In Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg, the city's largest wooden house celebrated its topping-out ceremony on Thursday. The six floors consist of 371 pre-assembled wooden modules that are stacked on top of each other. The individual modules weigh more than nine tons and are virtually ready-made student apartments, including bathroom, kitchenette and bed. Only the foundation and staircases are made of concrete. "The construction could revolutionize the way residential buildings are built," said developer Torsten Rickmann at the topping-out ceremony on Thursday. The dormitory should be ready for occupancy as early as the winter semester. A furnished apartment will cost 500 euros warm rent per month. The first students are expected to move in as early as October 1.
The design for the wooden student dormitory comes from the Berlin architectural office and timber construction award winner Sauerbruch Hutton. The wooden modules were manufactured by the Vorarlberg-based company Kaufmann Bausysteme. "We decided on the modular construction method because the series production and the high degree of prefabrication drastically shorten the construction time," says Achim Nagel from the developer Primus developments.
More information about the project:
Keywords: DE-News, Wood construction, News Blog Hamburg