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Europe's PV industry needs big players

In an interview with PV Magazine, Xavier Daval, President of the French solar association Ser-Soler, said the EU desperately needs a major European photovoltaic manufacturer. A complete exodus of the domestic solar industry to China and the US, he said, would drive Europe into energy dependency for decades to come. "We are not talking about a small task here. We are talking about the challenge of this century. When module manufacturing moved to China, the Germans thought they would continue to sell manufacturing equipment to Chinese solar producers. But now they have to look at equipping factories in China with locally made production lines. In the long run, this was a wrong decision. What the Europeans have to do now is to correct this situation. In the automotive industry, there are big players in Europe, China and the US. The same must now happen in the European solar industry. If we don't, we will be dependent on products from other regional markets in the future. For a century we have been dependent on oil from outside Europe. We must not allow a continuation of this dependency also in renewable energies and their technologies," says Daval.

Source: DGS Newsletter of 26.05.17

Keywords: Stakeholders, Renewable, Sustainable management, PV, Environmental policy, Ecology