With a new law, Paris calls on its residents to garden the public space. Wherever possible, vertical and horizontal gardens are to be created, urban agriculture is promoted. There is even a starter kit with planting soil. Among other things, 100 hectares of living facades and roofs are to be created by 2020. Links to read more: http://inhabitat.com/paris-allows-anyone-to-plant-an-urban-garden-anywhere/ [...]
Kategorie für Blog: News Blog Europe (without DE)
New labelling mandatory from 1 April Since 1 April 2017, the EU energy efficiency label now also applies to wood heating systems such as pellet, woodchip and log heating systems. The energy efficiency class scale for wood heaters ranges from A++ to G, and from 26 September 2019 from A+++ to D. Pellet boilers are generally rated A+, [...]
Danish architect and urban planner Jan Gehl is in demand worldwide as a source of inspiration for urban redevelopment. He explains what Stuttgart can do in the face of increasing traffic and environmental problems and why he thinks nothing of self-driving cars.
The share of renewable energies in total energy consumption in the EU was 16.7 percent in 2015. That is almost twice as much as a decade earlier. Compared with the previous year, the share rose by 0.6 percentage points, the statistics authority Eurostat announced on Tuesday. In 2004, when data first became available, the [...]
International agreements and implementation programs to limit climate change often fail to do justice to the importance of cities in CO2 mitigation, as solution approaches dominate that primarily target the level of states. Nevertheless, in some countries, national climate change targets and Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) are already consistently applied to regions [...]
Firstly, there are 80 photos taken by Ludger Dederich in 2013, when the district was as good as completed. The urban integration of the "Turning Torso" by Santiago Calatrava can be clearly seen in some of the photos: https://siedlungen.eu/galerien/fotogalerie-2013-malmoe The second photo gallery consists of 30 photos [...]
(2017) Over the last 30 years, numerous tools have been developed to assess the environmental or sustainable aspects of buildings. This book discusses the role these tools can play in the implementation of the UN's 'New Urban Agenda'.
How people live and what mobility services they find in their surroundings determine the costs and the environmental balance of their daily journeys. Municipalities and companies can reduce housing costs with measures for sustainable mobility.
For four years now, Tallinn's residents have been allowed to ride buses and trains for free. The utilization of buses and trams has increased by around 10 percent, as expected, but car traffic has hardly decreased. In the taz article from 27.1.2017 there is a first interim assessment of the experiment in Tallinn
When the economy is in a bad way, SMEs are often the first to suffer. They can hardly get any more money. This was very extreme during the economic crisis of the 1930s. And that's why some companies founded the WIR Bank in 1934.
Electricity from the sun and wind is too expensive? Wrong: according to new studies, green electricity is cheaper than fossil energy worldwide and in Germany.
No stopping, no weaving through, no suddenly opened car doors: With the expansion of motorways for bicycles only, Norway's government wants to create an incentive to take the bike more often.
In 2015, a historic double success was achieved for sustainability and climate policy. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate protection define an ambitious global target system.
This is what the mayors of Mexico City, Paris, Athens and Madrid decided at the C40 meeting at a climate protection meeting of major international cities in Mexico City. They want to "do everything in their power to promote the use of electric and hybrid cars". In addition, more money is to be invested in expanding public transport and cycle paths [...].
The Paris Motor Show: Once again, the electric car is the focus of a major auto show. But the hoped-for breakthrough is still a long time coming. Cars with combustion engines should therefore pay higher fuel costs, says Florian Hacker of the Öko-Institut to the 3sat business magazine makro.
The new report of the International Energy Agency has it all: the power supply with renewable energies is growing faster than expected - and for the first time even faster than coal-fired power. An incredible turning point. Read the whole article: https://blog.campact.de/2016/11/rekordjahr-fuer-oekostrom-weltweit-sonne-und-wind-haengen-kohle-endlich-ab/
Dalston Lane at INFORMATION SERVICE WOOD 121 flats on 12,500 m² of floor space and a further 3,500 m² of commercial floor space are currently being built in London, Dalston Lane. This is currently the world's largest solid timber building. 3,500 m³ of cross laminated timber are being used in nine storeys. Architect: Andrew Waugh.
