The call for proposals "City of the Future - Towards Plus-Energy Neighbourhoods" builds on previous experience from the research programme specific focus areas and R&D services. All stakeholders who are involved in research and development issues relating to buildings, neighbourhoods and cities and who want to tackle the new challenges of digitalisation in the construction industry, the realisation of plus-energy neighbourhoods and the development of innovative urban greening technologies can submit proposals. Around €8.3 million is available for the 7th call for proposals as part of the "City of the Future" programme. The call runs until 30 January 2020.
Kategorie für Blog: News Blog Europe (without DE)
The International Energy Agency (IEA) expects a boom in photovoltaics over the next five years. Worldwide, installed solar power capacity is expected to grow by 720 gigawatts (GW).
According to a new study by EU scientists, one percent of the EU's surface area is enough to cover the community's entire electricity needs with solar power.
The Austrian parliament has implemented an emergency package to promote photovoltaics. Starting in 2020, an annual budget of 36 million euros will be available for investment subsidies for photovoltaic systems and electricity storage.
Anne Katrin Bohle has been State Secretary for Construction at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Housing since March 2019. The "Leipzig Charter" is to be further developed into the "Leipzig Charter 2.0" by the time of the German EU Council Presidency in 2020. The "Leipzig Charter", which is little known even among experts, invokes the values of "citizens' co-determination and self-determination, calls for the [...]
Even before the UN Summit on Sustainable Development, it is clear that the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is making slow progress. The global community now needs action instead of words to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The international report on the status of SDG implementation shows that there are major gaps in implementation worldwide. The number of people suffering from hunger is increasing again worldwide [...]
From September, UrStrom eG will offer its e-carsharing users a customer-friendly cooperative booking app. The goal is a common e-carsharing platform for energy cooperatives throughout Europe. Mainz, 23.08.2019 Select, book and open electric cars with your smartphone. These are the functions of the cooperative booking app "e-Carsharing in Bürgerhand", which is being developed with the UrStrom BürgerEnergieGenossenschaft in Mainz [...]
Germany's decision in favour of emissions trading for transport and buildings would be a special path - all other EU states with CO2 pricing in addition to European certificate trading rely on tax solution Berlin (12 July 2019). More and more states in Europe and around the world are introducing CO2 prices. Germany, however, would be taking a special path if it were to introduce an additional [...]
Call to Action Climate Alliance calls on politicians to protect the climate with Climate Action Call just before EU elections Stakeholders from across Europe launched a call for climate action today. "Hundreds of cities across Europe and the world are declaring a climate emergency. They are pushing for an end to fossil fuels and the [...]
Mainz, 12.3.2019 Air pollution is significantly underestimated as a health hazard, even though there is currently a heated discussion about nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and diesel driving bans. A team of scientists led by Jos Lelieveld, director at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, and Thomas Münzel, professor at the University Medical Center Mainz, has now determined that air pollution reduces the average life expectancy of Europeans by [...]
For its fight against light pollution, the city of Fulda in eastern Hesse has been honored as Germany's first dark sky municipality by the International Dark Sky Association in the USA. Fulda Mayor Heiko Wingenfeld (CDU) said: "A large part of light pollution is avoidable, and we want to set an example for other municipalities with intelligent solutions." […]
A recent study by the Energy Watch Group and the Finnish University LUT shows how the energy transition can be realized with 100% renewable energies in Europe. According to the study, greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced to zero before 2050 and there would be significant financial advantages compared to the conventional fossil-nuclear system. Pdf-Download:
Denmark's capital has reached a milestone on its way to becoming a bicycle city. There are now more bikes on the streets than cars. Will other cities follow suit?
Germanwatch welcomes MEPs' call for higher EU climate target 2030 and greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 at the latest Bonn (25 October 2018). The European Parliament is stepping up the pace on climate protection. MEPs today gave a mandate to the EU negotiating delegation for the UN climate summit in Katowice in December, calling for the EU to raise its target [...]
BauInfoConsult surveyed 6,000 architects On the insulation market, so-called "natural" insulation materials such as wood wool, hemp, cork, granulates and co. are still niche products. However, they are on the rise throughout Europe, at least from the point of view of architects: According to a survey of 1,600 European planners, the use of natural insulation materials is likely to increase in seven of [...]
Leading economic countries discuss raw materials consumption In Argentina today, the twenty largest industrialised and emerging economies are discussing ways and means of using natural resources such as raw materials, water and land more efficiently and sparingly. State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth is opening the conference in Puerto Iguazú today together with Argentina's Environment Minister Bergman. Argentina, which currently holds the presidency [...]
Commenting on the agreement between the EU Commission, the Council and the Parliament on the further expansion of renewable energies in Europe, Julia Verlinden, spokesperson for energy policy for Alliance 90/The Greens in the German Bundestag, said: "The German government has not been successful in putting the brakes on citizen energy. Europe is now ensuring that the hurdles and fees [...]
