[caption id="attachment_28516" align="alignleft" width="560"] Award-winning project "Stadt Landschaft Burg" of the Federal Prize 2020 - © Bundespreis Stadtgrün / Hergen Schimpf[/caption]
The Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building today announced the Federal Urban Green Award 2022. This year, the focus is on the topic of "Climate adaptation and quality of life".
Federal Minister Klara Geywitz: "Climate change is a stress test for our cities. We need more trees for a better urban climate, we need soils that can absorb heavy rainfall, we need less sealed surfaces for more biodiversity and to prevent residential neighbourhoods from heating up. With the Federal Urban Green Award 2022, we are honouring the pioneering work that is already shaping the necessary transformation of cities."
Kategorie für Blog: Aesthetics / Architecture / Building Culture
Housing industry, architects and municipalities called upon to participate
Berlin - Affordable and high-quality residential construction is currently more important than ever. For more than three decades, outstanding residential construction projects have been honoured every two years with the German Builder-Owner Award. This year's edition of the competition has now been announced.
The aim of the award, which is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building, is to recognise the responsible efforts of developers to create affordable housing and neighbourhoods of "high quality at affordable costs".
Building culture is becoming a recognised goal in the real estate industry: with support from the real estate and housing industry, the Institute for Corporate Governance in the German Real Estate Industry (ICG) and the Federal Foundation for Building Culture initiated and developed the Code for building culturea voluntary commitment for the responsible performance of tasks by companies in the real estate industry.
Animation from Jan Kamensky (2020)
"New large-scale construction projects and ecological innovations have ensured that Malmö is now a prime example of the direct transition from an industrial metropolis to a sustainable eco city. The secret recipe: the city not only relied on innovative technologies, but above all on the active participation of citizens in the transformation."
"The world's water resources are currently facing the greatest threat in the history of mankind," write aquatic ecologists in their recently published statement paper. More than one hundred professional societies of aquatic ecosystem research around the globe have signed the joint statement. In it, the researchers show the dramatic effects that climate change is having on aquatic ecosystems worldwide. They call for immediate concerted action by politics, business, science and society to halt the progress of climate change.
The Federal Chamber of Architects (BAK) and the Federal Foundation of Baukultur presented their proposal for a "Baukultur Innovation Programme" to politicians in Berlin today on behalf of the planning and construction industry.
Anne Katrin Bohle, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, accepted the four-point plan. In it, the authors suggest measures to overcome the coronavirus crisis that will have a lasting economic and social impact.
Germany's largest cooperative housing project in Berlin 28:58 min Video available until: 12/02/2020 First broadcast on: 2.12.2019 Living in the metropolis, in a large community, according to its own rules. Central, energy-saving, ecological, cosmopolitan, inclusive. The residents of Möckernkiez in Berlin-Kreuzberg have fulfilled this dream.
Schleiden-Gemünd / Nettersheim, 05.04.2019. Experiencing the starry sky at night with twinkling celestial bodies is a special experience for many people that is now only possible in a few places in Germany - one of these places is the Eifel National Park. Since 2010, a regional initiative has been successfully campaigning for the protection of the night sky and the preservation of the natural night landscape - in 2014, this was followed by the provisional designation as the first "International Dark Sky Park" in Germany. Now this initiative can look forward to the final recognition as International Star Park Eifel National Park. The designation as a protected area of the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) is a predicate with which few regions worldwide can advertise themselves, in Germany there are only four. For the Eifel National Park, which turned 15 this year, this recognition is a nice "birthday present".
"To create truly livable urban neighborhoods, it takes more than just creating housing." SZ article by Gerhard Matzig from August 16, 2017 http://sz.de/1.3628161
The jury selected nine winners this year, and seven additional commendations were awarded. 134 projects were submitted, all of which, according to the jury, "demonstrate a degree of maturity in craftsmanship that can hardly be surpassed". On 30 June they were awarded in the CUBUS Wolfurt. The "Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis 2017" was awarded to:
BaunetzWoche#494: Cooperatives are currently experiencing a true renaissance in Zurich. The "Mehr als Wohnen" neighbourhood and the "Zwicky Süd" project are now trying to bring urban qualities to the agglomeration. Can these two projects facilitate new lifestyles beyond private housing? Link: www.baunetz.de/...baunetzwoche_ausgabe_5108639.html
The Bavarian Solar Energy Promotion Association (SeV) is offering the 27,000 euro competition for architecturally and technically sophisticated solar systems for the 7th time The use of solar energy in and on buildings is a central topic in the context of energy-efficient construction. Solar technology systems should be a natural component of innovative building envelopes as well as building blocks of energy-efficient renovation. The task [...]
"Why do the same dreary blocks of flats have to be built everywhere?" asks F.A.Z. economics writer Nadine Oberhuber in her article of 26.04.2017. She thinks "unambitious" is still the most harmless word of the viewers for the block architecture". As a main cause she quotes her F.A.Z. colleague and architecture critic Niklas Maak who observes a "radical economization of building", similar to [...]
"When it comes to apartments in Munich, it's mostly about prices. But what does it actually look like in terms of new buildings going up all over the city? All in all: an incredibly expensive disaster."
The prize has been organised since 2005 by the Senator for the Environment, Building and Transport in cooperation with the Federal Chamber of Architects. Previously known as the Bremer Bauherrenpreis, the competition honours the commitment of builders in Bremen and Bremerhaven. The aim is to showcase the range of services offered by housing construction in the state of Bremen [...]
Firstly, there are 80 photos taken by Ludger Dederich in 2013, when the district was as good as completed. The urban integration of the "Turning Torso" by Santiago Calatrava can be clearly seen in some of the photos: https://siedlungen.eu/galerien/fotogalerie-2013-malmoe The second photo gallery consists of 30 photos [...]
The closing date for entries is 1 June 2017 Housing construction has become a public issue like it hasn't been for years. That is why the competition for the German Building Owner Award 2018 has come at the right time. It is organised by the working group COOPERATION GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen, Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA and Deutscher Städtetag (DST).
Ansbach, Herbartstrasse Two buildings in timber construction with a highly insulated building envelope, together with two adjoining buildings in a simple, clear architectural language, form a striking, extremely energy-efficient block around a lively courtyard, from which all flats and ancillary rooms can be accessed barrier-free.
In stark contrast to the political reality, the designs for the WerkBundStadt Berlin are characterized by the longing retro chic of a 19th century bourgeois residential culture.
At least 18 million birds die each year from bird strikes on glass. It is more than disconcerting that the 100,000 to 200,000 victims of wind energy are discussed so intensively, but the main causes of bird deaths are not.
The blog against the building mania Daniel Fuhrhop published the book "Verbietet das Bauen!" by oekom Verlag on August 24, 2015. The blog bears the same title and messages on the subject are published accordingly. The central thesis in Fuhrhop's book and blog: "Building new is often associated with waste and prestige addiction [...].
The German Architecture Prize is awarded to buildings that are "exemplary for the development of building in the present day". 60,000 euros in prize money are available. Submission: 31.03.2017
A film by French philosopher Philippe Simay on arte.tv In this episode, the philosopher visits the region of Vorarlberg in Austria, the international model for ecological and sustainable architecture.
Hrsg. Wohnbund e.V. Creating sufficient affordable housing - especially in European conurbations - is one of the great challenges of our future and calls for new solutions. In view of demographic change, changing family structures and growing environmental awareness, completely new forms of housing have developed in Europe: shared living for young and [...]