The 192-page guide from AKP - Fachzeitschrift für Alternative Kommunal Politik is now available for purchase for a nominal fee of 15 euros plus postage.
Climate protection has long been a topic in councils, but in many places climate change adaptation is not yet.
Experts from administration, politics and research have contributed to the guidelines for their own climate policy construction site; the Hessian Environment Minister Priska Hinz contributed the introduction.
The book is divided into the following four parts:
Fields of action: Energy (Julia Verlinden), (waste) water and flooding (Franz Kahle and Jürgen Rausch), planning, construction and transport (Christof Nolda), health (Anja Ritschel), environment (Peter Pluschke) and rural areas (Herbert Klemisch).
Structures and strategies: Joint Task Climate Protection (Oliver Decken), Climate Adaptation in Administrative Action (Cornelia Rösler), Adaptation Strategies (Ulrich Matthes) and Civil Protection (Helga Stulgies).
Finances: Funding programmes (Corinna Altenburg and Christine Krüger), financing models and divestment (Jens Allerheiligen), voluntary service or compulsory task (Simone Raskob and Kai Lipsius).
Thinking outside the box: International networks (Joachim Lorenz) and the Copenhagen climate protection concept (Britta Tornow).
- Municipal checks can be used to examine where your own municipality stands.
- Tips for the Council's work are highlighted in colour. If you want to read further, you will find cross-references to other parts of the text in square brackets.
- Finally, at the end of each chapter, a short link and a QR code lead to a collection of links on our website, which will be continuously updated even after the book has been published.
Table of contents and book orders at:
Stakeholders, Greening / climate adaptation, DE-News, Climate protection, Communities, New books and studies, Ecology