On the occasion of the meeting of EU Ministers for Urban Development and Territorial Cohesion on the "New Leipzig Charter", Daniela Wagner, spokesperson for urban development for Alliance 90/The Greens in the German Bundestag, explains:
We welcome the "New Leipzig Charter". Without the transformative power of cities and the ideas and drive of their residents, we will not be able to overcome the challenges of the climate crisis. Nevertheless, the Charter contains significant gaps. The guiding principle of the resilient city is missing. The development of robust and resilient cities is important in order to better assess risks and recognise and prevent dangers in good time. The guiding principle of the healthy city is also not mentioned - despite the heatwaves caused by the climate crisis, a never-ending stream of air pollutants from fossil fuelled combustion engines and the current challenge of a global pandemic.
Kategorie für Blog: Soil & land consumption
Following the interim results of the Housing Summit and the Building Land Commission, demands are being voiced by the scientific community: The still tight housing markets require the use of additional instruments by the federal and state governments. Otherwise, the turnaround towards affordable housing cannot be achieved.
Funding is available for greening facades and roofs as well as for unsealing on private, public and commercial properties in the Hannover city area.
Newly built districts with space-efficient mobility offers
A new sustainable urban district is being built on the west side of the Merwedekanal in a central location not far from Utrecht Central Station. The plan is to create a mixed-use district with 6,000 to 9,000 homes for approximately 12,000 residents. The area will become a showcase for healthy and sustainable living with innovative concepts for recycling, energy production, climate adaptation and mobility solutions. Planned completion: by 2024
Since 17 December 2019, the "Competence Centre for Sustainable Procurement and Contracting" (KNBV) has been supporting municipalities and other public administration bodies in Schleswig-Holstein in taking sustainability into account. In this context, the range of tasks extends from paperless procurement processes and PVC-free office supplies to electric service vehicles including a charging station concept or sustainable services such as plastic-free, fair and regional catering. The KNBV provides advice, information and support for all questions relating to these processes, products or committee and public relations work. Interested municipalities and other public administration bodies will find competent answers for concrete projects as well as a wide range of training courses and events.
Even before the UN Summit on Sustainable Development, it is clear that the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is making slow progress. The global community now needs action instead of words to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The international report on the status of SDG implementation shows that there are major gaps in implementation worldwide. The number of people suffering from hunger is increasing again worldwide [...]
3:16 min may 2019 Aerial footage from a drone shows the status of implementation in May 2019. The Platensiedlung in Ginnheim (Frankfurt am Main) will be raised with 2 floors without additional land sealing and the existing buildings will be renovated for energy efficiency.
03.07.2019 In its meeting on 3 July 2019, the Magistrate decided to introduce the principles for "socially appropriate land use in Darmstadt" (SoBoDA) and to establish a responsible project group. The set of rules is one element of the 21 points of the bundle of measures of the Housing Policy Concept of the City of Science Darmstadt, which is a new overarching political steering instrument [...]
"Düsseldorfer Erklärung zum Städtebaurecht" (Düsseldorf Declaration on Urban Planning Law) 50 city planning councillors, department heads and heads of planning offices from over 40 German cities, including Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, Cologne, Bochum, Freiburg, Stuttgart and Frankfurt am Main, have signed the "Düsseldorfer Erklärung zum Städtebaurecht" (Düsseldorf Declaration on Urban Planning Law). They are calling for a fundamental amendment of the Building Use Ordinance (BauNVO) and the administrative regulation TA-Lärm, so that in future beautiful and [...]
Since 2002, the area of forest in Germany has increased by around 50,000 hectares. On the occasion of the International Forest Day on 21 March 2019, the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Julia Klöckner, went to see the situation for herself.
Berlin, 9 July 2018: "We need to break new ground in housing construction" - this is what 18 mayors of the "Sustainable City" dialogue call for in their resolution paper "More sustainability in building land and land policy". The mayors call for the causes of the housing shortage to be addressed and for sustainable long-term solutions to be developed. Simply the near-natural [...]
Our land consumption is still far too high The Federal Government's target of reducing daily land consumption to 30 hectares per day is a long way off. Currently, daily land consumption for settlement and transport still averages 66 hectares per day. Thus, this year's 30 hectare day fell on the 15th [...]
A total of 150 million hectares of destroyed forest to be rebuilt An important milestone in the Federal Environment Ministry's international nature conservation and climate protection policy has been reached. The so-called "Bonn Challenge" initiated by Germany to rebuild forests has succeeded in getting countries to pledge a total of 150 million hectares. Achieved was [...]
The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs and the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) are supporting municipalities that want to use new approaches to activate more unused land for housing construction. To this end, the cities are employing inner development managers and expanding active inner development with various building blocks. The model projects in Aalen, Berlin, Hamburg-Altona, Ludwigsfelde, Offenburg, Regensburg, Solingen and [...]
15.02.2017 SRU member Prof. Dr. Messari-Becker speaks today in the Bundestag as an expert on the amendment of the Building Code. The SRU welcomes the new area category "Urban Area". However, the noise protection level in these areas must not be lowered. It is also problematic that the amendment is also intended to promote construction activity on the outskirts of settlements.
The blog against the building mania Daniel Fuhrhop published the book "Verbietet das Bauen!" by oekom Verlag on August 24, 2015. The blog bears the same title and messages on the subject are published accordingly. The central thesis in Fuhrhop's book and blog: "Building new is often associated with waste and prestige addiction [...].
In June 2016, the state government adopted a sustainability strategy for NRW. It is the first federal state to commit to implementing the global sustainability goals of the United Nations and has defined a system of targets and indicators for key areas of action.
Whether it's financial incentives for moving to smaller apartments, mandatory bicycle parking spaces or public tenders that are based on social and environmental criteria - there are a variety of ways to reduce the consumption of space, energy and materials in municipalities. This is shown by a study of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy [...].
With every new building, soil is sealed and land for nature is thus consumed. Now the German government wants to more than halve land consumption in the next few years. Nicola Brockmüller explains that this is also a good way to cool the earth's climate and prevent flooding [...]