Germanwatch now urgently expects political signals following the conclusion of the interim technical negotiations / Special challenge on the issue of damage and loss recognised, now it is a matter of concrete financing proposals
Kategorie für Blog: UN (United Nations)
Emissions targets, some of them significantly improved, show effectiveness of Paris Agreement / But too few commitments for financing climate protection and adaptation to climate change in poorer countries / Chancellor Merkel must swiftly launch international process for additional climate financing
"The world's water resources are currently facing the greatest threat in the history of mankind," write aquatic ecologists in their recently published statement paper. More than one hundred professional societies of aquatic ecosystem research around the globe have signed the joint statement. In it, the researchers show the dramatic effects that climate change is having on aquatic ecosystems worldwide. They call for immediate concerted action by politics, business, science and society to halt the progress of climate change.
Even before the UN Summit on Sustainable Development, it is clear that the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is making slow progress. The global community now needs action instead of words to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The international report on the status of SDG implementation shows that there are major gaps in implementation worldwide. The number of people suffering from hunger is increasing again worldwide [...]
30.08.2019 The city of Bonn has received the Blue Sky Award for its commitment to sustainable development, environmental and climate protection, also at international level. Mayor Reinhard Limbach accepted the award on Thursday, 29 August 2019, in the Chinese special economic zone Shenzhen.
Germanwatch welcomes MEPs' call for higher EU climate target 2030 and greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 at the latest Bonn (25 October 2018). The European Parliament is stepping up the pace on climate protection. MEPs today gave a mandate to the EU negotiating delegation for the UN climate summit in Katowice in December, calling for the EU to raise its target [...]
Issue 3 of the journal IzR on sustainable urban development Four days, more than 30,000 participants, 167 states, numerous lectures, workshops and exhibitions: Habitat III, the World Summit on Human Settlements hosted by the United Nations in autumn 2016, was a major event. The result is the New Urban Agenda, a new global action programme for urban development. But how [...]
The Paris Climate Agreement has given renewable energies and energy efficiency a global tailwind. The Climate Protection Index 2017 presented today by Germanwatch shows a stable upward trend. Overall, however, the global energy transition is still proceeding too slowly to make its contribution to the Paris climate goals, warns the environment and development organisation Germanwatch. The choice of [...]
In October, the Habitat III Conference took place in Quito. The "New Urban Agenda" was adopted there. It is intended to help the world community to shape the global urbanisation process in a sustainable way. Why is there so little discussion about this in Germany?
At the end of the UN conference Habitat III in Quito (Ecuador), the environmental and development organization Germanwatch draws a mixed balance. "Around 50,000 people took part in the conference. This alone shows that cities are considered to be of great importance on the way to a sustainable world.
With only a few weeks left until the Habitat III conference, DDD #18 on "Cities" has now published 22 insightful articles around the topic of urbanisation. Authors from all over the world have told us about urban life in Africa, Asia, Middle East and the Americas. With a close eye [...]
In the run-up to the UN World Summit on Human Settlements Habitat III, the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) points to the major challenges of increasing urbanization. In its report "Moving Humanity: The Transformative Power of Cities", the WBGU stresses that a brief window of opportunity is opening up in the next decades of urbanization "to [...]
The member states of the United Nations want to agree on a new urban agenda at the Habitat III conference in Quito. This "New Urban Agenda" is to serve as a political guideline for urban development over the next two decades. Together with Friedrich Kitschelt, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs Barbara Hendricks will take part in the official opening [...]
After China and the USA, India now also wants to approve the Paris climate treaty. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced 2 October as the date. It is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. India is the world's third largest producer of greenhouse gases. Read more on
The German Habitat Forum ended today with the "Berlin Recommendations". Thomas Silberhorn, Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Gunther Adler, State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, handed over the recommendations to the Secretary General of the Habitat III Conference, Joan Clos. The "Berlin Recommendations" are intended as a contribution to the new [...]
The German Habitat Forum came to an end today with the "Berlin Recommendations". Thomas Silberhorn, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and Gunther Adler, State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, handed over the "Berlin Recommendations".
Billions seek eco-projects The UN's "Green Climate Fund" in the South Korean city of Songdo has a luxury problem: there is enough money. What is missing are good ideas to spend it!5315954 Link