Resilient Cities Congress of the Cities Network ICLEI in Bonn The Paris Climate Agreement involves all levels of government in addressing climate change. At the local level, these are cities and municipalities. The ICLEI network of cities, which includes 22 German cities, will meet in Bonn from 26 to 28 April for the [...]
Renewable energy growth varies widely from country to country / Greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union rose slightly last year / Agora Energiewende and Sandbag present report on EU energy transition Brussels, 30 January 2018. In 2017, wind, solar and biomass in the European Union generated [...]
Today, Thursday, the European Parliament voted on new rules on occupational pensions (1). Thanks to the persistence of the European Parliament's negotiating delegation, sustainable and environmental criteria must be taken into account in future investments, as we Greens/EFA Group have proposed.
Issue 3 of the journal IzR on sustainable urban development Four days, more than 30,000 participants, 167 states, numerous lectures, workshops and exhibitions: Habitat III, the World Summit on Human Settlements hosted by the United Nations in autumn 2016, was a major event. The result is the New Urban Agenda, a new global action programme for urban development. But how [...]
Two studies on renewable energy this week announced something that concerns everyone. One, in the journal Joule, calculates for 139 countries how the switch to one hundred percent energy from solar, wind and hydro could work by 2050. In the process, 24 million more jobs would be created than lost [...]
Permakultur-Siedlung „Eva Lanxmeer“ in Culemborg Mit 240 Häusern ist es die größte Permakultur-Siedlung weltweit. Bauzeit: 1994 bis 2009. E.V.A. steht für den Namen der Gruppe „Ecologisch Centrum voor Educatie, Voorlichting en Advies“. Infos: Fotogalerie: „Stad van de Zon“ in Heerhugowaard Die Siedlung ist mit 2.900 Wohnungen auf 123 […]
DERIX Group invites you to the study day "Modern timber construction in historic Amsterdam" on 26.10.2017. The event will take place in the new ABN AMRO Pavilion in Amsterdam, in the construction of which DERIX Group was involved.
According to Dr. Axel Berg, chairman of the board of the German section of EUROSOLAR, neither ambitious climate protection goals nor increased ecological awareness are the drivers of the energy turnaround, but rather "the exponential cost degression in renewable energy technologies, the technical innovations in storage technologies and a high level of interest from the industrial economy." In his detailed [...]
The jury selected nine winners this year, and seven additional commendations were awarded. 134 projects were submitted, all of which, according to the jury, "demonstrate a degree of maturity in craftsmanship that can hardly be surpassed". On 30 June they were awarded in the CUBUS Wolfurt. The "Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis 2017" was awarded to:
BaunetzWoche#494: Cooperatives are currently experiencing a true renaissance in Zurich. The "Mehr als Wohnen" neighbourhood and the "Zwicky Süd" project are now trying to bring urban qualities to the agglomeration. Can these two projects facilitate new lifestyles beyond private housing? Link:
Hamburg (8 July 2017). In Hamburg, 19 heads of government of the largest economies jointly reaffirmed their commitment to the swift implementation of the Paris climate agreement and rejected US President Trump's attempt to undermine it. The final declaration - according to the leaked result - will highlight the differences between the US and the [...]
"Europe's largest rental for e-load bikes has started in Cologne. The initiators see the project as an active contribution to the energy transition and want to transfer the system - if it is successful - to other cities" Read the article:
Eco-neighborhoods are experimental laboratories in which the future of urban development is being tested. In a hybrid of fiction and documentary, the series presents eco-neighborhoods in Germany, France and Switzerland. In 12 episodes, the neighbourhoods enter into a dialogue with each other and present their objectives with regard to sustainable urban development.
Berlin/ Hamburg: According to the newly founded Global Foundation Platform (F20), "the G7 Summit in Italy paved the way for the G20 Summit in Hamburg". "Six of the seven heads of state and government have shown their determination to implement the Paris climate agreement - despite the reluctance of the US government to do so". The largest economies now face the task of [...]
A total of 150 million hectares of destroyed forest to be rebuilt An important milestone in the Federal Environment Ministry's international nature conservation and climate protection policy has been reached. The so-called "Bonn Challenge" initiated by Germany to rebuild forests has succeeded in getting countries to pledge a total of 150 million hectares. Achieved was [...]
TU Dortmund University conducted an excursion to Paris from 27 to 31 March 2017 as part of the research project "Co-Housing Initiatives in Europe". There, the researchers met French colleagues Anne Labit (Orléans University), Sabrina Bresson (ENSA Paris Val-de-Seine) and Claire Carriou (Paris Nanterre University)."
The mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo is creating more space for cyclists and pedestrians - and wants to push cars out of the city in the long term. Everything else is "old-fashioned". Read what is planned in the article from 9.1.2017:
Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2017 Topic 11: Sustainable cities and communities - make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable