Min. 8:16; Video from 7.1.2020; Ed.: MWSP Mannheim
Keywords: Stock, Barracks conversion, News Blog Baden-Württemberg, Quarters
Min. 8:16; Video from 7.1.2020; Ed.: MWSP Mannheim
Vision 2020
The municipality of Wüstenrot wants to be energy self-sufficient by 2020. The project "EnVisaGe - Development of a municipal plus-energy concept using the example of the municipality of Wüstenrot" is part of the EnEff:Stadt initiative and describes how, in addition to reducing primary energy use and CO₂ emissions (keyword "decarbonisation"), independence from energy imports can be achieved and local value creation strengthened.
This publication "Vision 2020 - The PlusEnergy Community of Wüstenrot" describes
As the energy transition will primarily be implemented in the municipalities, this publication is intended to provide valuable information that should inspire people to follow suit.
Bibliographic data:
Vision 2020 - The PlusEnergy community of Wüstenrot
by Dirk Pietruschka
2016, 139 pages, 97 illustrations,
11 tables, cardboard
ISBN 978-3-8167-9545-2
100% EEs, Self-sufficient, DE-News, Renewable, Climate protection, New books and studies, News Blog Baden-Württemberg, PlusEnergy house/settlement
The discussion about climate change and the growing demand for living space have increasingly brought timber construction into the focus of planners, architects and developers over the past year. After all, sustainable timber construction can make a significant contribution to climate protection and the creation of living space. The increased interest in timber construction is also reflected in the industry figures: the turnover of companies grew by 7 percent in 2019 compared to the previous year, the number of employees increased from around 68,000 to around 70,000 and the timber construction rate continued to grow in both residential (new construction) and non-residential (new construction) construction.
Holzbau Deutschland has published these and other facts, figures and forecasts on the structure of the sector, market and economic trends, the business situation and financing, as well as training and careers in the carpentry and timber construction trades in its "Situation Report Carpenters / Timber Construction 2020" published. It can be downloaded free of charge from the Association's website in the Business Administration section.
Even after Corona: Continue to drive forward climate protection
At the conclusion of the 11th Petersberg Climate Dialogue last week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel appealed that in the period after the Corona crisis, "when we launch economic stimulus packages, we should always keep climate protection firmly in mind and make it clear that we are not cutting back on climate protection, but investing in technologies that are fit for the future."
Timber construction has long been one of the sustainable technologies that can make an essential contribution to achieving climate protection goals. "Ecological, sustainable and resource-saving construction with wood must therefore continue to be the focus in residential construction as well as in redensification and gap filling in existing buildings. In order for timber construction to be recognized as an alternative on an equal footing with other construction methods, the framework conditions must be further improved and the building codes of the federal states must be adapted to the current state of the art," demanded Peter Aicher, Chairman of Holzbau Deutschland.
The current and further development in timber construction
Until the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, the mood in the timber construction industry was good. The satisfaction of carpentry and timber construction companies is also reflected in the Holzbau Deutschland business survey, in which almost 370 companies took part at the turn of the year 2019/2020. Their order backlog at the beginning of the year already averaged 17 weeks (previous year 15 weeks). The current exceptional situation in the wake of the Corona pandemic has not changed this much: According to recent surveys, most businesses are going about their work without any significant restrictions and in compliance with clearance and hygiene rules. Builders are also sticking to their construction projects. Many timber construction companies are currently benefiting from the existing high order backlog. For some of them, the workload will last until next year.
How turnover in timber construction will develop in 2020 and beyond, and what impact the Corona pandemic will have, cannot be reliably assessed at the present time. Regardless of the current situation, the timber construction industry has assumed a further 5 percent increase in sales by the beginning of March. The value is also based on the cautious confidence of the entrepreneurs from the economic survey of Holzbau Deutschland.
download pdf
Situation report carpenters / timber construction 2020
Source: PM Holzbau Deutschland from 4.5.2020
DE-News, Wood construction, Climate protection, New books and studies
Following a number of pilot projects, Dresden-based photovoltaic film manufacturer Heliatek is now officially starting series production of organic solar films. Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer came to the event to press the symbolic red button together with Heliatek's CEO Guido van Tartwijk: "With the opening of the production facility, Heliatek has successfully mastered the transition from research to the production of highly innovative products," said Kretschmer. The company plans to start manufacturing industrial-grade solar films in mid-2020 and deliver them to its first strategic customers. The core production machines have been installed, he said, and Heliatek is now working to ramp them up for mass roll-to-roll production in large quantities. According to the PV company, the production line is designed for a maximum capacity of one million square meters of solar films. The organic solar films are intended to open up new potential for PV use on facades:
News Blog Saxony, PV
4:16 min - from 9 Oct 2019
Project Info: http://sdg21.eu/db/holzhybridhaus-skaio
Movies, Movies 4 to 10 Min, Wood construction, News Blog Baden-Württemberg