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NRW grants for ventilation and renewables

Funding programme progres.nrw extended

North Rhine-Westphalia has extended the progres.nrw programme until the end of 2016. The programme complements and expands existing programmes such as the market incentive programme or KfW funding.

Subsidies are available, among other things, for domestic ventilation systems/appliances with heat recovery and solar thermal systems. For the latter, however, only if they are not required anyway in order to comply with the Renewable Heat Act in new buildings.

In the case of PV, only so-called multiplier systems are eligible for funding. These include systems on ultra-low-energy or passive houses, particularly efficient technologies or façade-integrated PV. A subsidy is available for biomass systems if they are installed in conjunction with a solar thermal system. Subsidies are also available for highly efficient decentralised CHP systems for heat and power generation with an electrical output of up to 20 kW. Special energy storage systems and systems with an extraordinary degree of innovation or multiplier effect are also eligible for funding. This is decided on a case-by-case basis.

A grant is also available for residential buildings in the passive house standard including ventilation systems and for residential buildings in the 3-litre house standard including ventilation systems, as well as for studies on energy efficiency in which there is particular interest on the part of the state. The amount of the subsidies is flat-rate. For example, 4,700 euros are available for a passive house with a ventilation system.

In 2015, a total of more than 6,000 measures were funded under the programme. Applications for funding can be submitted by private individuals as well as small and medium-sized enterprises or municipalities. A total of 10 million euros is available for the programme in 2016. Source: progres.nrw / pgl

Keywords: Bonn, Renewable, Funding, Climate protection, News Blog NRW, PlusEnergy house/settlement