84-metre-high building in Vienna's new "Seestadt Aspern" district After around two years of development, the groundbreaking ceremony for the lighthouse HoHo project in Vienna has now taken place. By 2018, around 20,000 square metres of rental space will be created on 24 levels in a timber hybrid construction.
In October, the Habitat III Conference took place in Quito. The "New Urban Agenda" was adopted there. It is intended to help the world community to shape the global urbanisation process in a sustainable way. Why is there so little discussion about this in Germany?
While striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the City of Rotterdam in the Netherlands focuses its narrative on making buildings, industry and transport cleaner and more efficient, which are concrete and tangible issues that the public can easily rally behind.
In Zurich on 30 November 2008, a 76 per cent majority voted in favour of reducing energy consumption to 2000 watts per capita by 2050. The average value in Switzerland is currently 6000 watts. The 2000-watt society has since been enshrined in the municipal code. "Particularly is before [...]
A film by French philosopher Philippe Simay on arte.tv In this episode, the philosopher visits the region of Vorarlberg in Austria, the international model for ecological and sustainable architecture.
In the run-up to the UN World Summit on Human Settlements Habitat III, the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) points to the major challenges of increasing urbanization. In its report "Moving Humanity: The Transformative Power of Cities", the WBGU stresses that a brief window of opportunity is opening up in the next decades of urbanization "to [...]
The member states of the United Nations want to agree on a new urban agenda at the Habitat III conference in Quito. This "New Urban Agenda" is to serve as a political guideline for urban development over the next two decades. Together with Friedrich Kitschelt, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs Barbara Hendricks will take part in the official opening [...]
In Jerry Yudelson's latest book, "Reinventing Green Building: Why Certification Systems Aren't Working and What We Can Do About It," published in June 2016, the American pioneer of sustainable building writes that certification systems are not advancing the needed sustainable development in the building sector quickly and substantially enough.
The number of sustainably constructed buildings worldwide will double by 2018. This is the conclusion of the study "World Green Building Trends 2016", which was published this week by the market research organization Dodge Data & Analytics. More than 1,000 architects, engineers and building professionals from 69 countries participated in the study [...]
In the Netherlands, a village is being built that will be completely self-sufficient - from electricity production to food supply. The Utopia website shows what it will look like: Utopia.com
More and more cargo bikes can be rented throughout Germany. For good reason: if you only need a transport bike occasionally or want to test it out in detail first, you don't need to buy one right away. For this case, cargo bike sharing systems or rental offers are particularly attractive.
In Sweden, a residential building is being built that is specially designed for cyclists. Malmö is considered the most bicycle-friendly city in Sweden. 30 percent of the inhabitants here use a bicycle every day, and bike sharing is booming. Soon, however, Malmö will have even more to offer cyclists: In the middle of the city centre, the first house is currently being built that [...]
"With their jointly planned residential building, the two Viennese architectural firms "Berger+Parkkinen" and "querkraft" have ventured a new interpretation of the urban block: despite high density, the broken-up ridge structure allows for small-scale development with varied open spaces." Read the article by Julia Liese from 19.08.2016 on DETAIL.de
In Brütten near Zurich in Switzerland, an apartment building with nine rental apartments that is not connected to the energy grid has now been inaugurated. "The rental costs are no higher than elsewhere. The most important energy source is photovoltaic modules. Schmid has had an electrolyser installed in the basement as a long-term storage facility for the solar power. The device uses [...]
Accessible as an interactive world map, the "New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brighness" is now publicly available, marking the first global measurement of light pollution since 2001. Further information: New atlas of light pollution: a third of humanity can no longer see the Milky Way | WIRED Germany
The German Habitat Forum ended today with the "Berlin Recommendations". Thomas Silberhorn, Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Gunther Adler, State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, handed over the recommendations to the Secretary General of the Habitat III Conference, Joan Clos. The "Berlin Recommendations" are intended as a contribution to the new [...]
Billions from pensions will be invested more sustainably and no longer used for fossil energies Today, Thursday, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU officially announced their agreement on new EU rules for occupational pensions. Thanks to the persistence of Green shadow rapporteur Bas Eickhout, we were able to make important demands in the [...]
The New Energy Outlook 2016 (NEO) from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) assumes significantly lower prices for coal and gas than the forecast from the previous year. However, BNEF now also expects stronger cost reductions for solar and wind energy. According to NEO 2016, the LCOE of [...]