Date: 16.5.2000 (before EXPO opening), Number of photos: 52, © Photos: Johann Hartl (Ottobrunn)
Project Info:
Image no./ Focal length/ Direction/ Subject
093 / 28 / oso / "Bergbach" in Weinkampswende, from Kattenbrookstrift upwards
094 / 85 / oso / "Bergbach" in Weinkampswende, from Kattenbrookstrift upwards
095 / 85 / n / Solar panels at tram stop Weinkampswende, from Kattenbrookstrift
096 / 28 / no / "Bergbach" in Weinkampswende, from road to stream, upstream, r inlet
097 / 28 / oso / "Bergbach" in Weinkampswende, from Papenkamp upwards
098 / 28 / no / Crossing possibility creek Weinkampswende/ seats ("grating")
099 / 28 / nnw / Rainwater retention basin in the block south of Weinkampswende/ Papenkamp, overflow in front; houses with continuous glass canopy
100 / 28 / nno / Rainwater retention basin in the block south of Weinkampswende/ Papenkamp
101 / 50 / o / in the block south of Weinkampswende/ Papenkamp, inlet to rainwater retention basin
102 / 50 / o / in the block south of Weinkampswende/ Papenkamp, inlet to rainwater retention basin
103 / 28 / o / in the block south of Weinkampswende/ Papenkamp, inlet to stormwater retention basin
104 / 28 / nnw / in the block south of Weinkampswende/ Papenkamp, houses with basement
105 / 28 / o / in the block south of Weinkampswende/ Papenkamp, houses with basement, east of RRB (investor: Deutsche BauBeCom-AG)
106 / 28 / n / Street "Försterkamp" with gutter on both sides
107 / 28 / no / Street "Försterkamp" with gutter on both sides
108 / 28 / nw / Paths near Försterkamp cross water drain Weinkampswende, under grate
109 / 85 / n / Street "Försterkamp" with rain gutter on both sides, here eastern gutter at parking spaces, laid with rolled turf
115 / 28 / wnw / Weinkampswende, from the east end (on the slope above) downwards
118 / 85 / nno / Rain drainage from roofs in the block north of Weinkampswende/Honerkamp
119 / 28 / no / the same inlet to lawn trough in front
120 / 28 / nw / ibidem, lawn = playground, behind right rain gutter
121 / 28 / nw / Backwater trough with overflow (on concrete wall: 4 openings/ metal parts)
122 / 28 / nw / large backwater basin
123 / 28 / w / Gutter right, inlet to large basin (see above), from left inlet from roof
124 / 28 / o / large backwater basin (as above)
125 / 28 / nno / Försterkamp, road profile with gutter on left side
126 / 28 / wnw / Continuation "Bergbach" in the block west of Försterkamp, downhill
127 / 70 / wnw / Continuation "Bergbach" in the block west of Försterkamp, downhill
128 / 85 / n / Watering trolley for the trees in Försterkamp
128a / . / n / Watering trolley for the trees in Försterkamp
132 / 28 / w / Rainwater retention basin, water playground (left) (presumably: west of Försterkamp)
133 / 28 / n / Rainwater retention basin
134 / 28 / no / already overgrown gutter at Papenkamp
135 / 85 / nno / already overgrown gutter at Papenkamp
136 / 28 / nnw / Rainwater retention basin, in the block west of Papenkamp
138 / 28 / sw / Rainwater retention basin is lined with foil
139 / 28 / nno / Rainwater retention basin, rear pergola with overflows from parking deck
140 / 28 / no / District park Papenkamp, from Krügerskamp
141 / 85 / nw / steeply sloping rainwater gutter at Krügerskamp, with cross-sills, laid with rolled turf; inlets on left side
144 / 85 / wnw / steeply sloping rainwater gutter at Krügerskamp, with cross ties, with rolled turf
146 / 28 / no / street/ residential buildings from Försterkamp to the corner Jakobskamp
147 / 28 / no / Försterkamp/ corner Jakobskamp: throw-in f. Underfloor glass container white-green-brown
148 / 28 / no / Place in the "Habitat", von Försterkamp
149 / 28 / ono / Square in the "Habitat", by Försterkamp (investor: Gundlach)
158 / 85 / no / artificially raised hilltop on Kronsberg
166 / 300 / w / from the hilltop: Kronsberg-North, sedum-grass-roof houses at Sticksfeld
171 / 28 / no / Sedum-grass-roof houses at Sticksfeld
172 / 85 / no / Sedum-grass-roof houses at Sticksfeld, second row (houses south-facing)
173 / 28 / no / Sedum-grass roof houses Sticksfeld, in front as playground "temporarily used" RRB
180 / 28 / no / Stormwater ditch, at Weistfeld 24 A; bridge footpath
194 / 28 / no / Block south of Weistfeld: stormwater retention basin
195 / 28 / o / Block south of the Weistfeld: Inlet from the roof (to the rainwater retention basin) / approx. 17.00h
Planning: ; Topics: Multi-storey housing; Type: Settlement; Location: Hanover