Kategorie für Blog: Awards
Four award winners selected from 58 submissions The Rhineland-Palatinate Timber Construction Award 2018 was presented on 12 June at the Centre for Building Culture in Mainz. There were four equal prizes as well as four recognitions. In addition, an honorable mention was given. Function, (construction) technology, aesthetics and climate protection were the selection criteria for the award, now in its eighth [...]
The BDA Prize for Architectural Criticism 2018 is awarded to the managing editor of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" and book author Gerhard Matzig. The BDA Prize for Architectural Criticism looks back on a history of over 50 years. The prize winners have included Julius Posener, Manfred Sack, Wolfgang Pehnt and Peter Sloterdijk. The prize is awarded to "an outstanding [...]
Building products play an important role in the sustainability certification of buildings. After all, a large number of the criteria to be considered relate to their quality characteristics. To reduce the complexity of the necessary information, product labels can be helpful as independent proof of quality. With the new 2018 version of its certification system, the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) is introducing a procedure for the recognition of such product labels for the first time. For this, label providers must meet a number of requirements. Recognition can be based on three criteria within the DGNB system: responsible resource extraction, the avoidance of harmful and risky substances, and deconstruction and recycling friendliness. The first standards recognised by the DGNB are CSC, FSC, WOOD FROM HERE, Indoor Air Comfort Gold, PEFC and WiN=WiN Fair Stone.
The Clouth Quarter, a project of the Cologne urban development company moderne stadt GmbH, was awarded a "polis AWARD" in silver (2nd prize) in the category "Social Neighbourhood Development". Around 100 local authorities, development companies, architects, property developers and initiatives such as building groups entered the competition. The awards were given to current projects from Germany, grouped in the categories of urban land recycling, [...]
In addition to the established standard for certifying the sustainability of federal buildings (BNB), the Federal Ministry of Building (BBSR) has also developed a new simplified standard for small residential buildings (BNK). Within this standard, requirements are also defined for wood products and materials that must be met in order for them to receive full points here. Compliance [...]
Bonn/Düsseldorf. The fast, affordable and complete energy transition towards 100 percent renewable energies needs pioneers and trailblazers who inspire others. With the annual awarding of the German Solar Prize, EUROSOLAR puts these actors in the public eye and offers new impulses for a decentralized, citizen-oriented and regenerative conversion of the energy system. EUROSOLAR [...]
In future, three citizens' energy cooperatives will bear the "Citizens' Energy Project 2017" award. A total of 17 projects nationwide took part in the competition for the title. The three winning projects received a particularly large number of votes during a two-month internet voting process, in which around a thousand interested parties took part, and were also successful in the evaluation by the jury of committee representatives [...]
Symposium of the Heidelberg International Building Exhibition takes place in Berlin for the first time On 27 September 2017, the IBA_LAB, the symposium of the International Building Exhibition (IBA) Heidelberg, will take place for the fifth time in a row. This year, for the first time, discussants and guests will meet in the German capital Berlin to broaden their perspective and discuss the question of the "knowledge city of tomorrow" [...]
Making life in the neighborhood more ecologically, socially, economically, and culturally sustainable together with the residents; this is the goal of the "Real Lab 131: KIT Finds City" of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In Karlsruhe's Oststadt district, researchers are using this laboratory to look for ways to reduce [...]
For the fifth time and in keeping with its 120th birthday, Spar- und Bauverein Solingen eG awarded the nationwide Klaus Novy Prize for innovations in cooperative building and living in July. This prize was established by SBV eG as a stimulus for cooperative ideas on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. This year, the prize was awarded to [...]
The jury selected nine winners this year, and seven additional commendations were awarded. 134 projects were submitted, all of which, according to the jury, "demonstrate a degree of maturity in craftsmanship that can hardly be surpassed". On 30 June they were awarded in the CUBUS Wolfurt. The "Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis 2017" was awarded to:
Initiative HolzProKlima honours award winners Over the last 150 years, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere responsible for climate change has risen sharply. Germany has set itself the goal of becoming largely greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. What great importance municipalities have in achieving these climate protection goals and what [...]
The Bavarian Solar Energy Promotion Association (SeV) is offering the 27,000 euro competition for architecturally and technically sophisticated solar systems for the 7th time The use of solar energy in and on buildings is a central topic in the context of energy-efficient construction. Solar technology systems should be a natural component of innovative building envelopes as well as building blocks of energy-efficient renovation. The task [...]
For the third time, the BMEL awarded prizes to innovative and pioneering building projects that make significant use of wood and other renewable raw materials. From a total of 127 submissions, a ten-member jury selected eight outstanding building projects and a further 12 special competition entries. The eight winners in the new construction and [...]
New labelling mandatory from 1 April Since 1 April 2017, the EU energy efficiency label now also applies to wood heating systems such as pellet, woodchip and log heating systems. The energy efficiency class scale for wood heaters ranges from A++ to G, and from 26 September 2019 from A+++ to D. Pellet boilers are generally rated A+, [...]
Since February 2017, the houses of Chiemgauer Holzhaus have been able to distinguish themselves with the RAL quality mark GZ 425. This is because the solid wood houses achieve a GWP (Global Warming Potential) value of less than zero in their carbon footprint. This has been tested by the "Gütegemeinschaft CO2 neutrale Bauwerke in Holz e.V.". Taking into account all the necessary materials, such as [...]
