Thüga closed the 2021 financial year with a good result. The approximately 100 municipal utilities and regional suppliers of the Thüga Group fully fulfilled their supply mandate and continued to drive forward the energy turnaround despite burdensome general conditions.
Kategorie für Blog: Citizen Energy
With the portal https://energiewendedö the University of Kassel and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen will present the initial results from the joint project "Innovative concepts and business models for sustainable bioenergy villages - climate-friendly, democratic, citizen-centred". In particular, concepts are being developed for bioenergy and biogas plants that can enable continued economic operation after the current 20-year EEG phase.
The German Solar Energy Society e.V. (DGS) and the energy advice service of the consumer advice centre have been cooperating with each other since 1 December 2020. Consumer enquiries from both institutions are answered by the energy advisors of the consumer advice centre. In return, the DGS trains the advisors of the consumer advice centre in the subject area of plug-in solar devices.
Germany's largest cooperative housing project in Berlin 28:58 min Video available until: 12/02/2020 First broadcast on: 2.12.2019 Living in the metropolis, in a large community, according to its own rules. Central, energy-saving, ecological, cosmopolitan, inclusive. The residents of Möckernkiez in Berlin-Kreuzberg have fulfilled this dream.
For almost fifteen years, Rob Hopkins has been developing a method for preparing our societies for the coming upheavals. Video: 5 min, available from 6.12.2019 to 8.12.2021
Decentrally generated electricity from renewable energies can cover the demand for electrical energy in Bavaria both in balance and in perspective. This is the result of a joint study by the grid operators Bayernwerk Netz GmbH (Bayernwerk), LEW Verteilnetz GmbH (LVN) and Main-Donau Netzgesellschaft. The Bavarian power grid operators have analysed which development paths are possible for Bavaria with regard to renewable power generation and whether climate neutrality can be achieved in the power sector. The grid operators received scientific support from the Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V. (Research Centre for Energy Economics).
Als "wichtiges Signal für den gesamten Finanzmarkt" begrüßt die Entwicklungs- und Umweltorganisation Germanwatch die Verabschiedung der neuen Energierichtlinie der Europäischen Investitionsbank. Sie legt den Ausstieg aus der Finanzierung fossiler Energieprojekte bis Ende 2021 fest. Der Ausstieg gelang auch dank einer am Ende gemeinsamen Linie der zuvor zerstrittenen Bundesministerien.
5th Symposium on Citizen Energy & Energy Cooperatives in NRW Recklinghausen. Energy in the hands of citizens: This was the topic of the symposium on citizen energy & energy cooperatives in North Rhine-Westphalia on Thursday, December 6, in Recklinghausen. Around 80 players in the field of citizen energy met there to exchange experiences and transfer knowledge. The 5th symposium is a cooperation of the cooperative association - [...]
The district of Paderborn has achieved a climate goal that can only be dreamed of nationwide. It is more than 100 percent in the supply of green electricity. This year, for the first time, as much electricity will be generated renewably with the help of wind, sun, biomass and water as is also consumed. Since [...]
Commenting on the agreement between the EU Commission, the Council and the Parliament on the further expansion of renewable energies in Europe, Julia Verlinden, spokesperson for energy policy for Alliance 90/The Greens in the German Bundestag, said: "The German government has not been successful in putting the brakes on citizen energy. Europe is now ensuring that the hurdles and fees [...]