Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

Ermekeilinitiative: VHS and BDA explore the Ermekeil barracks

As part of a VHS theme series, those interested can discuss the further development of the former barracks site this coming Saturday.

The series of events "Urban Design in Dialogue" aims to encourage citizens to think about the design of specific areas and buildings in Bonn and to influence their future development. On Saturday, 25 March, the programme includes a tour of the former Ermekeil barracks in Bonn's Südstadt. The VHS Bonn in cooperation with the Association of German Architects Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and the Ermekeilinitiative e.V. have invited participants.

The site of the former barracks was handed over by the Federal Ministry of Defence in 2013 to the Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben (BimA), which is responsible for its further administration, utilisation and finally sale. Since 2015, a large part of the area has been used as refugee accommodation by the state of NRW.

Since 2005, the Ermekeilinitiative e. V. has been actively promoting the civil use of the site as a social, cultural and ecologically sustainable meeting place. The current 300 square metres include an urban gardening project and an event space where integrative projects for the neighbourhood and refugees take place.

On the day of the event, the association will introduce the topic and be available for further questions.

More information on the event and the thematic series can be found on the VHS Bonn website at: .

Source: Press release Ermekeilinitiative, 14.03.2017

Keywords: Stock, Bonn, News Blog NRW, Quarters