The tenants' electricity campaign financed by the Hessian Ministry of Economics is entering its second round until 2020.
Keywords: Renewable, Tenant electricity, News Blog Hesse
The tenants' electricity campaign financed by the Hessian Ministry of Economics is entering its second round until 2020.
1:30 min, video from 2020/09/22
Project Info:
Movies, Movies < 4 Min, New building area, News Blog Baden-Württemberg, Mix of uses, Quarters
The boom in the bicycle trade, which has been ongoing for years, continued in 2018. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on the occasion of World Health Day on 7 April, the retail trade in bicycles, parts and accessories recorded an increase in sales of 11.9 % in real terms in 2018 compared to the previous year.
880,000 electric bikes imported into Germany
The trend towards electric bicycles with a rated continuous power of up to 250 watts is reflected in foreign trade: 880,000 electric bicycles with a total value of 789.6 million euros were imported to Germany in 2018. This corresponded to an increase in volume of 32.3 % compared to 2017. With a share of 23 % of the total imports of electric bicycles to Germany, Hungary was the most important importing country. Other important supplier countries were Vietnam with a share of 17.2 % and the Netherlands with 10.2 %.
Prices for conventional bikes are rising faster than prices for electric bikes
Consumers had to spend more money on pedelecs and e-bikes in 2018 than three years previously: between 2015 and 2018, prices in this market segment rose by 1.8 %. However, prices rose less sharply than consumer prices overall in this period (+3.8 %). In comparison, prices for bicycles without an electric motor rose by an above-average 4.5 % between 2015 and 2018.
Opportunity for bargains outside of the cycling season
Whether with or without an electric motor: consumer prices for bicycles fluctuate slightly depending on the time of year. Bicycles are cheaper around the turn of the year than in summer. If you are looking for good value for money, you can buy cheaper on average outside the cycling season.
Source: Press release of the Federal Statistical Office from 3 April 2019
Stakeholders, Bike-/Velo-City, DE-News, Climate protection, Mobility, Sustainable management, Ecology
G7 Environment Ministers issue far-reaching declaration: 1.5 degree limit to be the focus of action - progress also to be made on international climate financing before the World Climate Summit
Bonn/Berlin (21 May 2021). The G7 environment ministers today agreed on a far-reaching declaration on the implementation of climate targets: It focuses on the goal of keeping the 1.5 degree limit within reach. "The race towards greenhouse gas neutrality is accelerating," says Christoph Bals, Political Director of the environment and development organization Germanwatch. "It is very encouraging that the announcement of targets is backed up with concrete decisions to stop international coal finance and the announcement of additional climate finance. It is important that the heads of government at the G7 summit also get behind these announcements."
The statement says that there will be no more international coal financing as early as the end of this year. This is a huge turnaround, especially for Japan, the second-largest international financier of coal after China. The next step is to cancel international financing for all fossil fuels. All G7 countries have also pledged to phase out coal, oil and gas in the power sector in the 2030s. The multilateral development banks are called upon to implement the 1.5 degree pathway in their policies. At the same time, the G7 countries hold out the prospect of putting additional international climate finance for climate protection and adaptation on the table well before the climate summit in Glasgow.
Source: Germanwatch-PM of 21 May 2021
Renewable, International, Climate protection, Environmental policy
In September, Germany's largest thermal solar plant officially went into operation in the Brandenburg city of Senftenberg. The plant was built by Stadtwerke Senftenberg on an area of around 2.2 hectares and is expected to produce around four million kilowatt hours of heat per year.
Due to its outstanding commitment to the expansion of renewable energies, the Agency for Renewable Energies awards the city of Senftenberg as Energy Municipality of the Month. "In order to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, the heating sector is of great importance. With the construction of the solar thermal plant, the city of Senftenberg presents itself as a pioneer in the municipal heat transition," says Nils Boenigk, Deputy Managing Director of the Agency for Renewable Energies.
In the city of 25,000 inhabitants, the new solar thermal plant and a natural gas heating plant generate heat that is supplied to over 10,000 households via the local district heating network. The plant consists of 1,680 tube collectors that generate heat during the average 1,700 hours of sunshine per year. In the summer months, it almost completely covers the base load. The demand in excess of this is generated by natural gas boilers. Together, the plants replace the former pulverised lignite boiler. "The new solar thermal plant brings us closer to our goal of covering more and more of the heating needs of the city of Senftenberg with renewable sources," explains Mayor Andreas Fredrich. "With the largest plant in Germany at present, we are pioneers in the application of this technology."
The project is a highlight among the local climate protection efforts resulting from the energy concept published in 2013. This concept examines and evaluates the opportunities and possibilities for the expansion of renewable energies and the economical use of energy. The city focuses primarily on the heating sector, as its heating needs account for the largest share of total energy consumption. The new thermal solar plant makes a major contribution to renewable heat generation here. In the electricity sector, where up to 90 per cent of demand was already generated from renewable sources in 2011, the city is even aiming to generate more than 100 per cent of electricity from renewable sources by 2030.
"The city of Senftenberg is well positioned in the field of renewable energies," explains Mayor Andreas Fredrich. "With the help of the energy concept, municipal and regional stakeholders can more easily identify energy saving potential and plan and implement the expansion of renewable energies more effectively."
A detailed portrait of the city of Senftenberg can be found at
Renewable, News Blog Brandenburg, Solar thermal