Kategorie für Blog: News Blog France
From 2022, all new public buildings must be made of at least 50 per cent wood or other sustainable building materials. For buildings with more than eight storeys, the supporting structure must even be made entirely of wood. It was also decided that 90 ecological neighbourhoods and 100 urban farms will be built in Paris.
Shortly after the shutdown of the Swiss old reactor Mühleberg it goes Philippsburg 2 nuclear power plant from the grid on 31.12.2019 as planned. This will be followed in a few months by Fessenheim the two oldest reactors in France. In addition, the 45-year-old nuclear power plant "Ring neck 2" from the grid. Shutting down nuclear reactors significantly reduces the risk of accidents and avoids masses of radioactive nuclear waste and its transport in Castor containers.
Eco-neighborhoods are experimental laboratories in which the future of urban development is being tested. In a hybrid of fiction and documentary, the series presents eco-neighborhoods in Germany, France and Switzerland. In 12 episodes, the neighbourhoods enter into a dialogue with each other and present their objectives with regard to sustainable urban development.
TU Dortmund University conducted an excursion to Paris from 27 to 31 March 2017 as part of the research project "Co-Housing Initiatives in Europe". There, the researchers met French colleagues Anne Labit (Orléans University), Sabrina Bresson (ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine) and Claire Carriou (Paris Nanterre University)."
The mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo is creating more space for cyclists and pedestrians - and wants to push cars out of the city in the long term. Everything else is "old-fashioned". Read what is planned in the article from 9.1.2017: www.faz.net/...paris-buergermeisterin-anne-hidalgo-sagt-autos-den-kampf-an-14611364.html
With a new law, Paris calls on its residents to garden the public space. Wherever possible, vertical and horizontal gardens are to be created, urban agriculture is promoted. There is even a starter kit with planting soil. Among other things, 100 hectares of living facades and roofs are to be created by 2020. Links to read more: http://inhabitat.com/paris-allows-anyone-to-plant-an-urban-garden-anywhere/ [...]
This is what the mayors of Mexico City, Paris, Athens and Madrid decided at the C40 meeting at a climate protection meeting of major international cities in Mexico City. They want to "do everything in their power to promote the use of electric and hybrid cars". In addition, more money is to be invested in expanding public transport and cycle paths [...].
On 12 December 2015, the climate negotiating parties in Paris agreed that global warming should be limited to a maximum of 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius. This was presented with such confidence that one could almost forget that the Earth's atmosphere has no thermostat. No one can assure, certainly not on the basis [...]
in Angers, Auxerre, Châlon-sur-Saône, Grenoble, Lyon, Narbonne, Rennes" Link ecoquartiers.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/...