The nominees for the German Building Award 2022 have been determined. A total of 29 housing projects were selected in a two-stage process by an interdisciplinary jury chaired by Susanne Wartzeck, President of the Association of German Architects BDA. This year, 187 housing projects completed between 2018 and 2021 took part in the competition across Germany.
Kategorie für Blog: Contests & Prizes
[caption id="attachment_28516" align="alignleft" width="560"] Award-winning project "Stadt Landschaft Burg" of the Federal Prize 2020 - © Bundespreis Stadtgrün / Hergen Schimpf[/caption]
The Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building today announced the Federal Urban Green Award 2022. This year, the focus is on the topic of "Climate adaptation and quality of life".
Federal Minister Klara Geywitz: "Climate change is a stress test for our cities. We need more trees for a better urban climate, we need soils that can absorb heavy rainfall, we need less sealed surfaces for more biodiversity and to prevent residential neighbourhoods from heating up. With the Federal Urban Green Award 2022, we are honouring the pioneering work that is already shaping the necessary transformation of cities."
Housing industry, architects and municipalities called upon to participate
Berlin - Affordable and high-quality residential construction is currently more important than ever. For more than three decades, outstanding residential construction projects have been honoured every two years with the German Builder-Owner Award. This year's edition of the competition has now been announced.
The aim of the award, which is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building, is to recognise the responsible efforts of developers to create affordable housing and neighbourhoods of "high quality at affordable costs".
This building group project with 43 residential units, some of them as maisonettes, was realized as a timber hybrid building and exemplifies the qualities of timber construction in a dense urban context.
The Special price on the topic "Urban development revisited: Prices - Practice - Perspectives" was given to the project Urban development area Stuttgarter Straße, French Quarter in Tübingen. The special prize, which is awarded in parallel to the urban development prize, serves to highlight particularly urgent fields of action in urban development and urban planning. It was awarded on 23.4.2021 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the German Urban Development Prize to contributions that had already been recognised with prizes and awards between 1980 and 2010. The judging of the special prize was very complex, as it had to cover a span of 30 years, i.e. a generation, of the achievements of German urban development that were considered outstanding at the time, and, in retrospect, it had to be based on robust, objective criteria that could adequately reflect the complexity of 30 years of urban development history and 30 years of urban development models.
The Federal Award ENVIRONMENT & BUILDING initiated by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) under the patronage of Federal Minister Svenja Schulze honors projects that already realize the idea of a new Bauhaus in the sense of holistically sustainable buildings. In 2021, the prize will be awarded for the second time, this time in four categories. All players in the building sector are eligible to apply. The closing date for entries is 25 May 2021.. The prize will be awarded on 7 September by Parliamentary State Secretary Florian Pronold and UBA President Dirk Messner.
Deadline extension! Instead of 31.12.2020 the project submission ends up to and including Friday, 22.01.2021.
Prize for architecture and urban development
The State of Hesse, represented by the Hessian Ministry of Finance and the Chamber of Architects and Town Planners of Hesse jointly offer the award under a specific theme every three years. The theme for 2020 is "Sustainability".
The competition is looking for innovative projects and plans in the field of sustainable planning and construction that have been realised or are currently being realised in Hessen in the last five years.
Dr. Kirsten David, a researcher at HafenCity University (HCU) Hamburg, has developed an innovative method for determining rent increases after energy efficiency measures: By means of functional cost splitting, rent increases become appropriate and comprehensible. The planning of the energetic measures is also ecologically optimized. For her dissertation entitled "Functional Cost Splitting for the Determination of Rent Increases after Energy Efficiency Measures", the scientist today receives the "BUND Research Award 2020". With the research award, the Bund für Umwelt- und Naturschutz (BUND) honors scientific work on sustainable development.
Jury statement: "The WIR neighbourhood in Berlin is characterised not only by its high energy efficiency (KfW 40 standard) and the use of wood as a renewable raw material for the building construction, but also by the collaborative planning process, which led to different housing concepts and the integration of different social communities. Communal areas and shared facilities such as a residents' workshop, swimming pool, neighbourhood square and daycare centre enable a lively and diverse neighbourhood. This also includes a dementia residential community as well as organisations for youth work and refugee groups. The five apartment blocks were realised with a timber frame construction and the façade in timber panel construction. This resulted in flexible floor plans that offer good conversion options."
