark takes a look at the costs of sustainable building construction and shows that more sustainable does not automatically mean more expensive. On the contrary. The study by Buus Consult on behalf of the DGNB system partner from Denmark, the Green Building Council Denmark, now provides clarity. In the study, it takes a close look at 37 DGNB-certified buildings.
The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB e.V.) has published a new report explaining how buildings can contribute to the United Nations' global sustainability goals. The publication compares the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the potential influence of sustainable planning and construction. Architects and planners, as well as building owners and municipalities, are thus provided with orientation as to how they can meaningfully become active in terms of sustainable development. The report also offers a comparison of the SDGs with the criteria of various DGNB certification systems. This shows: Up to 15 of the 17 SDGs are addressed in the context of the DGNB certification of a building project.
With the architect Amandus Samsøe Sattler, the German Sustainable Building Council - DGNB e.V. has a new president. In this role, he succeeds Prof. Alexander Rudolphi, who will continue his work on the association's executive committee. The change was announced today during the DGNB Sustainability Day in Stuttgart. The election was held on the eve of the event by the ten members of the DGNB Executive Committee. Samsøe Sattler will initially take over the office until the next DGNB general meeting in the middle of next year.
Short video about the DGNB system for districts in the 2020 version. Which criteria are relevant? Which types of neighbourhoods can be certified according to DGNB?
Building products play an important role in the sustainability certification of buildings. After all, a large number of the criteria to be considered relate to their quality characteristics. To reduce the complexity of the necessary information, product labels can be helpful as independent proof of quality. With the new 2018 version of its certification system, the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) is introducing a procedure for the recognition of such product labels for the first time. For this, label providers must meet a number of requirements. Recognition can be based on three criteria within the DGNB system: responsible resource extraction, the avoidance of harmful and risky substances, and deconstruction and recycling friendliness. The first standards recognised by the DGNB are CSC, FSC, WOOD FROM HERE, Indoor Air Comfort Gold, PEFC and WiN=WiN Fair Stone.
Since January 2017, building owners who have a residential building constructed and certified in accordance with the requirements of the DGNB have the opportunity to receive a grant for construction support from KfW. This covers 50 percent of the eligible costs up to a maximum of 4,000 euros per building project.
The DGNB blog highlights sustainable building in all its facets. Leading experts from the construction and real estate industry discuss topics that move the industry. Pioneers of sustainability provide impulses that encourage people to rethink. Click here for the DGNB blog: http://blog.dgnb.de
Since 2012, the DGNB certification system has provided local authorities with a tool that helps them to optimise neighbourhoods from a sustainability perspective and to document this through an award. For this system, the DGNB has now specifically further developed the criteria catalogue and significantly reduced the scope through adjustments. This would [...]
In cooperation with the DGNB, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is organising a networking event on Interreg B - an EU programme to promote cooperation in transnational cooperation areas. The content of the event will focus on topics such as
Gold, silver and bronze" becomes "platinum, gold and silver": this is a short description of what the DGNB officially announced today. The DGNB is thus changing its award logic for the certification of buildings and urban quarters. Read in the DGNB article from 11.9.2015 what exactly is changing.