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HDH launches sector initiative on climate protection in the timber industry

In December 2020, the German Timber Industry Association (HDH) launched the "Initiative for Climate Protection in the Timber Industry". The aim is to support the industry companies in the necessary reduction of CO2 emissions. The initiative is now being further developed into an innovation cluster.

"We started with the claim to offer companies CO2 accounting and to accompany them to certified climate neutrality," says HDH CEO Denny Ohnesorge. "The response has been overwhelming: more than 40 companies have joined the initiative so far. We quickly realised that this can only be a first step. Climate neutrality is good, but further reducing energy consumption in processes and thus saving energy and greenhouse gases is even better. The best energy is the energy that is not consumed.

Under this motto, an Erfa group is to be established within the framework of the cluster and concrete ideas and measures are to be developed with the participation of consultants, service providers and science. This promotes the transfer of knowledge in this subject area and helps the companies to identify further CO2 saving opportunities in all operational areas, to introduce process innovations and to initiate corresponding projects. The innovation cluster will start with three online seminars for all interested parties:

1st CO2 balancing: 08.11.2021, 15-16 hrs
2. climate strategy for companies: 06.12.2021, 3 - 4 p.m.
3. sustainable mobility concepts for companies, 13.12.2021, 3 - 4 p.m.

The HDH is supported by the Gesellschaft für Klimaschutz Holzindustrie - GKH GmbH, which also carries out the certification of climate neutrality according to internationally recognised standards. Further information is provided on the website of the industry initiative climateprotectionwoodindustry.com and on woodindustry.com published. The establishment of the innovation cluster is supported by the Agency of Renewable Resources (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.). (FNR) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

The complete Programme of the seminar series and all information about registration is available here.



In December 2020, the German Association of the Wood and Plastics Processing Industries and Related Industries (HDH) launched the CLIMATE PROTECTION IN THE WOOD INDUSTRY initiative. The goal: to support companies in making their contribution to climate protection by reducing greenhouse gases - for a climate-neutral industry. The initiative builds on the experiences of the climate pact of the furniture industry. Against the background of increasingly important climate protection measures, it is an offer to all companies in the sector to become climate neutral with the support of the HDH and its member associations.

Keywords: DE-News, Wood construction, Climate protection, Sustainable management, Resource efficiency, Life cycle assessment