The Lower Saxony Timber Construction Prize has now been awarded for the third time. The aim of the state-wide competition is to strengthen the use of wood as a climate-friendly and sustainable building material, to present the current state of timber construction and to inspire future builders to build with this unique raw material. The Lower Saxony Timber Construction Award 2020 honours structures and buildings that are predominantly made of wood and wood-based materials and stand out for their high design and timber construction quality, as well as taking particular account of ecological and resource-saving aspects in the interests of sustainability.
21.01.2020 Everyone is talking about sustainability - including the construction industry. A prize that the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) have been offering since today provides the appropriate topic for discussion: With the new "Federal Award for Environment and Building", which will be awarded for the first time in 2020, the initiators want to distinguish projects with exemplary character in terms of sustainability - not only in the classic areas of existing buildings and new buildings, but also in five other categories. All players in the building sector can apply. The deadline for entries is 15 April 2020.
(6:25 min.) published on 5.11.2019 The city of Eschweiler (North Rhine-Westphalia) has been awarded the "Climate Active Municipality 2019" climate protection prize by the Federal Ministry for the Environment in Category 1: "Resource and energy efficiency in the municipality". The city of Eschweiler is committed to more resource and climate protection with its Factor X construction areas. The prize is awarded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) as part of the National Climate Initiative (NKI), which is implemented by the German Institute of Urban Affairs gGmbh (Difu).
The Timber Construction Award 2020 Building with Wood in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg honours realised buildings that are predominantly constructed from wood and wood-based materials as well as other renewable raw materials. The primary objective is to promote the use and further development of this resource-saving, environmentally friendly and sustainable building material. The buildings to be submitted should be of high design quality [...].
On Thursday, 19 September 2019, the Federal City of Bonn was awarded the label "StadtGrün naturnah". With this award, the alliance "Municipalities for Biodiversity" honors exemplary commitment on urban green spaces to promote biodiversity. Bonn was able to score points in the labeling process with species-rich wildflower meadows, sustainable forest management and innovative environmental education offers and now belongs to [...]
In the 2019 state competition, the focus is on existing buildings and inward growth: How are existing spaces optimally used in times of scarce building land? How can innovative living spaces be created by converting existing uses? The 2019 state competition is looking for exemplary examples - in the city and in the countryside - that take advantage of all the possibilities [...]
Augsburg, 22.02.19: Together with partner company EXYTRON, Stadtwerke Augsburg (swa) has installed and commissioned the world's first decentralised power-to-gas plant in an existing residential complex. This enables a challenge of the energy transition to be mastered: surplus, regeneratively generated electricity is converted into synthetic natural gas and can thus be stored on site. Combustion then takes place in a commercially available combined heat and power plant and condensing boilers. In this way, over 180 residents in 70 apartments in the residential complex of the Augsburg housing group, which has existed since 1974, are supplied with climate-friendly electricity and heat.
Yesterday, the Agency for Renewable Energies awarded the Rhine-Hunsrück district as Energy Municipality of the Decade / Environment and Energy Minister Ulrike Höfken congratulates warmly on this award. Yesterday, the Agency for Renewable Energies awarded the Rhine-Hunsrück district in Kassel as "Energy Municipality of the Decade". "Climate change is clearly noticeable in Rhineland-Palatinate, as currently [...]
Four award winners selected from 58 submissions The Rhineland-Palatinate Timber Construction Award 2018 was presented on 12 June at the Centre for Building Culture in Mainz. There were four equal prizes as well as four recognitions. In addition, an honorable mention was given. Function, (construction) technology, aesthetics and climate protection were the selection criteria for the award, now in its eighth [...]
The BDA Prize for Architectural Criticism 2018 is awarded to the managing editor of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" and book author Gerhard Matzig. The BDA Prize for Architectural Criticism looks back on a history of over 50 years. The prize winners have included Julius Posener, Manfred Sack, Wolfgang Pehnt and Peter Sloterdijk. The prize is awarded to "an outstanding [...]
