D - 53340 Meckenheim: The aim of the Bio-Innovation Park development is to establish a coherent area of expertise of high quality in terms of content and space. To this end, it is essential to differentiate the respective areas according to different location qualities (1a, 1b, 2) in order to formulate and maintain specific quality requirements for potential investors at 1a locations. In this way, it is possible to develop a high-quality "showcase" in the direction of the main axes of the Rhineland Bio-Innovation Park.
Size: approx. 45 ha total area 43 plots with variable area sizes between approx. 2,500 and 30,000 m²
Completion: Under construction (start of development in 2018, start of company construction in 2020)
Special features: The entrepreneurial park will primarily provide space for smaller companies, craftsmen, office and service businesses and services. In terms of marketing, the town of Meckenheim will focus on bio-innovation, i.e. the development, cultivation, processing and marketing of renewable raw materials, in order to create a targeted cluster of companies and facilities in this area in the Entrepreneur Park.
Energy: Planning of a biomass power plant that can supply the businesses in the area via a local heating network.
Ein besonderes Unternehmen ist die Firma Küppers, dass sich als eines der ersten Unternehmen im Gewerbegebiet angesiedelt hat. Es wird mit Hilfe eines ausgefeilten Gebäudeenergiekonzepts klimaneutral versorgt. Eine PV-Anlage auf dem Dach und an der Fassade, eine Wärmepumpe und ein Saisonalspeicher auf der Basis von Wasserstoff mit Elektrolyseur und Brennstoffzelle, sowie ein Akku als kurzzeitiger Stromspeicher versorgen das Gebäude ganzjährig mit Energie.
More info: www.kuepper-bonn.de/unternehmen/energieautark-in-meckenheim.html
Building materials: In addition to the content of the Kottenforst business park, it should also be recognisable at first glance that companies are located here that deal with innovative building materials, renewable energies, climate protection and sustainability. This is why building with wood and renewable raw materials, ecological building materials and green roofs and facades are required. Companies must apply for a plot of land with a construction concept, which later becomes part of the purchase contract. In addition to wood, renewable raw materials include miscanthus, hemp, flax, straw and clay.
Free space: The undeveloped areas within the building plots are to be designed as vegetation areas (lawns, perennials or shrubs) by seeding or planting measures and permanently maintained or developed as succession areas. The aim is to encourage resource-conserving land utilisation. Multi-storey buildings should be realised wherever possible.
Development: In terms of planning law, the "Unternehmerpark Kottenforst" is an industrial estate that adjoins the existing 140-hectare "Industriepark Kottenforst", which is being realised in three construction phases.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 21. July 2024
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