NL - Culemborg: With 240 houses, it is the largest permaculture settlement in Europe and worldwide. It was built with the aim of living there in the most environmentally friendly and self-managed way possible. The founder Marleen Kaptein was convinced from the beginning that people should have the opportunity to shape their environment and take responsibility. Completion: 2009
Thema: Education Building
D - 15806 Wünsdorf:
Konzept einer ökologischen Modell- und Zukunftsstadt für das 21. Jahrhundert. Seit 2017 entwickelt ein Team von Pionieren des ökologischen Städtebaus um Prof. Dr. Ekhart Hahn eine neu zu errichtende Campus-Eco-City am Standort Wünsdorf bei Zossen (ca. 40 km von Berlin). Die ehemalige "verbotene" Stadt Wünsdorf mit einer Fläche von insgesamt 600 ha bietet ideale Bedingungen für die Realisierung dieser Vision, die auf ca. 100 ha realisiert werden soll. Fertigstellung: ~2030
44649 Herne: This is not a housing estate, but the concept could equally be applied to housing. The Naturhuset apartment house by Bengt Warne in Stockholm was one of the first pioneering buildings to implement the house-in-house principle with a shell of glass. Also the Student dormitory ESA in Kaiserslautern is built like this. The project in Herne, however, is the most spectacular of its kind in this form.
Planned in partnership by the German architectural firm HHS Planer & Architekten AG and the French architectural firm Jourda & Perraudin (Francoise Helene Jourda and Gilles Perraudin), the building is enclosed in a glass climate shell that creates a Mediterranean climate similar to that in Nice. This is on average 5 °C warmer than the outside temperature. Water features, earth channels and large gates prevent overheating in summer. The solar system in the roof, was the largest building-integrated system of its kind at the time. The supports inside are made of 56 spruce trunks. Completion: 1999
79110 Freiburg-Seeparkgelände: Architecture: Möhrle (Freiburg), created as part of the State Garden Show; today used as a BUND centre for children and youth work (environmental education). Natural garden, solar systems, rainwater harvesting, mound wood construction. "Hogan" (Indians); ecological interior design (solid wood furniture, resource-saving household appliances, ...), completion: 1986