The Clouth Quarter, a project of the Cologne urban development company moderne stadt GmbH, was awarded a "polis AWARD" in silver (2nd prize) in the category "Social Neighbourhood Development". Around 100 local authorities, development companies, architects, property developers and initiatives such as building groups entered the competition. The awards were given to current projects from Germany, grouped in the categories of urban land recycling, [...]
Bonn/Düsseldorf. The fast, affordable and complete energy transition towards 100 percent renewable energies needs pioneers and trailblazers who inspire others. With the annual awarding of the German Solar Prize, EUROSOLAR puts these actors in the public eye and offers new impulses for a decentralized, citizen-oriented and regenerative conversion of the energy system. EUROSOLAR [...]
In future, three citizens' energy cooperatives will bear the "Citizens' Energy Project 2017" award. A total of 17 projects nationwide took part in the competition for the title. The three winning projects received a particularly large number of votes during a two-month internet voting process, in which around a thousand interested parties took part, and were also successful in the evaluation by the jury of committee representatives [...]
Making life in the neighborhood more ecologically, socially, economically, and culturally sustainable together with the residents; this is the goal of the "Real Lab 131: KIT Finds City" of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In Karlsruhe's Oststadt district, researchers are using this laboratory to look for ways to reduce [...]
For the fifth time and in keeping with its 120th birthday, Spar- und Bauverein Solingen eG awarded the nationwide Klaus Novy Prize for innovations in cooperative building and living in July. This prize was established by SBV eG as a stimulus for cooperative ideas on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. This year, the prize was awarded to [...]
The jury selected nine winners this year, and seven additional commendations were awarded. 134 projects were submitted, all of which, according to the jury, "demonstrate a degree of maturity in craftsmanship that can hardly be surpassed". On 30 June they were awarded in the CUBUS Wolfurt. The "Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis 2017" was awarded to:
Initiative HolzProKlima honours award winners Over the last 150 years, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere responsible for climate change has risen sharply. Germany has set itself the goal of becoming largely greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. What great importance municipalities have in achieving these climate protection goals and what [...]
The Bavarian Solar Energy Promotion Association (SeV) is offering the 27,000 euro competition for architecturally and technically sophisticated solar systems for the 7th time The use of solar energy in and on buildings is a central topic in the context of energy-efficient construction. Solar technology systems should be a natural component of innovative building envelopes as well as building blocks of energy-efficient renovation. The task [...]
For the third time, the BMEL awarded prizes to innovative and pioneering building projects that make significant use of wood and other renewable raw materials. From a total of 127 submissions, a ten-member jury selected eight outstanding building projects and a further 12 special competition entries. The eight winners in the new construction and [...]
The closing date for entries is 1 June 2017 Housing construction has become a public issue like it hasn't been for years. That is why the competition for the German Building Owner Award 2018 has come at the right time. It is organised by the working group COOPERATION GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen, Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA and Deutscher Städtetag (DST).
KfW is looking for builders who think about tomorrow. The motto for 2017 is: "Expand, add on, convert - create and modernise living space efficiently". Apply now until 01.03.2017 and win prize money worth a total of EUR 30,000.
The German Architecture Prize is awarded to buildings that are "exemplary for the development of building in the present day". 60,000 euros in prize money are available. Submission: 31.03.2017
The Schweighofer Prize rewards innovative ideas, technologies, products and services along the entire value chain with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the European forestry and timber industry.
Student ideas competition at colleges, universities and academies in German-speaking countries. 5,000 euros and high-quality non-cash prizes are available. Application deadline: until 30.9.2016
Five prize winners can look forward to the Lower Austrian Timber Construction Prize 2016, which was awarded for the 15th time on 6.6.2016. Winery Högl, Wachau Prize winner utility building (Copyright Elmar Ludescher) "Planning is becoming more and more creative and every year there are new technical solutions. As a result, wood as a building material is gaining in importance for builders and planners every year [...]