In a research project of the iaw, the conceptual foundations of urban production and the productive city were prepared with a view to the situation in Bremen and analysed in their impact structure. The study makes proposals for describing and recording urban production that is compatible with the city and embedding it in an urban development policy model of a productive city. On the basis of seven reference cities (Vienna, Zurich, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Frankfurt am Main, Wuppertal, Bochum), corresponding activities were filtered out and their transferability to the city of Bremen was examined. In the city of Bremen, eight locations and neighbourhoods (including the Tabakquartier and Kellogg-Areal) were examined with regard to their potential for implementing a productive city.
Kategorie für Blog: News Blog Bremen
The parliament of Bremen wants to oblige the use of solar energy on all new and existing buildings in Bremen and Bremerhaven. Whenever the roof surface is completely renewed, they are to be equipped with a solar system in the future. This is photovoltaics and, if necessary, also solar thermal energy. The Senate is currently examining the latter.
7-storey timber (hybrid) building. 66 bathroom modules were designed as a complete technical core for the student apartments.
Nationwide, construction with wood for buildings up to the high-rise limit is to be made easier and the Model Building Code (MBO) adapted accordingly. This was adopted by the Construction Ministers' Conference (BMK) at the end of the two-day conference in Norderstedt. In addition to climate-friendly construction with a focus on wood, the topic of "affordable housing" was also on the agenda.
More greened flat roofs and preferably insect-friendly planted open spaces in new construction areas - these are the key points of a local law that the building and environment deputation is dealing with today. For new buildings with flat roofs starting from 100 square meters the greening becomes thus the obligation. Exceptions remain row houses and hall roofs, where the greening is unreasonable [...]
In an elaborate programme, NDR devoted itself to the topic of "Who owns the road? Anyone who cycles a lot will know many of the situations shown only too well. Examples from northern Germany, including Oldenburg and Hamburg, as well as the Koppenhagen model with wide and demarcated cycle paths and the first high-speed cycle path in Germany in NRW "SR1" are shown, but the sense of cycle lanes on the road is also discussed.
Federal Ministry for the Environment provides 2.4 million euros from the Climate Protection Fund The Senator for the Environment, Construction and Transport and Bremen University of Applied Sciences have jointly applied for funding in a competitive procedure in the "Federal Competition for Climate Protection in Cycling" of the National Climate Initiative (NKI) for a "Bicycle Model Quarter Alte Neustadt Bremen - from bicycle street to [...]
The prize has been organised since 2005 by the Senator for the Environment, Building and Transport in cooperation with the Federal Chamber of Architects. Previously known as the Bremer Bauherrenpreis, the competition honours the commitment of builders in Bremen and Bremerhaven. The aim is to showcase the range of services offered by housing construction in the state of Bremen [...]
17:14 min, Published 12 Sep 2016 The film shows how the pioneering municipalities of Bremen, Aidlingen and Dortmund take fair trade into account in municipal procurement.