Zero-emission settlements and villages in Germany
02899 Ostritz. 2,990 PE. Calculated 100% renewable energies (biomass, solar, water, wind). Kick-off: shutdown of old GDR power plants. and
29465 District of Lüchow/Dannenberg. 52.000 P.E. Multiplication of the renewable energy share from 2 to approx. 20%.
37127 Bioenergy Village Jühnde. 775 PE (inhabitants). One village generates its required energy (electricity and heat) itself on the basis of biogas (based on plant silage & manure) as well as wood chips as a supplement with its own local heating network since winter 2005/06. Planning of four further villages in the Göttingen surrounding area. and
67685 Weilerbach. Zero-Emission Village. A study has determined that, based on the reference year 1999, almost 100% of the consumption of electricity and heat could be covered by regional, renewable resources. The scenarios identified form the basis for the development of a long-term strategy to achieve a CO2-neutral energy supply and the planning of its implementation:
73760 Ostfildern (near Stuttgart): Scharnhauser Park. The energy concept generally prescribes low-energy construction. The basis of the energy supply is a central combined heat and power plant, which is mainly operated with waste wood and supplies all buildings in the park with district heating. Link:
74549 Wolpertshausen. 1,800 PE. Approx. 50% renewable energies. Complete residential area has been converted.
Ecological residential area Wolpertshausen with local heat supply from biogas community plant (commissioning: 1996). respectively
82178 Fürstenfeldbruck. 198,380 P.E. Approx. 600 solar thermal systems, public PV systems with 1.1 MW, municipal wood chip plant. 50% Energy savings to enable full conversion.
84095 Furth. 3,000 P.E. Share of renewable energies: 70% heat, 15% electricity. EU funding through the "100 Municipalities in Europe with 100 Percent Renewable Energy" programme.
FNR Guide (2008): Pathways to the Bioenergy Village. Gülzow
Published by the Agency of Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.). (FNR) funded by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) 2008: Wege zum Bioenergiedorf - Leitfaden für eine eigenständige Wärme- und Stromversorgung auf Basis von Biomasse im ländlichen Raum. Gülzow
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Zero-emission settlements and villages in Austria
Energy self-sufficient community Güssing
4400 inhabitants. Rapeseed methyl ester plant for the production of biodiesel, a district heating plant with wood firing and a state-of-the-art biomass power plant with a capacity of 2 MW electricity and 4.5 MW heat. The energy model has created 475 new jobs in 42 companies to date.
District heating Weiz GmbH 8160 Weiz, Styria
In the eighties the construction of a district heating network for the municipality of Weiz was started, in the meantime a total capacity of 16 MW has been reached. At present, about 40% of this is provided by biomass, but in 2006 the network is not only to be expanded, but the biomass share is then to be between 75 and 80% in the coming winter.
Although Weiz is connected to the gas grid, the citizens and the city are committed to renewable energy, which made the construction of the district heating possible in the first place. The operators of the plants are VA-Tech, Weitzer Parkett and Fernwärme Weiz GmbH. By 2008, about 50% of the entire city area should be connected to the district heating pipeline. The special thing about the energy supplier is that the company emerged from a housing cooperative.
Zero-emission city / bio-energy regions
Project "Zero Emission City" of the IWU
Zero-emissions building
– Energy self-sufficient solar house Freiburg
- plus energy house Heliotrope