Prof. Maja Göpel is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Federal Government and a member of Scientists for Future. She criticizes that Germany's climate goals cannot be achieved with the climate package of the Grand Coalition.
Volker Quaschning in an interview: "Expectations massively undercut".
"The reactions to the key points on climate protection adopted by the Climate Cabinet last Friday are predominantly negative from the point of view of renewable energies. Representatives of associations are positive about the planned increase in the construction of offshore wind farms. "The lifting of the 52 GW cap on photovoltaics is also to be welcomed," says Marie-Luise Wolff, President of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW). The BDEW President also sees it as positive that the coalition was finally able to bring itself to exempt energy storage systems from existing levies."
The Frankfurter Rundschau writes: "The climate policy reform package that the grand coalition has now brought about does not live up to the claim. More electric cars on the road, more rail travel, less flying - measures that advance this are steps in the right direction. But instead of specifically displacing fossil energies, a hodgepodge of expensive subsidy measures is supposed to encourage people to act in a climate-friendly way. What is lacking above all is a consistent dismantling of subsidies that are harmful to the climate and the environment, which have just the opposite effect and amount to more than 50 billion euros annually - including the diesel privilege and the commuter tax allowance. They prevent climate-damaging behaviour from becoming expensive and climate-friendly behaviour from becoming worthwhile. Their gradual melting would also free up funds to finance the climate protection turnaround. But the grand coalition has once again caved in to the lobby interests that are stonewalling against it, and the conjured-up climate crisis does nothing to change that."
Keywords: Stakeholders, DE-News, Renewable, Climate protection, SDG 2030, Environmental policy, Ecology