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EnergiespeicherPLUS - Berlin funding programme for electricity storage goes online

The aim of the EnergiespeicherPLUS programme is to drive forward the expansion of photovoltaics in Berlin and to increase the share of renewable energies in electricity consumption, even in times of low sun and low wind. This benefits climate protection, as CO 2 -emissions can be avoided. The Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Programme provides subsidies for the investment costs of electricity storage systems if a photovoltaic system is installed at the same time. The
IBB Business Team GmbH implements the program. Since 1 January 2020, an electronic application for funding can now be submitted quickly and easily to the IBB Business Team GmbH under www.energiespeicherplus.de be put.

Energy Senator Ramona PopEvery Berliner can make a contribution to the energy transition in our capital city. We support this with our Energy Storage PLUS funding programme. I am pleased about the great interest. Since October, over 200 preliminary applications have already been submitted. Every new photovoltaic system helps us get one step closer to our goal of becoming climate neutral."

We subsidise the purchase and commissioning of solar energy storage systems of up to 15,000 euros. If the storage system has a forecast-based operating strategy, a bonus of 300 euros is added. The prerequisite for a subsidy is that a photovoltaic system is purchased and commissioned at the same time as the storage system. The subsidy can be combined with other funding, e.g. from the Funding programme for business-oriented electromobility or from the green roof funding programme, can be combined. All owners of buildings in Berlin can apply for the funding.
3.1.2020 | Source: Berlin Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Operations

Keywords: Procurement, CarSharing, DE-News, Energy storage, Renewable, Funding, Mobility, News Blog Berlin, Electricity storage, Environmental policy, eMobility, Ecology