The German Solar Energy Society e.V. (DGS) and the energy advice service of the consumer advice centre have been cooperating with each other since 1 December 2020. Consumer enquiries from both institutions are answered by the energy advisors of the consumer advice centre. In return, the DGS trains the advisors of the consumer advice centre in the subject area of plug-in solar devices.
The DGS, above all the PVplug working group, regularly receives enquiries from consumers seeking advice on the subject of plug-in solar technology. Questions on this topic are also increasingly being asked in the energy advice centres of the consumer advice centre, so that the idea of a cooperation between the two associations in the field of plug-in solar devices was obvious. Within the framework of this cooperation, the increasing number of enquiries can now be answered and the associated advice provided in a timely manner by the energy advice service of the consumer advice centre. In addition, the DGS is available to the energy consultants of the consumer advice centre as a specialist contact.
"In the cooperation, we complement each other professionally and structurally and can thus offer those seeking advice a high level of advice quality" explains Schekeb Rezazada, consultant for cooperation and networking of the energy advice of the consumer advice centre. Advice seekers can ask their individual questions about plug-in solar devices to an energy advisor at the consumer advice centre. The consultation can take place in person, by telephone or online.
The growing interest of consumers and the media in these electricity-generating household appliances, which also allow tenants and apartment owners to participate in the energy turnaround and inexpensive solar electricity, motivates us to enter into this promising cooperation with the consumer advice centres, which has already been successful in individual federal states", explains Thomas Seltmann, one of the founders of the PVplug working group at the DGS and a photovoltaics consultant at the NRW consumer advice centre.
"Only together will we be able to master the challenges of the energy transition. This cooperation between our associations is an important step on this path," emphasizes Bernhard Weyres-Borchert, President of the DGS.
German Society for Solar Energy (DGS)
The DGS was founded in Munich in 1975 and, as a non-profit association, represents the interests of consumers and users of solar energy throughout Germany. Its trademarks are independence, product neutrality and consumer proximity. It networks scientists, engineers, architects and committed people for the energy transition towards 100 percent renewable energies and publishes the oldest German-language trade journal for renewable energies, energy efficiency and energy transition, "Sonnenenergie".
Internet: www.dgs.de | www.sonnenenergie.de
In 2016, dedicated experts founded the PVplug working group in the DGS to make plug-in solar devices simpler and safer for consumers. To this end, the team also developed a special DGS safety standard, according to which suppliers can have their products certified by the DGS. In 2018, the working group received the Georg Salvamoser Award for its voluntary commitment to the reformulation of electrotechnical standards.
Information under www.pvplug.de
Energy advice from the consumer advice centre
The federal support for energy consulting of the consumer advice centre offers the largest interest-neutral consulting service on the topic of energy in Germany. Since 1978, it has accompanied private consumers into an energy-conscious future with currently around 600 energy advisors and at more than 900 locations. Every year, more than 140,000 households receive independent and neutral advice on all energy topics, such as energy saving, thermal insulation, modern heating technology and renewable energies. The energy efficiency measures brought about by the consultations in one year result in energy savings equivalent to a freight train 85 km long full of hard coal. The federal funding for energy advice provided by the consumer advice centre is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
Source: PM of DGS from 1.12.2020
Citizen Energy, DE-News, Renewable, Climate protection, PV, Build it yourself