"nWert", GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG's sustainability rating tool for real estate, has been recognised by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) as a sustainability rating. At the same time, GLS Bank recognises the DGNB certificate as proof when granting financing. This was announced by Dr. Christine Lemaitre of the DGNB and Dr. Matthias Morgenstern, GLS ImmoWert, on the occasion of Expo Real 2021 in Munich.
Kategorie für Blog: Certification & Labels
A new study from Denmark takes a look at the costs of sustainable building construction and shows that more sustainable does not automatically mean more expensive. On the contrary. The study by Buus Consult on behalf of the DGNB system partner from Denmark, the Green Building Council Denmark, now provides clarity. In the study, it takes a close look at 37 DGNB-certified buildings.
The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB e.V.) has published a new report explaining how buildings can contribute to the United Nations' global sustainability goals. The publication compares the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the potential influence of sustainable planning and construction. Architects and planners, as well as building owners and municipalities, are thus provided with orientation as to how they can meaningfully become active in terms of sustainable development. The report also offers a comparison of the SDGs with the criteria of various DGNB certification systems. This shows: Up to 15 of the 17 SDGs are addressed in the context of the DGNB certification of a building project.
With the architect Amandus Samsøe Sattler, the German Sustainable Building Council - DGNB e.V. has a new president. In this role, he succeeds Prof. Alexander Rudolphi, who will continue his work on the association's executive committee. The change was announced today during the DGNB Sustainability Day in Stuttgart. The election was held on the eve of the event by the ten members of the DGNB Executive Committee. Samsøe Sattler will initially take over the office until the next DGNB general meeting in the middle of next year.
Short video about the DGNB system for districts in the 2020 version. Which criteria are relevant? Which types of neighbourhoods can be certified according to DGNB?
ROBIN WOOD has scrutinized the green electricity offers of 1,200 providers and publishes the results today in the "ROBIN WOOD Eco-Electricity Report 2020.". The environmental organization rates eight offers as recommendable. The current research report was realized with the support of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany.
(6:25 min.) published on 5.11.2019 The city of Eschweiler (North Rhine-Westphalia) has been awarded the "Climate Active Municipality 2019" climate protection prize by the Federal Ministry for the Environment in Category 1: "Resource and energy efficiency in the municipality". The city of Eschweiler is committed to more resource and climate protection with its Factor X construction areas. The prize is awarded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) as part of the National Climate Initiative (NKI), which is implemented by the German Institute of Urban Affairs gGmbh (Difu).
With funding from the federal funding programme "Unternehmen Revier", the Faktor X agency of the development company has developed an internet-based tool for easily calculating the resource efficiency of your own construction project. The tool has now undergone final testing and will be available online from September.
Building products play an important role in the sustainability certification of buildings. After all, a large number of the criteria to be considered relate to their quality characteristics. To reduce the complexity of the necessary information, product labels can be helpful as independent proof of quality. With the new 2018 version of its certification system, the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) is introducing a procedure for the recognition of such product labels for the first time. For this, label providers must meet a number of requirements. Recognition can be based on three criteria within the DGNB system: responsible resource extraction, the avoidance of harmful and risky substances, and deconstruction and recycling friendliness. The first standards recognised by the DGNB are CSC, FSC, WOOD FROM HERE, Indoor Air Comfort Gold, PEFC and WiN=WiN Fair Stone.
In addition to the established standard for certifying the sustainability of federal buildings (BNB), the Federal Ministry of Building (BBSR) has also developed a new simplified standard for small residential buildings (BNK). Within this standard, requirements are also defined for wood products and materials that must be met in order for them to receive full points here. Compliance [...]
New labelling mandatory from 1 April Since 1 April 2017, the EU energy efficiency label now also applies to wood heating systems such as pellet, woodchip and log heating systems. The energy efficiency class scale for wood heaters ranges from A++ to G, and from 26 September 2019 from A+++ to D. Pellet boilers are generally rated A+, [...]
Since February 2017, the houses of Chiemgauer Holzhaus have been able to distinguish themselves with the RAL quality mark GZ 425. This is because the solid wood houses achieve a GWP (Global Warming Potential) value of less than zero in their carbon footprint. This has been tested by the "Gütegemeinschaft CO2 neutrale Bauwerke in Holz e.V.". Taking into account all the necessary materials, such as [...]
