Online tool informs about funding programmes
Düsseldorf. With the Förder.Navi, an online tool of the EnergyAgency.NRW, you can now find your way through the funding jungle even faster. The tool ( helps private individuals, companies and municipalities to find funding opportunities when it comes to energy-efficient renovation, for example.
Whether a committed citizen, entrepreneur or representative of a municipality - financial support is often helpful for investments in energy efficiency, climate protection and renewable energies. And this is available from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the federal government or local public utilities. This is because the public sector and regional energy suppliers promote numerous measures to implement the energy transition. But what subsidies are available for individual measures and which of them are available to whom? What are the requirements? And can subsidies be combined?
The Förder.Navi shows the way. With the EnergyAgency.NRW's online tool, it is possible to access the right information on the various funding programmes quickly, efficiently and in a target group-oriented manner. The tool allows filtering by applicant, funding topic, funding type and funding agency. To make this even easier and clearer for the user, the Förder.Navi was recently relaunched.
From now on, a brief overview of all funding programmes will appear first in the user's respective query. This simplified structure provides an initial overview and orientation of the diverse funding programmes. If required, the user can then request more detailed information in the detailed view. Both the brief overview and the detailed view can also be downloaded as a PDF.
The Förder.Navi can be found on the Internet at:
Renewable, Funding, Climate protection, News Blog NRW