sdg21.web database for sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods
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Text template I
(38 words; 258 characters without, 296 characters including spaces)
The sdg21.web database for sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods presents 320 settlements and urban neighbourhoods in Germany and neighbouring European countries with a total of 70,000 residential units that have been built over the last 40 years. The website has been online since 2000.
Text template II
(62 words; 445 characters without, 507 characters including spaces)
The sdg21.web database for sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods presents 320 settlements and urban neighbourhoods in Germany and neighbouring European countries with a total of 70,000 residential units that have been built over the last 40 years. The website has been online since 2000 and shows the range of sustainable building methods with wood, clay, straw, etc., car-free settlements (Velo- or BikeCities), plus-energy neighbourhoods or project concepts with zero wastewater, earth mound or solar houses.
Text template III
(161 words; 1099 without, 1,262 characters including spaces)
The sdg21.web database for sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods presents 320 settlements and neighbourhoods in Germany and other European countries with a total of 70,000 housing units that have been realised in the last 40 years and 43,000 WE that are currently being built. The website has been online since 2000 and shows the range of sustainable building methods with wood, loam, straw, etc., car-free settlements, plus-energy neighbourhoods or project concepts with zero wastewater, earth mound or solar houses.
The aim of the website is to collect knowledge and experience from the planning and realisation of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods in order to offer assistance for new projects or redevelopments.
sdg21 explicitly refers to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, which were adopted by all countries of the world at the UN Sustainable Development Conference in New York in 2015. The projects listed in the sdg21.web database are intended to demonstrate large-scale solution approaches based on practical examples of how the SDG 2030 goals can be implemented at the settlement and neighbourhood level. Users of the website are architecture enthusiasts in general, developers, architects and urban planners. In 2019, 15,000 people used the web portal.
English version
(32 words; 167 signs without or 198 signs including blanks)
320 settlements in Europe with a total of 70,000 housing units that were realized over the last 40 years based on ecological and sustainability objectives. The language of the webdatabank is german.