The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) has published two brochures providing information on the portals ÖKOBAUDAT and WECOBIS. WECOBIS - Web-based ecological building materials information system Download (PDF, 5MB) www.bbsr.bund.de/...2014-16/band-07-dl.pdf ÖKOBAUDAT - Basis for life cycle assessment Download (PDF, 7MB) www.bbsr.bund.de/...2017/band-09-dl.pdf
(2017) Over the last 30 years, numerous tools have been developed to assess the environmental or sustainable aspects of buildings. This book discusses the role these tools can play in the implementation of the UN's 'New Urban Agenda'.
Since January 2017, building owners who have a residential building constructed and certified in accordance with the requirements of the DGNB have the opportunity to receive a grant for construction support from KfW. This covers 50 percent of the eligible costs up to a maximum of 4,000 euros per building project.
With the Sustainable Small House Building (BNK) quality seal, there is now a standard for detached and semi-detached houses that you can use, for example, to optimise the conditions for insurance and financing of your own home. At the first official award ceremony, our "Room for Healthy Ideas" was also awarded the top grade of 1.4.
The DGNB blog highlights sustainable building in all its facets. Leading experts from the construction and real estate industry discuss topics that move the industry. Pioneers of sustainability provide impulses that encourage people to rethink. Click here for the DGNB blog: http://blog.dgnb.de
In Jerry Yudelson's latest book, "Reinventing Green Building: Why Certification Systems Aren't Working and What We Can Do About It," published in June 2016, the American pioneer of sustainable building writes that certification systems are not advancing the needed sustainable development in the building sector quickly and substantially enough.
17:14 min, Published 12 Sep 2016 The film shows how the pioneering municipalities of Bremen, Aidlingen and Dortmund take fair trade into account in municipal procurement.
"BISKO" is neither a sausage nor a new chocolate bar, but the new "Municipal Accounting Standard". After four years of development, a methodology paper is now available that provides clear accounting rules for energy and greenhouse gas balances for municipalities in Germany. In a lengthy consultation process, coordinated and technically led by ifeu Heidelberg, [...]
The number of sustainably constructed buildings worldwide will double by 2018. This is the conclusion of the study "World Green Building Trends 2016", which was published this week by the market research organization Dodge Data & Analytics. More than 1,000 architects, engineers and building professionals from 69 countries participated in the study [...]
Since 2012, the DGNB certification system has provided local authorities with a tool that helps them to optimise neighbourhoods from a sustainability perspective and to document this through an award. For this system, the DGNB has now specifically further developed the criteria catalogue and significantly reduced the scope through adjustments. This would [...]
ExWoSt Information 48/1 (April 2016) This issue of ExWoSt Information provides an up-to-date and well-founded overview of common balancing tools and also introduces you to one that was developed as part of the ExWoSt predecessor study "Requirements for energy-efficient and climate-neutral neighbourhoods (EQ)". Publisher Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) at the Federal Office for [...]
Saturday, May 21, 2016, from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Address: 50226 Frechen | Europaallee 45 | FertighausWelt Köln/Frechen Program 11.15 a.m. Official opening and blessing of the house from 12.00 p.m. Building experts will advise you throughout the day, on the topics of "Healthy Building & Living", "Innovative Building Technology" and "Individual & Modern Architecture" Experts [...]
At the end of March 2016, the UK Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) published new criteria for the international sustainability rating for buildings (BREEAM International New Construction 2016 - NC 2016). These replace the previous rating scheme which had been on the market since 2013. Further information can be found on the website [...].
A new version of fact sheets for the Sustainable Building Assessment System (BNB) is to be published shortly. In addition, the new eBNB system for the implementation of the BNB during planning and construction is about to be launched.
In addition to the well-known ecological footprint, which describes the use of biocapacity by the population (in Germany about 2.5 times the available area), an attempt is currently being made with funds from the Ministry of Education and Research to develop an ecological handprint for positive sustainability effects. This is intended to orient consumers in the direction of a [...]
In cooperation with the DGNB, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is organising a networking event on Interreg B - an EU programme to promote cooperation in transnational cooperation areas. The content of the event will focus on topics such as
Gold, silver and bronze" becomes "platinum, gold and silver": this is a short description of what the DGNB officially announced today. The DGNB is thus changing its award logic for the certification of buildings and urban quarters. Read in the DGNB article from 11.9.2015 what exactly is changing.
The quality certificate "Quality of Life in Housing Estates" is to develop into an important orientation and control instrument for the housing industry. The first housing estates with TÜV Rheinland certification are part of the THS Group's portfolio and are located in the Ruhr region www.baulinks.de/webplugin/2007/1658.php4