The Saxony-Anhalt Ministry of the Environment has announced a subsidy program for electricity storage for photovoltaic roof systems. Private individuals, companies and tenant electricity models will be reimbursed 30 percent of the expenses.
Kategorie für Blog: News Blog Saxony-Anhalt
The Saxony-Anhalt Ministry of Transport is funding new charging stations for more e-mobility in the state with up to 40 percent. Not only municipalities are eligible to apply, but also companies that want to set up publicly accessible charging stations. In Saxony-Anhalt, funding applications for the installation of public e-charging stations can be submitted with immediate effect. With their publication in the ministerial gazette, the [...]
On 26 April 2017, the Agency for Renewable Energies in Berlin honoured the Saxon-Anhalt town of Burg for its commitment as Energy Municipality of the Month. A local tenant power project ensures that 230 rental apartments can obtain solar power to cover part of their electricity needs directly from the roof of their apartments. "Tenant power projects are ideal [...]