Web database of sustainable settlements and neighbourhoods

"Production in the city" - nationwide municipal survey

After years of separating living and working, production in the city was lost from view, outsourced from the cities. The productive city is currently the subject of intense debate, triggered by changes in production methods and new possibilities for a mix of uses. There is still a lack of nationwide studies and data analyses, especially with regard to employment effects and spatial differentiation.

On behalf of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) and the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB), the Institute for Work and Technology (IAT) from Gelsenkirchen is conducting the research project "New Spaces for the Productive City" in cooperation with the Laboratory for Urban Places and Processes in Stuttgart, Bochum University of Applied Sciences and the Institute for Employment Research Nuremberg (IAB). The project asks about the significance of urban production in German cities and municipalities. Municipal representatives from the office of the (Lord) Mayor, urban development/planning and economic development are asked to participate in the survey.
Link to the survey: www.iat.eu/limesurvey3/index.php/614737?lang=de

The survey will take about 30 minutes to complete. Participation is requested until 31.03.2022. Multiple responses from one municipality are possible. If you are interested, we will be happy to provide you with the results of the survey afterwards.

Scientific contact persons:
Kerstin Meyer (IAT), (0) 209 - 1707 113, kmeyer@iat.eu

Further information:
www.bbsr.bund.de/BBSR/DE/forschung/programme/exwost/Studien/2020/produkt... (More information on the overall project)

Keywords: DE-News, Research, Communities, Urban production