Kategorie für Blog: News Blog Switzerland
Shortly after the shutdown of the Swiss old reactor Mühleberg it goes Philippsburg 2 nuclear power plant from the grid on 31.12.2019 as planned. This will be followed in a few months by Fessenheim the two oldest reactors in France. In addition, the 45-year-old nuclear power plant "Ring neck 2" from the grid. Shutting down nuclear reactors significantly reduces the risk of accidents and avoids masses of radioactive nuclear waste and its transport in Castor containers.
BaunetzWoche#494: Cooperatives are currently experiencing a true renaissance in Zurich. The "Mehr als Wohnen" neighbourhood and the "Zwicky Süd" project are now trying to bring urban qualities to the agglomeration. Can these two projects facilitate new lifestyles beyond private housing? Link: www.baunetz.de/...baunetzwoche_ausgabe_5108639.html
Eco-neighborhoods are experimental laboratories in which the future of urban development is being tested. In a hybrid of fiction and documentary, the series presents eco-neighborhoods in Germany, France and Switzerland. In 12 episodes, the neighbourhoods enter into a dialogue with each other and present their objectives with regard to sustainable urban development.
When the economy is in a bad way, SMEs are often the first to suffer. They can hardly get any more money. This was very extreme during the economic crisis of the 1930s. And that's why some companies founded the WIR Bank in 1934.
In Zurich on 30 November 2008, a 76 per cent majority voted in favour of reducing energy consumption to 2000 watts per capita by 2050. The average value in Switzerland is currently 6000 watts. The 2000-watt society has since been enshrined in the municipal code. "Particularly is before [...]
More and more cargo bikes can be rented throughout Germany. For good reason: if you only need a transport bike occasionally or want to test it out in detail first, you don't need to buy one right away. For this case, cargo bike sharing systems or rental offers are particularly attractive.
In Brütten near Zurich in Switzerland, an apartment building with nine rental apartments that is not connected to the energy grid has now been inaugurated. "The rental costs are no higher than elsewhere. The most important energy source is photovoltaic modules. Schmid has had an electrolyser installed in the basement as a long-term storage facility for the solar power. The device uses [...]