4:16 min - from 9 Oct 2019
Project Info: http://sdg21.eu/db/holzhybridhaus-skaio
Keywords: Movies, Movies 4 to 10 Min, Wood construction, News Blog Baden-Württemberg
4:16 min - from 9 Oct 2019
Project Info: http://sdg21.eu/db/holzhybridhaus-skaio
121 flats on 12,500 m² of floor space and a further 3,500 m² of commercial space are currently being built in London, Dalston Lane. This is currently the largest solid timber building in the world. 3,500 m³ of cross-laminated timber are being used across nine storeys. Architect: Andrew Waugh.
Detailed information (11.10.2016):
Wood construction, News Blog Europe (without DE), News Blog Great Britain, Settlements
They sat unanimously next to each other: the mayor, the Peruvian mountain guide, high-ranking representatives of churches and foundations and activists...
Read the whole article from 1.12.2016 From Bonn in transition
Bonn, Transition Town, Environmental policy
BN - Is the roof of my house or company building suitable for a photovoltaic system or a solar thermal system? This question can now be answered quickly and conveniently online with the help of the new solar roof cadastre of the city of Bonn. In a building-specific map display, a coloured marker indicates whether and to what extent a roof is suitable for energy generation by means of solar power. Step by step, further information, for example on the economic efficiency, can be retrieved via a yield calculator.
The suitability of the roofs of all 129,000 buildings in the city for solar energy generation was recalculated using the latest, improved data. For this purpose, elevation grid data was used, which was determined by the district government of Cologne by means of laser scanning in spring 2016. Compared to the previous version from 2010, the new Bonn solar roof cadastre features, among other things, a fourfold higher resolution and a more differentiated designation of the roof areas.
The suitability of the roof surfaces for electricity generation via photovoltaic systems as well as for domestic water heating and, for the first time, also for supporting building heating via solar thermal collectors was calculated. The calculations also took into account the current changes in the framework conditions with regard to feed-in tariffs and self-consumption of generated solar power.
How the application works
In the city map, the installable system size and many additional data such as yields and savings potentials can be displayed for each building. In a newly developed yield calculator, costs and yields can be calculated and compared by entering additional user-specific information such as electricity consumption or household size. In this way, every owner can quickly gain an overview of the suitability of his or her building for the use of solar energy. Detailed instructions are available at www.bonn.de/...solardachkataster.php.
The City of Bonn points out that the information from the solar roof cadastre is an initial non-binding assessment. Essential prerequisites for a decision to build a system, such as the condition of the roof or the static suitability, can only be clarified by suitable specialist companies or qualified consulting organisations. Information on this can be found on the website of the solar roof register.
Bonn roofs have potential
According to the potential analysis of the solar roof cadastre, 6,800,000 square metres in Bonn are suitable for solar power generation. This corresponds to about the size of 950 football fields. Approximately 800,000 megawatt hours of electricity could be generated on this area. This could cover about 50 percent of the total electricity consumption in Bonn. For solar thermal energy, the result of the potential analysis shows 88,461 buildings in Bonn that could be used for this form of energy generation. This corresponds to about 70 percent of the buildings in Bonn.
Stock, Blogs & Portals, Bonn, DE-News, Renewable, Climate protection, Tenant electricity, News Blog NRW, PV, Quarters, Settlements, Solar thermal
Environment Minister Franz Untersteller reacted with relief to the agreement reached yesterday by the coalition on the amendment of the Climate Protection Act. The law is to be passed by the state parliament before the summer break and will then replace the previous climate protection law from 2013.
"With this law, we are creating a new basis for forward-looking climate protection in the state. This was and is a core concern of Green environmental policy in this legislative period," said Untersteller.
Above all, he said, the agreement on mandatory PV was groundbreaking. "We are the first state to install solar as standard on new non-residential buildings. This is innovative and courageous. It makes building modern and climate protection a matter of course."
In the non-residential sector, for example on warehouses and production halls or car parks, there is enormous potential, said Untersteller. These roof surfaces are made for large systems.
Untersteller sees the PV obligation on non-residential buildings as an introduction to a general PV obligation for new buildings, which he believes must come in the next few years. "Not only in Baden-Württemberg," says Untersteller.
Apart from the boost for solar energy and climate protection, the PV obligation will also secure and create jobs.
Another key element in the new climate protection law will be municipal heating planning, Untersteller continued. The approximately 100 large cities and municipalities, in which about half of the people in Baden-Württemberg live, will be obliged by the law to submit a comprehensive heating plan. "On the basis of such planning, a lot will move and can be moved in the municipalities in the direction of renewable heat. For example, innovative neighbourhood concepts or the expansion of heating networks will make progress," said Untersteller. The costs for the planning will be borne by the state.
"The amendment to the Climate Protection Act will move Baden-Württemberg forward," the Environment Minister affirmed. "We are continuing to develop our climate protection policy and are thus fulfilling our obligation to future generations."
Source: PM of the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management Baden-Württemberg from 13.05.2020
Further information
Examples of settlements and neighbourhoods with solar local heating:
Construction projects with PV systems:
DE-News, Climate protection, Tenant electricity, News Blog Baden-Württemberg, PV, PlusEnergy house/settlement, Solar thermal, Environmental policy