The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) has published two brochures providing information on the portals ÖKOBAUDAT and WECOBIS. WECOBIS - Web-based ecological building materials information system Download (PDF, 5MB) www.bbsr.bund.de/...2014-16/band-07-dl.pdf ÖKOBAUDAT - Basis for life cycle assessment Download (PDF, 7MB) www.bbsr.bund.de/...2017/band-09-dl.pdf
The closing date for entries is 1 June 2017 Housing construction has become a public issue like it hasn't been for years. That is why the competition for the German Building Owner Award 2018 has come at the right time. It is organised by the working group COOPERATION GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen, Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA and Deutscher Städtetag (DST).
Ansbach, Herbartstrasse Two buildings in timber construction with a highly insulated building envelope, together with two adjoining buildings in a simple, clear architectural language, form a striking, extremely energy-efficient block around a lively courtyard, from which all flats and ancillary rooms can be accessed barrier-free.
(2017) Over the last 30 years, numerous tools have been developed to assess the environmental or sustainable aspects of buildings. This book discusses the role these tools can play in the implementation of the UN's 'New Urban Agenda'.
33 architectural firms from Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, among others, have presented the design for WerkBundStadt Berlin. Around 1,100 new apartments are to be built in 38 buildings on 2.8 hectares of land. A critique of it in the deutsche bauzeitung (db) reminds readers of the historical legacy in which the project stands: "There [...]
Since January 2017, building owners who have a residential building constructed and certified in accordance with the requirements of the DGNB have the opportunity to receive a grant for construction support from KfW. This covers 50 percent of the eligible costs up to a maximum of 4,000 euros per building project.
KfW is looking for builders who think about tomorrow. The motto for 2017 is: "Expand, add on, convert - create and modernise living space efficiently". Apply now until 01.03.2017 and win prize money worth a total of EUR 30,000.
City planners present two new scenarios for Patrick Henry Village at the IBA Citizens' Forum. Both plan with more residents.
The German Architecture Prize is awarded to buildings that are "exemplary for the development of building in the present day". 60,000 euros in prize money are available. Submission: 31.03.2017
With the Sustainable Small House Building (BNK) quality seal, there is now a standard for detached and semi-detached houses that you can use, for example, to optimise the conditions for insurance and financing of your own home. At the first official award ceremony, our "Room for Healthy Ideas" was also awarded the top grade of 1.4.
The DGNB blog highlights sustainable building in all its facets. Leading experts from the construction and real estate industry discuss topics that move the industry. Pioneers of sustainability provide impulses that encourage people to rethink. Click here for the DGNB blog: http://blog.dgnb.de
The Schweighofer Prize rewards innovative ideas, technologies, products and services along the entire value chain with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the European forestry and timber industry.
Wohnungsgenossenschaften und Wohngruppenprojekte können sich bis Ende Februar 2017 bewerben 20 Jahre Klaus Novy Preis 2017 vergibt die Spar- und Bauverein Solingen eG zum fünften Mal den nach Klaus Novy benannten Preis für Innovationen beim genossenschaftlichen Bauen und Wohnen. Der fünfte Wettbewerb startet am 1. September 2016. Ab diesem Datum […]
In Zurich on 30 November 2008, a 76 per cent majority voted in favour of reducing energy consumption to 2000 watts per capita by 2050. The average value in Switzerland is currently 6000 watts. The 2000-watt society has since been enshrined in the municipal code. "Particularly is before [...]
In Jerry Yudelson's latest book, "Reinventing Green Building: Why Certification Systems Aren't Working and What We Can Do About It," published in June 2016, the American pioneer of sustainable building writes that certification systems are not advancing the needed sustainable development in the building sector quickly and substantially enough.
17:14 min, Published 12 Sep 2016 The film shows how the pioneering municipalities of Bremen, Aidlingen and Dortmund take fair trade into account in municipal procurement.
"BISKO" is neither a sausage nor a new chocolate bar, but the new "Municipal Accounting Standard". After four years of development, a methodology paper is now available that provides clear accounting rules for energy and greenhouse gas balances for municipalities in Germany. In a lengthy consultation process, coordinated and technically led by ifeu Heidelberg, [...]
The number of sustainably constructed buildings worldwide will double by 2018. This is the conclusion of the study "World Green Building Trends 2016", which was published this week by the market research organization Dodge Data & Analytics. More than 1,000 architects, engineers and building professionals from 69 countries participated in the study [...]
Since 2012, the DGNB certification system has provided local authorities with a tool that helps them to optimise neighbourhoods from a sustainability perspective and to document this through an award. For this system, the DGNB has now specifically further developed the criteria catalogue and significantly reduced the scope through adjustments. This would [...]
Student ideas competition at colleges, universities and academies in German-speaking countries. 5,000 euros and high-quality non-cash prizes are available. Application deadline: until 30.9.2016
Freiburg: the Berndt Koberstein Prize for Living Together and Solidarity in Freiburg, endowed with 10,000€, was awarded for the fifth time in Freiburg's "Weinschlösschen". The Mietshäusersyndikat, which began in the early 80s as a small cooperative on the Grether site, has grown into an association of 111 house projects with more than 2,000 residents in [...]
Five prize winners can look forward to the Lower Austrian Timber Construction Prize 2016, which was awarded for the 15th time on 6.6.2016. Winery Högl, Wachau Prize winner utility building (Copyright Elmar Ludescher) "Planning is becoming more and more creative and every year there are new technical solutions. As a result, wood as a building material is gaining in importance for builders and planners every year [...]
ExWoSt Information 48/1 (April 2016) This issue of ExWoSt Information provides an up-to-date and well-founded overview of common balancing tools and also introduces you to one that was developed as part of the ExWoSt predecessor study "Requirements for energy-efficient and climate-neutral neighbourhoods (EQ)". Publisher Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) at the Federal Office for [...]