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14.5 billion euros for social housing by 2026

Statement by Klara Geywitz on the 2022 budget and the key figures of the financial planning until 2026

The draft budget for 2022 and the key figures of the financial planning until 2026 provide a total of 14.5 billion euros in programme funds for social housing. With this, we will support the construction of 100,000 social housing units annually. This is more than three times the original financial planning, which had provided four billion euros until 2025. The 2022 budget lays the groundwork with two billion euros.
The federal and state governments want to create affordable and climate-friendly housing. Housing is one of the most important social issues of our time and must remain affordable. This is precisely where noticeable relief must be provided.

Construction does not happen overnight, which is why long-term planning security is crucial. The construction industry and the Länder receive my guarantee: we want to build and we will build. That's what the 14.5 billion euros are for.

In total, the budget of the BMWSB provides for expenditures of almost 4.9 billion euros for 2022, including 3.61 billion euros in investments that will strengthen the economy in Germany. The programme funds for urban development funding could be stabilised and secured at 790 million euros per year. The 14.5 billion for social housing construction is distributed as follows over the years: 2022 2 billion euros, 2023 2.5 billion euros, 2024 3 billion euros, 2025 3.5 billion euros and 2026 3.5 billion euros.

Source: PM of the BMWSB of 17.03.2022

Keywords: DE-News, Funding, Quarters, Settlements, Housing, Housing policy