Forest Minister Peter Hauk MdL: "With our call for ideas, we want to further promote municipal timber construction in the state and further consolidate our nationwide position as the No. 1 timber construction state".
A total of around 6.5 million euros in funding from the Baden-Württemberg timber construction campaign is available for the call for ideas for municipal timber construction concepts.
The online application deadline is February 12, 2020.
"In view of the global climate development, there is no way around the increased use of wood as a renewable and climate-friendly building and insulation material. Only buildings with a high proportion of wood can store larger amounts of carbon over centuries. With our call for ideas, we want to further promote municipal timber construction in the state and further consolidate our nationwide position as the No. 1 timber construction state," said the Minister for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection, Peter Hauk MdL, in Stuttgart on Friday (13 November). The aim is to establish Baden-Württemberg as a model of climate-conscious building culture. As far as possible, the state's building projects would be implemented in timber and timber hybrid construction. Now the state is also supporting the municipalities in their development towards climate-friendly construction with wood.
"The call for ideas focuses primarily on municipal concepts and approaches in urban development that lead to the implementation of timber construction projects. We are looking for new innovative approaches, for example in our own properties, neighbourhood development or the creation of entire settlements", explained Minister Hauk. This requires committed and innovative municipalities that lead the way as trendsetters. The ideas competition is intended to provide incentives for this. "Those who build with the renewable raw material wood protect the climate and strengthen regional economic cycles. The timber and mixed timber construction methods are ideal, for example, for adding on to existing buildings, closing gaps between buildings or renovating existing buildings", explained the Minister. Numerous projects are already proving that high-quality and sustainable further development of urban and rural areas with wood is economical and brings added value for the population.
The state is therefore promoting greater climate awareness in the construction industry with the Baden-Württemberg timber construction offensive. Wood is the only relevant building material that has a favourable CO2-balance and achieves an immediate storage effect. Thanks to innovative processing with low energy consumption, wood is used in a wide variety of forms and can contribute to a sustainable building culture with architectural accents.
Background Information:
Municipalities are invited to submit approaches to planning and building with wood in building construction. These can be initial ideas that must be assigned to one of the following four categories:
1. development and conception of the construction and renovation of own properties,
2. instruments and approaches of urban planning / development,
3. information, advice and education of those willing to build by the municipalities (communication)
4. other/special route.
The submission of ideas for the planning of individual objects, as well as neighbourhood and settlement approaches, consulting and qualification offers (internal and external), communication strategies and public relations, but also other formats in the municipal planning context are conceivable.
The call is designed to be low-threshold in order to address many municipalities. In a two-stage application process, a rough concept is first submitted online in the form of a short idea sketch. After an evaluation by a group of experts, selected municipalities have the chance to deepen the project idea and prepare it for implementation. Financial support of up to 20,000 euros each is available for this (1st stage). After a positive evaluation, there is the possibility of receiving further funding of up to 400,000 euros in the second stage for the implementation of their project idea (2nd stage).
The deadline for submitting a short outline of ideas via the online application is 12 February 2021 (1st stage). Interested municipalities can find more information on the website of the Timber Construction Offensive at www.holzbauoffensivebw.de
Keywords: Funding, Wood construction, News Blog Baden-Württemberg, Quarters, Environmental policy, Housing